thats you - strana 3
Počet nalezených inzerátů THATS YOU: 754 - strana 3

Hi! My name is Riley Pesjak Richardson and I'm a student from the United States, studying in Písek.
Would you or someone you know like to practice English with a native speaker? If so then I'm the teacher for you! :)
I teach English through conversation. These lessons would be best for those who already have a base level of English, as they are conducted entirely in English. My teaching method is to learn through conversation, in addition to focusing on specific areas of the language based on your needs.
If interested, please reach out to me!
Whatsapp: +1 5
Email: richardsonriley26@
350 Kč/45 min
500 Kč/ 60 min

Loco Box PH-01 Phaser Pedal Retro Vintage
Osobni odber v Brne a okoli (obcas taky v Praze, na dohode). Mohu je zaslat na dobírku.
Loco Box PH-01 Phaser Pedal Retro Vintage
-controls the speed/rate of the LFO wave that controls the effect
-controls the depth/amplitude of the modulation (the size of the range in which the effect sweeps).
The Locobox PH-01 Phase Pedal is one of the many generic pedals produced in Japan during the 1970s. Sold under a variety of different names, the Locobox PH-01 could be found badged as a Cutec PH-01, Gig PH-01, Redson Phaser 12 or Sound City PS-06 Phase Shifter
The Locobox is a straightforward phase pedal with lots of pitch modulation. It’s capable of a deeper effect than many other pedals. You can hear this in the Youtube demo. There’s also plenty of speed range so you can create pitch-wobbling Leslie effects
Construction is generic stomp box in a die-cast metal case with a full-width switch cover. The back panel has the obligatory 9V DC input for an external power supply.
“It’s been the coolest phaser I’ve ever had.”
“The Locobox Phaser is a really cool pedal. I get some really neat sounds out of it. I can get it to sound almost like a wah, especially when I add a bit of fuzz…very funky like. On my clean passages, it sounds dreamy. Almost hypnotizing and trance like. Very useful for my sound”
The Locobox is from my effects pedal toy box. I use them when mixing – they’re quick & easy to work with and you know immediately if they’re right or wrong for the track
Chorus pedals work well inserted into a channel or an effects send. They give movement & width to otherwise-boring signals and are great for putting sounds in a different perspective

Nabízím k prodeji společnost Mustang For You s.r.o. včetně kompletního majeteku společnosti v hodnotě přes 1 800 000,- která je na trhu od roku 2017 ,firma je plátcem DPH (vše řádně a včas hrazeno, žádné zadlužení)
Součástí prodeje :
-Ford Mustang Boss 302 3,7V6 340 hp - rok 2014
-Ford Mustang Performance 5.0 V8 480 ho - rok 2017
-možnost koupit firmu komplet za 1 800 000,-
-nutné provozovat v dalším roce firmu minimálně s 2 vozy vzhledem k prodaným voucherům
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-prodané vouchery na sezonu 2023 za cca 500 000 k dnešnímu dni,-
Firma je TOP firmou ve svém oboru, nejvíce prodávanou firmou na Slevomatu ve svém segmentu. Nejvíce uskutečněných prodejů ročně s nejlepšími hodnoceními.
Tisíce spokojených zákazníku , přes 500 hodnotících na ( Slevomatu , Google , FB ) vše v superlativech , 4.9 hvězdiček .
Sezoná začíná 1.4.2023
Důvod prodeje : rodina a vlastnictví dalších firem
Nový vlastník musí firmu provozovat v Praze jelikož už prodané vouchery jsou k jízdě v Praze .
Cena viz text za kompletní firmu .
Rád bych prodal firmu stejnému nadšenci do těchto krásných aut jako jsem já .
Pro více informácí mě neváhejte kontaktovat na info@ nebo na
Prosím pouze seriozní zájemci .
Jméno: Mustang For You s.r.o.
E-mail: info@
Cena: v textu

