inzerce, prodej, prodám, bazar

red and cube - strana 2

Počet nalezených inzerátů RED AND CUBE: 1000 - strana 2

Komfortní jízda, styl, skvělá ovladatelnost, spolehlivost - jestliže hledáte všestranné kolo pro víkendové výlety nebo na každodenní cesty do práce, pak Vám bude CUBE CROSS HYBRID PRO Allroad skvělým společníkem. Kombinace nejvýkonnější pohonné jednotky BOSCH Performance CX 4.generace s maximálním kroutícím momentem 85Nm a plné doplňkové výbavy jako jsou - blatníky s integrovanými světly, stojan, kryt řetězu a odpružené sedlovky. Spolehlivé komponenty Shimano. Řazení Deore 1x12 rychlostí a hydraulické brzdy MT200. Kolo jezdilo jednu sezónu a je s dokladem o koupi. Klíče a nabíječka samozřejmostí. Specifikace : Rám Aluminium Superlite, Gravity Casting Technology, Efficient Comfort Geometry, Tapered Headtube, Full Integrated Battery, Kickstand/Fender/Carrier Mounting Points Materiál Aluminium Barva iridium´n´green Vidlice SR Suntour XCM ATB Coil, 100mm Brzdy Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) Hlavové složení ACROS AZF-1039, 1 1/8" straight, Top Zero-Stack 1 1/8" (ZS 44mm), Bottom Zero-Stack 1 1/2" (ZS 56mm) Představec CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm Řidítka CUBE Comfort Trail Bar, 700mm Gripy Natural Fit All Terrain Sedlo Natural Fit Sequence Comfort Sedlovka CUBE Suspension Seatpost, 30.9mm Sedlová objímka CUBE Varioclose, 34.9mm Kliky ACID E-Crank, 38T, 175mm Přehazovačka Shimano Deore RD-M5100-SGS, 11-Speed Řazení Shimano Deore SL-M5000, Rapidfire Plus Kazeta Shimano Deore CS-M5100, 11-51T Řetěz KMC X11 Pláště Schwalbe Land Cruiser, Active, 55-622 Náboje Shimano HB-TX505, QR, Centerlock Ráfky CUBE EX23, 36H, Disc, Tubeless Ready Displej Bosch Purion Baterie Bosch PowerTube 500 Nabíječka Bosch 2A Motor Bosch Drive Unit Performance CX Generation 4 (85Nm) Cruise (250Watt) Přední světlo CUBE Shiny 50 Lux, 12V, DC zadní světlo ACID Mudguard Rear Light PRO-E, 12V, DC Pedály ACID PP Trekking Doplňky Blatníky, Stojan, Zvonek Hmotnost 23,9 kg
Kinderkraft VEO 2 in 1 (used)
The combined stroller Kinderkraft VEO 2 in 1 consists of a deep bassinet The combined stroller Kinderkraft VEO 2 in 1 consists of a deep bassinet and a sports seat. The car seat is not part of the 2-in-1 stroller. The combined stroller Kinderkraft VEO 2in1 is an innovative, carefully designed and ergonomic stroller that fulfills three basic functions. VEO combines not only functionality, but also modern design. It is agile, comfortable and adapted to different weather conditions. Comfortable use offers an adjustable handle height, a very simple folding mechanism and inflatable wheels, which is ideal for walks in the forest and in urban conditions. It is made of light and strong materials, the frame is equipped with four shock-absorbing wheels and a convenient central brake. a sports seat. The car seat is not part of the 2-in-1 stroller. The combined stroller Kinderkraft VEO 2in1 is an innovative, carefully designed and ergonomic stroller that fulfills three basic functions. VEO combines not only functionality, but also modern design. It is agile, comfortable and adapted to different weather conditions. Comfortable use offers an adjustable handle height, a very simple folding mechanism and inflatable wheels, which is ideal for walks in the forest and in urban conditions. It is made of light and strong materials, the frame is equipped with four shock-absorbing wheels and a convenient central brake. Also stroller has some scratches because it was used before. + present as per photos)
Chytrá skrytá kamera ve stolních hodinách CEL-TEC Cube One W
Prodám kameru CEL-TEC Cube One WiFi WR (Záruka 2 roky) Je to IP kamera v provedení stylových stolních hodin nově s možností bezdrátového nabíjení telefonu. Zařízení lze propojit s mobilním telefon a ovládat jej pomocí přehledné a jednoduché aplikace. Díky tomu je možné sledovat obraz z kamery kdykoliv a kdekoliv, kde je připojení k internetu. Podpora protokolu ONVIF-> možnost propojení s IP kamerovým systémem například na domě nebo firmě.. Často se používá v bytech nebo domech pro kontrolu domácích mazlíčků :) !Prodává se na ALZE za 3000,-(úplně dole přiládám odkaz) !Možnost ODPOČTU DPH. !Při rychlém jednání sleva. Monitorujte prostor, aniž by to někdo musel vědět. Cel-Tec Cube One WiFi WR je bezpečnostní kamera maskovaná jako stolní budík, od kterého byste běžně nečekali obrazový záznam. IP kamera CEL-TEC Cube One WiFi WR má pro lidské oči neviditelný noční IR přísvit, je dostupná skrze mobilní aplikaci, detekuje pohyb a následně odesílá upozornění a nahrává na microSD kartu. V nenápadné podobě tedy umí kamera CEL-TEC Cube One WiFi WR vše, co standardní kamery, ale navíc vám řekne, kolik je hodin a dokáže nabít mobilní telefon. VLASTNOSTI: IP kamera vnitřní, digitální zoom, detekce pohybu, vestavěný mikrofon a vestavěný reproduktor, napájení ze sítě, s rozlišením 1280 × px, zorný úhel 90 °, noční vidění s max. dosvitem 10 m, slot pro MicroSDHC kartu max. 64 GB připojení přes WiFi 2,4 GHz, aplikace pro Android a iOS v angličtině Klíčové vlastnosti IP kamery CEL-TEC Cube One WiFi WR Kamera skrytá ve stolních hodinách Kamera nahrává v HD rozlišení (1280 × ), které je možné přepnout také na nižší (640 × 480) Dostupnost přes intuitivní mobilní aplikaci (Android, iOS) Noční IR přísvit pro vidění ve tmě až na 10 metrů Detekce pohybu a upozornění na telefon nebo email Možnost bezdrátového nabíjení mobilního telefonu Obousměrné audio (reproduktor a mikrofon) Podpora až 64 GB microSD karty Zabudované WiFi připojení Napájení je umožněno nepřetržitě přiloženým kabelem a v případě potřeby baterií, která je schopna až 3,5 hodinového provozu, ta je též součástí balení. Cena na alze:
Elektrokolo CUBE Access Hybrid Pro 500 27,5” black’n’coral
Prodám elektro kolo CUBE Access Hybrid Pro 500 27,5” black’n’coral 2019. 16” - najeto 96 km!!! TOP stav! (Nevhodný dárek) prodejní cena 48.000,- (pořizovací 63.000,-) Rám Aluminium Superlight, Advanced Hydroforming, Agile Ride Geometry, Tapered, internal cable, semi integrated Battery Velikosti 27,5: 16" Vidlice SR Suntour XCM 34 Coil, 100mm, Tapered,  Motor Bosch Drive Unit Performance CX ( 75Nm ), 250Watt Baterie Bosch PowerPack 500 Displey Bosch Purion Nabíječka Bosch 2A Hlavové složení FSA ORBIT 1.5B ZS -R, TOP Zero -stack 1 1/8" OD 44mm, Bottom ZERO-STACK 1 1/2" ( OD 56mm) Představec CUBE PERFORMANCE Stem Pro 31,8 mm Řidítka Cube Rise Trail Bar, 680 mm Gripy Natural Fit GRIP All Terain Přehazovačka Shimano DEORE RD - M6000-DSG, 10-speed Řazení Shimano SL - M6000, Rapidfire Přesmykač Brzdy Shimano BR - MT200, 180/180mm Převodník FSA CK-745, 15T, 175 mm Kazeta Shimano CS - HG500, 11-42T Řetěz KMC X10 Ráfky Cube EX30 Přední náboj Shimano HB - MT400 - B, 15QR, BOOST, Centerlosck Zadní náboj Shimano FB - TX 505, QR Centerlosck Přední plášť Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active 2,6 Zadní plášť Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active 2,6 Pedály CUBE PP MTB Sedlo Natural Fit Active WS Sedlovka Cube Performance Post , 30.9 mm Váha 22,9 kg
CUBE REACTION HYBRID ONE 625 black´n´metal