Nabízím poslední 2 ks dokovací stanice pro HDD.
Salcar USB3.0 Hard Drive Docking Station is an ideal solution for you to enjoy your videos, photos, music and files easily by plug in any 2.5 inch or 3.5 inch SATA HDD/SSD. Ready for Plug & Play/Hot Swap and no Additional Driver is needed. It gives you the flexibility of connecting two SATA 2.5/3.5-inch HDD/SSD to your computer. When you plug in two disks, it can access both disks simultaneously. It is simple and easy to expand the storage capacity of your HDD/SSD even data backup. It supports Offline Clone, which is able to copy data and system files from Source HDD to Target HDD. This Salcar USB3.0 Dual-Bay SATA HDD docking station is the perfect solution to access your HDD/SSD in seconds.
1. Support two HDDs (up to 6 TB * 2) simultaneously.
2. Support Offline Clone by 2 HDD/SSD without PC connection.
3. Compatible with 2.5/3.5 inch SATA HDD and SSD.
4. Equipped with USB3.0; Support SATA III (6 Gbps); Backward compatible with USB 2.0 /1.1.
5. On/Off power switch; Auto sleep.
6. Hot Swap; Plug & Play; Tool free; No Reboot and Additional Driver is needed.
7. LED indicators for power, disk access and clone status. Progress indicator with LED: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
8. Compatible operating systems with Windows 2000/ME/XP/vista/7/8/8.1/10, Mac OS 9/10, Linux OS.
9. Preventing overvoltage; leak currents; short circuits and peak voltage; interference and disturbance; LED indicators display the status.
The target disk must be larger than the source disk.
Please backup files in target hard drive before cloning. Any files in target hard drive will be overwritten when offline clone works.
Do not try to remove your HDD or SSD device while it is active. Please power off the docking station before removing.

Prodám knížky v angličtině. Brožované. Jednou či dvakrát čtené - tomu odpovídá i jejich stav. Stav je pěkný, jen na hřbetech jsou linie ohybů, způsobené otevíráním.
POZOR! - P.S. I love you - obsahuje vpisky zvýrazňovačem a tužkou (viz další fotky) - hodně jsem se z knížky učila a podtrhávala jsem si, co mne zaujalo. Kdo se chce četbou též učit, možná mu vpisky nakonec budou i ku prospěchu.
Cecelia Ahern - P.S. I love you ----- 50 Kč
Dan Brown - Deception Point ----- 100 Kč
Philip Pullman - The Subtle Knife ----- 80 Kč
Chris Manby - Seven Sunny Days ----- 80 Kč
Pošlu doporučeně a poštovné bude dle aktuálního ceníku České pošty. Můžeme se domluvit také na osobním předání v Liberci.

Dobrý den a dobré ráno.
Rád bych prodal svůj sotva použitý LH Bear Cruzer RTH se spoustou doplňků.
Luk prošel servisem v dubnu 2020, kdy byla vyměněna všechna lanka a tětiva. Byla přidána jednokolíčková muška, whisker biscuit byl vyměněn za drop down arrow rest. Od té doby luk viděl celkem možná 20 výstřelů. Nové lovecké hledí Trophy Ridge Fire zatím není ani nastřeleno. Přidávám také původní Trophy Ridge Sight, který byl dodán s lukem. Do sady přidávám také ve Velké Británii vyrobený Mac Victory V3 release, který stál asi 170 liber jako nový. LH Easton toulec, sada karbonových šípů s hroty 400, a 350, bowmaster bow press, sada 6 100grainových broadheads, vytahovač šípů. Včetně brašny na přenášení luku. Stručně řečeno, budete mít vše, co potřebujete k vyzvednutí lukostřelby složeným lukem. Důvod prodeje je celkem přízemní, mám 2,5 leté dítě a na koníček nemám čas ani prostor. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se ptejte. Luk si můžete prohlédnout a vyzkoušet v Olomouci. Více informací naleznete na fotografiích.
Všechny nabídky budou zváženy.
Hello and Good Morning.
I'd like to sell my barely used LH Bear Cruzer RTH with a lot of extras.
Bow was serviced in April 2020, when all the cables and string were replaced. Single pin sight was added, whisker biscuit was replaced with drop down arrow rest. Since then bow seen maybe 20 shots in total. New Trophy Ridge Hunting Sight Fire is not even ranged yet. I'm Also adding original Trophy Ridge Sight that came with the bow. In the set I'm also including UK made Mac Victory V3 release, which was about 170£ new. LH Easton quiver, set of carbon arrows with 400, and 350 spine, bowmaster bow press, set of 6 100grains broadheads, arrow extractor. Bow carry bag included. In short, you'll have everything to pick up compound bow archery. Reason for selling is pretty down to earth, I have 2,5 year old and no time or space for the hobby. If you have any questions, please ask. You can see and test the bow in Olomouc. Please see pictures for more details.
All offers will be considered.
Sorry for description in English, my written Czech is not good ????