Predám nový, nejazdený Cube reaction hybrid one 625 vo veľkosti XL. Model Reaction Hybrid ONE kombinuje našu štíhlu konštrukciu PowerTube s výkonnou pohonnou jednotkou Bosch CX štvrtej generácie a spoľahlivosťou rýchleho radenia Shimano Deore 1x10 pre plynulú asistenciu pri šliapaní, ktoré je tak takmer bez námahy. K dispozícii je 100mm odpružená vidlica Suntour pre lepšie pohodlie a ovládanie bicykla na ceste aj v teréne a výkonné hydraulické kotúčové brzdy Shimano do každého počasia, aby ste mali bicykel vždy pod kontrolou. Bežná cena: 70999kč Moja cena: 51999kč RÁM: Aluminium Superlite, Gravity Casting, Agile Ride Geometry, 1.5 Headtube, Internal Cable Routing, Full Integrated Battery, Kickstand/Fender/Carrier Mounting Points VEĽKOSŤ: 29/Xl VIDLICA: SR Suntour XCM HLO Coil, 100mm BRZDY: Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) ZADNÁ PREHADZOVAČKA: Shimano Deore RD-M4120-SGS, 10-Speed RADENIE: Shimano Deore SL-M4100, Rapidfire-Plus KĽUKY: ACID E-Crank, 175mm, 38T KAZETA: Shimano Deore CS-M4100, 11-42T REŤAZ: KMC X10 PREDNÝ NÁBOJ: Shimano HB-TX505, QR, Centerlock ZADNÝ NÁBOJ:Shimano FH-TX505, QR, Centerlock RÁFIKY: Rodi Blackrock 23, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready PLÁŠTE: Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active, K-Guard, 2.35 PREDSTAVEC: CUBE Performance Stem E-MTB, 31.8mm RIADÍTKA: CUBE Rise Trail Bar, mm GRIPY: CUBE Race Grip 31mm, 1-Clamp SEDLOVKA: CUBE Performance Post, 30.9mm PODSEDLOVÁ OBJÍMKA: CUBE Varioclose, 34.9mm SEDLO: Natural Fit Sequence HLAVOVÉ Zloženie 29: ACROS AZF-1031, 1 1/8" straight, Top Zero-Stack 1 1/2" (ZS 56mm), Bottom Zero-Stack 1 1/2" (ZS 56mm) PEDÁLE: ACID PP MTB HMOTNOSŤ: 23,5 kg FARBA black´n´metal MOTOR: Bosch Drive Unit Performance CX Generation 4 (85Nm) Cruise (250Watt) BATÉRIA: Bosch PowerTube 625 DISPLEJ: Bosch Purion NABÍJAČKA: Bosch 2A
Predám nový, nejazdený Cube reaction hybrid Performance 500. Vo veľkosti L. Model Reaction Hybrid Performance využíva výkon pohonného systému Bosch tretej generácie a pridáva k nemu prepracovanú konštrukciu PowerTube s ľahko ovládateľným 9-rýchlostným radením Shimano. Širšia sedlovka a uzamykateľné gripy so 100mm odpruženou vidlicou Suntour zabezpečia vaše pohodlie pri dlhých výjazdoch. Vo výbave sú aj hydraulické kotúčové brzdy Shimano, aby ste bezpečne zastavili v každom počasí. Bežná cena: 65999kč Moja cena: 45999kč Rám: Aluminium Superlite, Gravity Casting, Agile Ride Geometry, Tapered Headtube, Internal Cable Routing, Full Integrated Battery, Kickstand/Fender/Carrier Mounting Points Veľkost: 29/ L Vidlica: SR Suntour NVX30 Coil, 100mm Motor: Bosch Drive Unit Performance Generation 3 (65Nm) Cruise (250Watt) Batéria: Bosch PowerTube 500 Displej: Bosch Purion Nabíjačka: Bosch 2A Brzdy: Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) Prehadzovač: Shimano RD-M3100-SGS, 9-Speed Radenie: Shimano SL-M3100-R, Rapidfire-Plus Kľuky: ACID E-Crank, 175mm, 38T Kazeta: Shimano CS-HG201, 11-36T Reťaz: KMC X9 Predný náboj: Shimano HB-TX505, QR, Centerlock Zadný náboj: Shimano FH-TX505, QR, Centerlock Ráfiky: Rodi Blackrock 23, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready Plášťe: Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active, K-Guard, 2.35 Predstavec: CUBE Performance Stem Pro, 31.8mm Riadítka: CUBE Rise Trail Bar, mm Gripy: CUBE Race Grip 31mm, 1-Clamp Sedlovka: CUBE Performance Post, 30.9mm Podsedlová objímka: CUBE Varioclose, 34.9mm Sedlo: Natural Fit Sequence Hlavové zloženie: ACROS AZF-1039, 1 1/8″ straight, Top Zero-Stack 1 1/8″ (ZS 44mm), Bottom Zero-Stack 1 1/2″ (ZS 56mm) Pedále: ACID PP MTB Hmotnosť: 23,4 kg Max.celková hmotnosť: 135 kg Farba: polarsilver´n´blue
Predám nový, nejazdený Cube reaction hybrid one 625 vo veľkosti XL. Model Reaction Hybrid ONE kombinuje našu štíhlu konštrukciu PowerTube s výkonnou pohonnou jednotkou Bosch CX štvrtej generácie a spoľahlivosťou rýchleho radenia Shimano Deore 1x10 pre plynulú asistenciu pri šliapaní, ktoré je tak takmer bez námahy. K dispozícii je 100mm odpružená vidlica Suntour pre lepšie pohodlie a ovládanie bicykla na ceste aj v teréne a výkonné hydraulické kotúčové brzdy Shimano do každého počasia, aby ste mali bicykel vždy pod kontrolou. Bežná cena: 70999kč Moja cena: 51999kč RÁM: Aluminium Superlite, Gravity Casting, Agile Ride Geometry, 1.5 Headtube, Internal Cable Routing, Full Integrated