Stav: velmi dobrý.
Počet stran: 88.
ISBN: 978-15-9120-398-8.
Jazyk: AJ.
We are living longer than ever before. With this extended life span comes new concerns like memory issues and dementia, which can interfere with the ability to live a full, involved, and independent life. The good news is, age-related memory problems are not a natural product of aging. We can enjoy good cognitive function well into our senior years, and Dr. Earl Mindell shows us how.
In Dr. Earl Mindell's Memory Bible, he equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to stop cognitive debilitation in its tracks and to maintain a healthy memory well into your eighties and beyond. This book discusses how aging impacts cognitive function, how common medications intended to improve memory actually impact the brain, and what you can do to preserve and even improve your memory.

For sale is my Squier Jazzmaster 40th Anniversary Gold Edition Olympic White Electric Guitar, purchased just 4 months ago from Muziker. This guitar is in pristine condition, with no scratches, dents, or dings. It plays like a dream, with a smooth, comfortable neck and a bright, punchy sound that's perfect for a wide range of styles, from blues and rock to jazz and funk.
This limited-edition model is finished in stunning Olympic White with gold hardware and a matching gold anodized pickguard, giving it a classic, retro look that's sure to turn heads on stage or in the studio. It's equipped with two specially designed Jazzmaster pickups that deliver a rich, articulate tone with plenty of definition and clarity, as well as a unique rhythm/lead circuit that allows you to switch between two distinct sounds with ease.
I'm only selling this guitar because I need urgent cash, but I can guarantee that whoever buys it will be getting a top-quality instrument that's built to last. It comes with a gig bag and all the original documentation, so you can rest assured that you're getting the real deal. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of guitar history - contact me today to arrange a viewing!

Nabízíme připouštění quarter horse hřebcem You Rock My Heart, vyjímečné barvy grullo.
Rocky je homozygot black i dun! (Genotyp EE DD aa)
Rodiče import USA
Jeho otec 86% původních genů QH (NFQHA), 2x grand champion Lux., v původu halter/performance champion Skippers King a AQHA champion Snipper Reed),
matka po My Skip Vanzi (halter/performance linie)
7panel N/N!!!
KVH 157cm, silná kostra a krásný exteriér.
Rocky předává výšku, barvu (dun/grullo) , všestrannost, krátký hřbet a přátelskou povahu.
Jeho potomci jsou úspěšní i na závodních kolbištích, zejména v in hand trailových a showmanship disciplínách.
Jeho roční dcera v roce 2022 na MČR WRC byla Druhý Vícemistr In Hand Trail Amatér.
Jsou lehce ovladatelní i pro juniora. V sezone 2022 vyzávodila 11letá majitelka, se svým dvouletým valachem po Rockym, několik krásných umístění na předních příčkách v disciplínách Showmanship at halter a In Hand Trail.
Rocky v roce 2021 získal např. tyto ocenění:
2x AQHA halter grand champion Open,
AQHA šampion Polska trail open/All breeds,
Vícemistr MČR WRC trail junior
V roce 2022:
2x AQHA halter grand champion Open (obhájce titulu)
Vícemistr MČR WRC Ranch Rail Pleasure Open
...A mnoho dalších skvělých úspěchů, a to především v trail a ranch disciplínách.
Inseminace chlazeným spermatem (možnost zaslání), nebo přirozená plemenitba. Ustájení klisen u nás za poplatek 150,- Kč/den.
Připouštěcí poplatek 18 000,-Kč
Alice Machů
Rocky sídlí na ranči Na Vyhlídce v Horní Lhotě u Luhačovic
Více informací ohledně Rockyho i jeho závodních výsledků a fotek také najdete na
nebo FB stránka: You Rock My Heart nebo Ranč Na Vyhlídce. Jsme také na instagramu.