Battery, Kickstand/Fender/Carrier Mounting Points VEĽKOSŤ: 29/Xl VIDLICA: SR Suntour XCM HLO Coil, 100mm BRZDY: Shimano BR-MT200, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) ZADNÁ PREHADZOVAČKA: Shimano Deore RD-M4120-SGS, 10-Speed RADENIE: Shimano Deore SL-M4100, Rapidfire-Plus KĽUKY: ACID E-Crank, 175mm, 38T KAZETA: Shimano Deore CS-M4100, 11-42T REŤAZ: KMC X10 PREDNÝ NÁBOJ: Shimano HB-TX505, QR, Centerlock ZADNÝ NÁBOJ:Shimano FH-TX505, QR, Centerlock RÁFIKY: Rodi Blackrock 23, 32H, Disc, Tubeless Ready PLÁŠTE: Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active, K-Guard, 2.35 PREDSTAVEC: CUBE Performance Stem E-MTB, 31.8mm RIADÍTKA: CUBE Rise Trail Bar, mm GRIPY: CUBE Race Grip 31mm, 1-Clamp SEDLOVKA: CUBE Performance Post, 30.9mm PODSEDLOVÁ OBJÍMKA: CUBE Varioclose, 34.9mm SEDLO: Natural Fit Sequence HLAVOVÉ Zloženie 29: ACROS AZF-1031, 1 1/8" straight, Top Zero-Stack 1 1/2" (ZS 56mm), Bottom Zero-Stack 1 1/2" (ZS 56mm) PEDÁLE: ACID PP MTB HMOTNOSŤ: 23,5 kg FARBA white 'n' grey MOTOR: Bosch Drive Unit Performance CX Generation 4 (85Nm) Cruise (250Watt) BATÉRIA: Bosch PowerTube 625 DISPLEJ: Bosch Purion NABÍJAČKA: Bosch 2A
Elektrokolo CUBE REACTION HYBRID SLT 625 29 - v záruce
Prodám velmi dobře vybavené elektrokolo CUBE REACTION HYBRID SLT 625 29, koupeno v červnu 2021 v AKUMO Mělník - tedy stále v záruce. Kolo je kompletně osazeno komponenty Shimano XT, převody 1x12, 29" kola, motor BOSCH Drive Unit Performance CX 4 Generation, akumulator BOSCH Powertube 625, display BOSCH NYON... Velikost rámu: L Kolo je ve výborném stavu, najeto pouze 1600 km. Jen drobné běžné oděrky. Cena 79 900 Kč (původní cena 112 000 Kč) Osobní převzetí, mohu dovést do cca 50km od Benátek Nad Jizerou. Celá specifikace: RÁM Aluminium Superlite, Gravity Castuing, Agile ride geometry, 1,5 headtube BOOST 148 Tapered Headtube, Internal Cable Routing, Full Integrated Battery VIDLICE FOX 34 RYTHM, 2 position , sweep - adjust grip damper, tapered, 15 x 110 mm, eBIKE optimized, 120 mm BRZDY Shimano XT MT8120, Hydr. Disc Brake ( 203/180 mm ) ŘAZENÍ Shimano XT SL - 8100 - IR, Direct attach PŘEVODNÍK e thirteen Plus Crank, 38 T, 175 mm ZADNÍ MĚNIČ Shimano XT RD - M 8100 - SGS , Shadow plus, 12 speed KAZETA Shimano DEORE CS M 6100, 10-51 T ŘETĚZ Shimano CN M 6100 PLÁŠTĚ Schwalbe Smart Sam Active 2,35 NÁBOJE Shimano HB MT- 400-B, 15mm, BOOST, Centerlock/Shimano FH MT- 510-B, BOOST , Centerlock HLAVOVÉ SLOŽENÍ ACROS AZX-1030 PŘEDSTAVEC CUBE Performance Stem eMTB 31,8mm ŘIDÍTKA Newmwn Evolution 318.10, mm GRIPY CUBE RACE Grip 31mm, 1-clamp SEDLO Natural Fitt sequence + SEDLOVKA CUBE PERFORMANCE Post 30,9 mm PODSEDLOVÝ RYCHLOUPÍNÁK CUBE VARIOCLOSE 34,9mm PEDÁLY CUBE PF MTB MOTOR BOSCH Drive Unit Performance CX 4 Generation ( 85 Nm ) Cruise ( 250 Watt ) BATERIE BOSCH Powertube 625 NABÍJEČKA Bosch 4A DISPLAY BOSCH NYON VÁHA 23,4 kg Video predstaveni:
Cube Analog 27,5 vel. 18
Prodám kolo Cube Analog 27,5 velikost rámu 18. Kolo rekreačně ježděno, výborný stav, servis v létě 2022. Praha 8. FRAME:Aluminium Lite, AMF, Internal Cable Routing, Easy Mount Kickstand Ready SIZE:27.5: 18" FORK:SR Suntour XCR32 Coil RL-R, 100mm BRAKE SYSTEM:Shimano BR-M355, Hydr. Disc Brake (160/160) REAR DERAILLEUR:Shimano Deore RD-M592, 9-Speed FRONT DERAILLEUR:Shimano Alivio FD-M4000, Downswing, 31.8mm Clamp SHIFTERS:Shimano Acera SL-M3000 CRANKSET:Shimano Acera FC-M3000, 40x30x22T, 175mm CASSETTE:Shimano CS-HG200, 11-34T CHAIN:Shimano CN-HG53 FRONT HUB:Shimano HB-TX505 REAR HUB:Shimano FH-TX505 RIMS:CUBE SX24 TIRES:Schwalbe Smart Sam, Active, 2.25" HANDLEBAR:Level 9 Riser Bar, 660mm GRIPS:CUBE Performance Grip SEAT POST:Level 9 Post, 27.2mm SEATCLAMP:CUBE Varioclose, 31.8mm SADDLE:CUBE Active 1.1 HEADSET:FSA No.10, Semi-Integrated PEDALS:CUBE PP MTB WEIGHT:13.95 kg COLOR:grey´n´blue
Music: The Definitive Visual History