Prodám nepoužitou zcelazatemňující roletku VELUX na střešní okno GGL CK01 (tj. velikost 55x70cm) v barevné edici Colour by You – odstín modré, RAL 220 50 05 (odstín si můžete prohlédnout zadáním čísla RAL na webu VELUXu zde:
Roletka nám zbyla z montáž, je nepoužitá, zabalená v originálním balení. Při nákupu bude vystavena faktura, záruka na výrobek je 24 měsíců od zakoupení. Pokud bydlíte cca do 50 km do Blanska, není problém domluvit se i na montáži roletky.
Informace o výrobku:
• Vnitřní zcelazatemňující látková roletka
• Manuální ovládání
• Plynulé polohování v jakékoliv pozici díky bočním lištám
• Jednoduchá montáž díky systému Pick&Click™
• Běžná cena: 2 400 Kč vč. DPH

Prodám batoh Me to you, nový, nenošený. Přidám jako dárek sadu 3 svíček Me to you + přání s obálkou.

Selling office chair MULTISED, weight capacity max 150kg, it is suitable for tall and heavy person, the chair is worth over 7000kc as you see it on the photos, it is adjustable height, back support, the seat slides back and forward, the back support slides up and down for short or tall people, for more information please Google it, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.

Prodám minimálně hrané 2 x CD Jerry Lee Lewis The Original Sun Masters. Vydáno v roce 2002. Skladby 1.CD - Great Balls Of Fire; Breathless; It'll Be Me; Little Queenie; High School Confidential; Break Up; You Win Again; Matchbox; What'd I Say; Big Blond Baby; Sweet Little Sixteen; Wild One; Rock And Roll Ruby; Pink Pedal Pushers; Rockin' The Boat Of Love; Cold Cold Heart; John Henry; Jailhouse Rock; Crazy Arms; Ooby Dooby. Skladby 2.CD - Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On; Fools Like Me; I'll Make It All Up To You; Don't Be Cruel; Drinking Wine Spoo-Dee-O-Dee; I'll Sail My Ship Alone; Lovin' Up A Storm; Good Golly Miss Molly; Money; Pumping Piano Rock; Ubangi Stomp; I Can't Seem To Say Goodbye; Put Me Down; Carry Me Back To Old Virginia; My Quadroon; Move On Down The Line; Return Of Jerry Lee; I Love You Because; Teen-Age Letter; Night Train To Memphis. Cena 50 Kč + poštovné nebo osobní odběr v Brně.

Prodám špičkovou grafickou kartu MSI GeForce RTX 3080Ti SUPRIM X 12G Gaming GPU 1845MHz, 12GB GDDR6X Memory (zakoupena 8.10.22 v Německu). Ideální stav, je možné otestovat v Praze 7 na místě a spustit libovolné benchmarky. Prodávám pouze v Praze z ruky do ruky, abyste měli jistotu, že vše funguje. Kontakt SMS/Whatsapp, nejlépe v angličtině
ps: pokud vidíte tento inzerat - karta ještě není prodána
MSI GeForce RTX 3080Ti SUPRIM X 12G Gaming GPU 1845MHz, 12GB GDDR6X Memory for sale (purchased on 10/8/22 in Germany). Perfect condition, it is possible to test it on-site in Prague 7 and run any benchmarks. I don't send any packages and sell only in person in Prague, so you can be sure everything works. You can contact me via SMS/Whatsapp, highly preferably in English.
ps: if you see this ad - the card is not sold yet

Prodám funkční výrobník perlivé vody SodaStream Source (SOU-001).
Součástí je i použitá bombička s plynovou náplní CO2 a dvě lahve.
Cena DOHODOU - nabízejte (nedotazovat cenu).
Enjoy the freedom of making your own sparkling drinks in just seconds, with the SodaStream Source
Sodastream's prestigious and award-winning sparkling water maker represents a celebration of beauty and simplicity. The elegantly redesigned carbonating bottle easily locks into place with a single-push motion. Powered by a CO2 cylinder, the refined mechanics allow you to see the level of carbonation through the intuitive LED indicator.
- Transform ordinary tap water into fresh sparkling water in less than 30 seconds
- Save money on sparkling water while protecting the environment by reducing plastic bottle waste
- Features LED carbonation indicator & snap-lock bottle technology for easy bottle insertion
- No batteries or electricity needed
Elegantly redesigned
Commissioned for SodaStream by world-renowned designer, Yves Béhar, this sleek machine is a celebration of function and elegant refinement simplicity. The Source brings a touch of elegance into your kitchen.
LED lights indicate level of fizz
Intuitive LED lights help measure the level of carbonation from light, medium, or heavy fizz. With 3 levels to choose from, you can create the perfect level of carbonation every time.
Snap-Lock bottle function for easy use
Sold separately, the CO2 cylinder is reusable. Each cylinder makes up to 60 one-liter bottles, enabling you to create your own sparkling and fizzy drinks at home.