Nabízím zcela novou knihu Music: The Definitive Visual History cena je včetně poštovného Humans have always made music and this authoritative and lavishly illustrated guide is your companion to its fascinating history across the globe. Music – that mysterious alchemy of harmonies, lyrics, and rhythm – is a constant in our lives. Discover how music has evolved with human society, accompanying our leisure, religious rituals, and popular festivities. Watch its development during prehistory and before musical notation, when melodies were memorized or improvised. Enjoy galleries of historical instruments such as dulcimers, shawms, psalteries, and tabor pipes. The universal language of music is expressed in an astonishing number of styles today, and Music presents its evolution around the globe, including the classical European tradition of JS Bach, the passionate sounds of Spain’s flamenco, and the sonic power of electronica and heavy rock. With spectacular timelines of key events and profiles of musicians from Amadeus Mozart to David Bowie, Music is an unrivaled and comprehensive reference. Whether you are into the Blues, Brahms, or Bhangra, it is essential reading and guaranteed to hit the right note.
Cube Stereo 120 HPC SL 23”, XXL, 29” trailove kolo pro vysok
Prodám trailové kolo německého výrobce Cube, model Stereo 120 HPC SL v největší velikosti XXL, rám 23", velikost kol 29" Pro vysoké postavy od 190 cm. (Měřím 194cm) Původní cena 78 000,- Kupní smlouva samozřejmostí. Kolo v udržovaném stavu, více informací na telefonu. Poslední servis vč vidlice a tlumiče na podzim minulého roku. Kolo bez investic. Důvod prodeje - koupě jiného modelu. Při seriózním jednání dohoda na místě. Specifikace výrobce FRAME HPC Carbon Monocoque Advanced Twin Mold Technology, Aluminum 6061 T6 Rear Triangle, ATG, ETC 4-Link, AXH SIZE 23" FORK Fox 32 Rhythm, 2-Position Sweep-Adjust GRIP Damper, Tapered, 15x110mm, 120mm SHOCK Fox Float DPS EVOL, 184x44mm, Open/Medium/Firm Mode SHOCK HARDWARE Top: 30x8mm, Bottom: 22x8mm BRAKE SYSTEM Shimano XT BR-M8000, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano XT RD-M8000-DSGS, ShadowPlus, 11-Speed FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano XT SHIFTERS Shimano XT CRANKSET Shimano XT FC-M8000, 27.5": 36x26T // 29": 34x24T, 175mm (180mm for 23" frame size) CASSETTE Shimano SLX CS-M7000, 11-42T CHAIN KMC X11 WHEELSET Fulcrum Red 55, 28/28 Spokes, 15x110mm / 12x142mm TYRES Schwalbe Nobby Nic, Addix Performance, Kevlar, 2.25 HANDLEBAR CUBE Rise Trail Bar Pro, 740mm GRIPS CUBE Race SL Grip 29.5, 1-Clamp SEAT POST CUBE Dropper Post, Handlebar Lever, Internal Cable Routing, 31.6mm, 458x150mm (400x120mm for smallest frame size) SEATCLAMP CUBE Screwlock, 34.9mm SADDLE Selle Italia X3 HEADSET FSA Orbit I-t, Integrated, Top 1 1/8", Bottom 1 1/2" WEIGHT 12,7 kg COLOUR carbon´n´grey ČÍSLO VÝROBKU 153400
Lehké horské/trail kolo CUbe Stereo 120 HPC, kola 29"rám L
Prodám lehké celoodpružené Trailové karbonové kolo německého výrobce Cube vrcholný model Stereo 120 HPC SL Velikost ramu L 19, velikost kol 29 Kolo udržované, ježděno manželkou, přechod na alektrokolo. Cena aktuálního modelu 119 000 Na kole najeto max 1000km. Více info od výrobce FRAME HPC Carbon Monocoque Advanced Twin Mold Technology, Aluminum 6061 T6 Rear Triangle, ATG, ETC 4-Link, AXH FORK Fox 32 Float Factory FIT4, Open(Adjustable)/Medium/Firm Mode, Tapered, 15QR, 120mm, Kashima Coated SHOCK Fox Float DPS Factory, 184x44mm, Open(Adjustable)/Medium/Firm Mode, LV Air Canister, Kashima Coated SHOCK HARDWARE Top: 30x8mm, Bottom: 22x8mm BRAKE SYSTEM Shimano XT BR-M8000, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano XT RD-M8000-DSGS, ShadowPlus, 11-Speed, Direct Mount FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano XT FD-M8020-D, Direct Mount, Side Swing SHIFTERS Shimano XT SL-M8000-I, Direct Attach CRANKSET Shimano XT FC-M8000, 27.5": 36x26T // 29": 34x24T, 175mm (180mm for 23" frame size) CASSETTE Shimano XT CS-M8000, 11-42T CHAIN Shimano CN-HG601-11 WHEELSET DT CSW MA 3.7/3.9 Straightpull Wheelset, 28/28 Spokes, 15mm / X12, Tubeless Ready, DT Swiss Pro Head® Reinforcement System, Squorx® Alloy Nipples TIRES Schwalbe Nobby Nic Kevlar 2.25, LiteSkin HANDLEBAR CUBE Rise Trail Bar Pro Carbon, 750mm GRIPS CUBE Race Grip, 1-Clamp SEAT POST CUBE Dropper Post, Handlebar Lever, Internal Cable Routing, 31.6mm, 458x150mm (400x120mm for smallest frame size) SEATCLAMP CUBE Screwlock, 34.9mm SADDLE Selle Italia SC1 HEADSET FSA Orbit I-t, Integrated, Top 1 1/8", Bottom 1 1/2" WEIGHT 12.3 kg COLOR carbon´n´red ČÍSLO VÝROBKU 854400
CUBE STEREO ONE22 RACE 2023 black anodized
PREDÁM NOVÝ CUBE STEREO ONE22 RACE. AJ PRETEKÁRI VEDIA, ŽE VÝKON SA DÁ ZLEPŠIŤ KOMFORTOM. TO JE DÔVOD, PREČO CUBE VYVINUL MODEL STEREO ONE22 RACE, KTORÝ SA VYZNAČUJE POHODLÍM A ĽAHKÝM OVLÁDANÍM. OSVEDČENÁ KINEMATIKA CUBE A STAROSTLIVO VYBRANÉ KOMPONENTY VÁM POSKYTNÚ VŠETKO, ČO POTREBUJETE, ABY STE MOHLI JAZDIŤ ĎALEJ, RÝCHLEJŠIE A POHODLNEJŠIE. LEN OSOBNÝ ODBER. Bežná cena: 59999kč Moja cena: 47999kč PARAMETRE: Rám: HPA Advanced Hydroform, ATG, ETC 4-Link, AXH Materiál: Hliník Veľkosti: M, L, Veľkosť kolies: 29″ Vidlica: RockShox Recon Gold RL Air, Tapered, 15x110mm, 130mm Tlmič: RockShox Deluxe Select+, 190x45mm, Rebound Adjust, Lockout Brzdy: Shimano BR-MT500, Hydr. Disc Brake (180/180) Prehadzovač: Shimano XT RD-M8100-SGS, ShadowPlus, 12-Speed Radenie: Shimano Deore SL-M6100, Rapidfire-Plus Stredové zloženie: Shimano BB-MT500PA, 92mm Pressfit Kľuky: Shimano FC-MT511, Boost, 30T Reťaz: Shimano CN-M6100 Kolesá: Fulcrum Red 77, 28/28 Spokes, 15x110mm / 12x148mm, Tubeless Ready Plášťe: Maxxis Forekaster, EXO, Tubeless Ready, 2.35 Predstavec: Newmen Evolution 318.4, 31.8mm Riadítka: Newmen Evolution SL 318.25, 760mm Gripy: ACID React Pro Sedlovka: CUBE Dropper Post, Handlebar Lever, Internal Cable Routing, 31.6mm Podsedlová objímka: CUBE Screwlock, 34.9mm Sedlo: Natural Fit Venec Lite Hlavové zloženie: VP Tapered, Top Zero-Stack 1 1/8″ (OD 44mm), Bottom Zero-Stack 1 1/2″ (OD 56mm) Hmotnosť: 14,5 kg Nosnosť: 115 kg Farba: black anodized
WORLD BURNS TO DEATH – The Graveyard Of Utopia LP
Prank rec, 2008, 12"EP, 45 rpm. WORLD BURNS TO DEATH - Graveyard Of Utopia LP (2008 Prank Records PRANK 099) Track Listing: Open Wound They Want A War Red Locusts Come And See Holocaust Rehearsals Black Hundreds The Same Old Lies A Wormwood Star Item Condition: New. Factory sealed. Description: 8 Track Raging Attack of Absolute Hardcore... with searing guitars, a thundering and rapid fire drum pound, and harsh vocals spitting forth a brutal vision. This third LP from Austin, Texas's WORLD BURNS TO DEATH further evolves and refines their trademark sound as dark, ramcharging ultra-punk comes full circle... Here is the speed and severity of their debut 45's AND the refinement, heaviness and precision of their two previous landmark albums on Hardcore Holocaust. While WB2D's lyrics have always been caged in Historical reference, the theme of this LP is rooted in the Failures, Disasters and Massacres of the Soviet State Apparatus. "The Graveyard Of Utopia", was tracked initially in Tokyo, Japan after the WB2D 2007 Japanese tour at the legendary OUR HOUSE studios with final recording tweaks and mixing done at THE BUBBLE in Austin. It features guest appearances from Ishiya FORWARD, Iizawa BASTARD/JUDGEMENT/ TETSU AREI, Souichi FORWARD, Keiro AKUTARE and Chelsea DEATHSIDE/PAINTBOX, Ashley SIGNAL LOST.
Effective Negotiating: Strategies for Successful Negotiating