Selling office chair MULTISED, top condition, it is suitable for tall and heavy person, load capacity 150kg, the chair is worth over 6000kc as you see it on the photos, it is adjustable height, back support, armrests, the seat slides forward and backward, for more information please Google it...the chair is very nice and clean and comfortable, please check all the photos, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.

Chicco high chair for baby in a great condition, made in Italy, it is worth over 11.000kc brand new, I'm selling it for less than half price as I don't need it anymore, please check all the pictures that I have uploaded, there will be the original price and you can Google it for more information, you can pick it up in prague 7 or we can offer you a delivery.

Opus – 9113 1524, RCA – 9113 1524
Vinyl, LP, Album
Electronic, Funk / Soul, Pop
Synth-pop, Soul, Disco
TracklistShow Credits
A1 I'm So Excited
A2 See How The Love Goes
A3 All Of You
A4 Heart Beat
B1 If You Wanna Get Back Your Lady
B2 I Feel For You
B3 Heart To Heart
B4 American Music

Behind The Wheel BONG15 MUTE UK
Barcode (Printed): 5 016025 100156Matrix / Runout (Runout etched side A): ✶DS-BONG-15 A-1 ✶ The Exchange
Matrix / Runout (Runout etched side B): ✶ S BONG-15 B-1 ✶ 1 MT. JONZ T
Just Cant Get Enough MUTE016 UK
Matrix / Runout (Runout side A, etched, variant 2): MUTE 016 A2 EG
Matrix / Runout (Runout side B, etched, variant 2): MUTE 016 B-1 EG A PORKY PRIME CUT. GREETINGS TO TWINKIE TOLES.
A Question Of Time 7BONG15 UK
Matry / Runout (Runout side A,): 7BONG-12 F.A-1 MT1 Soundclinic DAMONT I
Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): 7BONG-12-B1 MT3 DAMONT B - WOT SOT A CHEMICS U USE?
Shake The Disease 102076 VG108 Virging FR
Matrix / Runout (Stamped A side): 102076 A [AGI logo] 85/4
Matrix / Runout (Stamped B side): 102076 B [AGI logo] 85/4
VG/VG+ ; odtrhnuta cenovka na prednej strane
Strangelove 90323A Virgin FR
Matrix / Runout (Runout side A): 90323 A 1 M 3 35 61 43
Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): 90323 B 1 M 3 35 61 44
NME/VG+ ; cenovka na prednej strane
See You 7MUTE018
Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover.
Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO
Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION!
Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): 7 MUTE - 018-B-1 BILBO TAPE ONE
See You 7MUTE018
Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover.
Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO
Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION!
BEZ OBALU ; generic sleeve dodam
See You 7MUTE018
Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover.
Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO
Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION!
Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): 7 MUTE - 018-B-1 BILBO TAPE ONE
BEZ OBALU ; generic sleeve dodam ; trochu poskrabany na strane B ale „asi“ nehrany
Just Cant Get Enough MUTE016 UK
Matrix / Runout (Runout side A, etched, variant 1): MUTE 016 A-1 PORKY. EG THIS ONE S FOR JU
Matrix / Runout (Runout side B, etched, variant 1): MUTE 016 B-1 EG A PORKY PRIME CUT. GREETINGS TO TWINKIE TOLES.
VG+ -EX/ BEZ OBALU ; nahradny obal
Get The Balance right 7BONG2
Matrix / Runout (Side A runout, variant 4): BONG-2-A-1 LIVE COMING SOON! TOWNHOUSE MT3
Matrix / Runout (Side B runout, variant 2): BONG-2-B-1 THE EAGLE HAS LANDED TOWNHOUSE MT2
VG/G ; na strane A zaciatok bez audio stopy odstipnuty na niektorych miestach
Everything Counts BONG2
Matrix / Runout (Side A, hand-etched - variant 5): 8 BONG 3 A5 GG 3 TIV! TIV! TIV! TIV!
Matrix / Runout (Side B, hand-etched [TOWNHOUSE stamped] - variant 5): P BONG 3 B1 GG 5 MOST SINCERELY TIV TOWNHOUSE
15 NM/NM
Everything Counts BONG2, obal mastny flak
New Life MUTE014 ; People Are People 7BONG5
spolu 50€