90+% discount YOU DO NOT GET WHAT YOU FAIRLY DESERVE, YOU GET WHAT YOU NEGOTIATE Audio CD format. Effective Negotiating: Strategies for Successful Negotiating, Karrass, Beverly Hills, CA. 6 audio CD's, offering information from the "World leader in negotiating programs." This is one of a number of successful strategies presented in seminars around the country by a recognized leader in the field. Effective Negotiating: Strategies for Successful Negotiating (Achieve Better Both-win Agreements in Your Business and Personal Transactions) [6 Audio CDs] (6 Audio CDs) Karrass is the world leader in negotiating programs. Customized negotiating seminars are designed to help you achieve better both-win agreements in your business and personal transactions. It contains an arsenal of ideas that will work for you just as they have for astute business people throughout the centuries. In these practical programs you will learn what works, why it works, and how to defend your self when someone uses negotiating tactics against you. You will discover how to plan more effectively and how to come up with agreements that benefit not only yourself but the other party as well. Just some of the topics covered are: How other cultures negotiate. Deadlines. Concessions. Partnerships. Team Negotiations. Planning. Power of time. Long Term Relationships. Target Setting. Reverse Auction. Buy now, negotiate later. Breaking a deadlock. Good guy - bad guy. And many more topics are discussed! 6 Audio CDs) Karrass is the world leader in negotiating programs. Customized negotiating seminars are designed to help you achieve better both-win agreements in your business and personal transactions. It contains an arsenal of ideas that will work for you just as they have for astute business people throughout the centuries. In these practical programs you will learn what works , why it works, and how to defend your self when someone uses negotiating tactics against you. You will discover how to plan more effectively and how to come up with agreements that benefit not only yourself but the other party as well. Just some of the topics covered are: How other cultures negotiate. Deadlines. Concessions. Partnerships. Team Negotiations. Planning. Power of time. Long Term Relationships. Target Setting. Reverse Auction. Buy now, negotiate later. Breaking a deadlock. Good guy - bad guy. And many more topics are discussed! USE 1 ON 1 OR IN GROUP SETTINGS 6 CD set. CD #1: Intro; How Other Cultures Negotiate; Power of Contract Writing and Record Keeping; Deadlines; Telephone Negotiations; Deadlocks and Cooperative Mode; Competitive Mode . CD #2: Concessions; Attitudinal Negotiations / Satisfaction; Organizational Mode; Personal Negotiations; Partnerships; Traits of Effective Negotiators; Team Negotiations. CD #3: Planning; Sources of Po
The Startup Way - Eric Ries
Prodám použitou knihu The Startup Way - How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth od Eric Ries. With his million-copy bestseller The Lean Startup, Eric Ries launched a global movement. Concepts like minimal viable product, A/B testing and 'pivoting' changed the language of business. Now he turns his attention to companies of all sizes - and shows how the startup ethos can breathe new life into even the largest and most bureaucratic organisation.In this groundbreaking new book, he draws on inside stories of transformations at multinationals like General Electric and Toyota, titans like Amazon and Facebook, and tech upstarts like Airbnb and Twilio. He lays out a new framework for entrepreneurial management: a comprehensive approach that kick starts innovation and delivers sustained growth, even in highly uncertain environments.The Startup Way is an essential read for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs at any level. It's a revolutionary approach to incubating great ideas, turning all teams into startups, and inspiring everyone to think like an entrepreneur.