Nabizim sbirku cdecek. Piste pouze na email. Telefon neuvadim z pracovnich duvodu.
Vondrackova Helena Zlata kolekce / 4CD Universal 2009
Vondrackova Helena V Lucerne Nejvetsi hity 2 / Polygram 1998
Vondrackova Helena V Lucerne Nejvetsi hity 1 / Polygram 1997
Vondrackova Helena Skandal / Supraphon 1989 3x
Vondrackova Helena Zlata Helena / Universal 1999
Vondrackova Helena Vanoce s Helenou / Polygram 1995
Vondrackova Helena Vanoce s Helenou 2 / Polygram 1996
Vondrackova Helena Gold Holka od cerveny reky / DVD Universal 2006 Folie
Kubisova Marta Kolekce 1-6 nove
Kubisova Marta Vitej lasko / Supraphon 2005
Kubisova Marta Pribeh to nejlepsi / Supraphon 2004 nove
Kubisova Marta Buh vi / Polygram 1997 zabalene
Kubisova Marta Songy a balady / Supraphon 1990
Kubisova Songy a nalady / Popron music 1993
Kubisova Tajga blues / 2CD Bonton 2000 2x
Kubisova Nekdy si zpivam / Supraphon 1990 Top stav
Kubisova Marta Reka vůní / Popron 1995 nove
Kubisova Marta a Bratri Ebenove Adventni pisne a koledy / Supraphon 1990
Karel Gott Komplet 1-36 nove
Karel Gott Przeboje lat 80-tych / Folie
Karel Gott Karel Gott / Supraphon 1986
Karel Gott Jsou svatky / Goja Slavakia 2001 / Folie
Karel Gott Only you / EMG 1993
Karel Gott Ve slanem 2CD / Frantisek Rychtarik 2000
Karel Gott Lod snu / Supraphon 1990
Karel Gott Pismo lasky / Supraphon 1990
Karel Gott I love you for sentimental reasons / Suprahon 1991
Karel Gott You are everywhere / Supraphon 1988 Made in Czechoslovakia
Karel Gott Nejromantictejsi / Suprahon 1991
Karel Gott Kdyz muz se zenou snida / Supraphon 1992
Karel Gott Belcanto / Goja 1996
Karel Gott, Vondrackova Live / 2003 Goja Folie
Karel Gott Muj strazny andel / Goja 2004
Karel Gott Lidovky meho srdce / Supraphon 2010
Karel Gott Electrola...Das ist musik / 2019 Folie
Karel Gott Oslava 70. narozenin / 2DVD Ceska televize 2009 Folie
Souhvezdi Gott / Goja 1999
Progres 2 Mozek Zmena nove
Progres 2 Treti kniha dzungli / 2CD 2001
Progres 2 Dialog s vesmirem / Bonton 1999
Progres 2 Dialog s vesmirem / Limited 1993
The Progres organization / Limited 1993
Brichta Andel posledniho soudu / Popron 2003 nove
Brichta Nech si to projit hlavou / zabalene s nabojem
Brichta Udoli svini / T Production 2013 nove
Brichta Hudba / Popron music 1995
Brichta 50 Tesla arena live / 2CD Popron music 2009
Brichta Best of Beatova sin slavy / 2CD Popron music 2008
Brichta Kapitanova Legendy 2 / Popron music 2004
Brichta Gold / Popron music 2004
Filipova Lenka Reka zivota / Bonton 2001
Filipova Lenka Zamilovana / Bonton 1998
Filipova Lenka Concertino
Filipova Lenka Concertino II.
Filipova Lenka Pocit 258 / Supraphon 1990
Filipova Lenka 1982 - 1992 / Supraphon 1992
Citron Sila navratu / Popron music 2001 nove
Citron Best of / Popron music 1999 nove
Citron Radegast / Supraphon 1989 nove
Citron Radegast / anglicka verze