4 léta klisna Appaloosa
Pokud hledáte koně z kvalitního prověřeného chovu, neváhejte nás navštívit. Maids Shine Impack se narodila 8.4.2019, je to dobře vychovaná, zdravá mladá klisna, v základním výcviku pod sedlem. Po rodičích zdědila perfektní chody pro široké spektrum all-aroundových disciplín. Oba rodiče mají čistý 5panel test. Je samozřejmě registrovaná v ApHC USA, navíc zapsaná v programu FPD pro appaloosy s vysokým podílem původní krve, český PP. V roce 2022 se zúčastnila New Generation Horse Show s těmito úspěchy: - Hunter in Hand Mares Open – 1. a 3. místo - Hunter in Hand Mares Non Pro – 1. a 3. místo - Halter Open Three-Year-Old Mares – 1. a 1. místo - Halter Open FPD Mares – 3. a 3. místo - Halter Non Pro Mares All Ages – 3. a 3. místo - Western Showmanship Novice Non Pro – 3. a 4. místo - Western Showmanship Non Pro – 1. a 2. místo Shine je dcerou jedinečného appaloosa hřebce Ima Legal Impack, importovaného z USA, několikanásobného světového, evropského a českého šampiona ve třídách Halter, Most Colorful at Halter a dále také v jezdeckých třídách. Matkou Shine je výjimečná appaloosa klisna Sheila Maids Dream, která za svůj dosavadní život získala více než 30 bodů ApHC, a to zejména ve třídách Halter, Hunter in Hand a Hunter Under Saddle. Kromě Shine již její hříbata získala body v halteru a jezdeckých třídách, jeden kůň je dokonce držitelem ocenění ROM. Maids Shine Impack was born April 8, 2019, she is a well bred, healthy young mare, in basic training under saddle. She inherited from her parents perfect gaits for a wide range of all-around disciplines. Both parents have a clean 5panel test. She is of course registered with ApHC USA, plus enrolled in the FPD program for Appaloosas with a high percentage of native blood, Czech papers. She competed in the 2022 New Generation Horse Show with the following accomplishments: - Hunter in Hand Mares Open - 1st and 3rd place - Hunter in Hand Mares Non Pro - 1st and 3rd place - Halter Open Three-Year-Old Mares - 1st and 1st place - Halter Open FPD Mares - 3rd and 3rd place - Halter Non Pro Mares All Ages - 3rd and 3rd place - Western Showmanship Novice Non Pro - 3rd and 4th place - Western Showmanship Non Pro - 1st and 2nd place Shine is a daughter of the unique Appaloosa stallion Ima Legal Impack, imported from the USA, multiple World, European and Czech champion in Halter, Most Colorful at Halter and in a number performance classes. Shine's dam is the exceptional Appaloosa mare Sheila Maids Dream, who has earned more than 30 ApHC points in her lifetime, especially in the Halter, Hunter in Hand and Hunter Under Saddle classes. In addition to Shine, her foals have already earned points in halter and performance classes, with one horse even is ROM awarded. Pokud máte zájem se přijet podívat a klisnu vyzkoušet, neváhejte nás kontaktovat. Cena odpovídá kvalitě, prosím jen vážný zájemci! Tel: 63534 email: g.
Apogee Jam 96k iOS & Mac
Apogee Jam 96k iOS & Mac Osobni odber v Brne a okoli. Mohu je zaslat na dobírku Perfect tone anywhere Capture the warmth and richness of your guitar’s tone with digital purity using one simple take-anywhere device, Apogee JAM 96k. JAM 96k delivers your next great performance to your iPhone, iPad or Mac whether you are on-the-go, or in the most advanced recording studio. Made for GarageBand & Logic, works with any app JAM 96k is built for GarageBand and Logic Pro. Its special circuitry is optimized to make the amps and effects in any guitar or music creation app sound their best. For the beginner or the most seasoned guitar player, JAM delivers inspiring tone for practicing, recording or just jamming. Built for the future Introduced in 2011, the original JAM became the standard iOS mobile recording device for both aspiring and professional artists. Redesigned for the future, the new JAM 96k delivers unsurpassed recording quality and even better tone. JAM 96k is optimized for the latest Apple iOS devices and includes the ability to record in pristine fidelity – up to 24-bit/96kHz. Highlights -No setup required, just plug in and play! -Powered by iOS device or Mac (no batteries or ext. power required). -Dial-in the perfect level with gain wheel and multicolor LED meter. -Works with GarageBand, Logic, and all Core Audio compatible applications. -Apogee’s PureDIGITAL circuit design eliminates signal noise. True amp sound. More gain. Higher resolution. Go ahead, crank it up. JAM 96k brings classic boutique amp sound and feel straight to your guitar, so you can dial-in lush tones without sounding like you’re using amp simulation software. We took guitar input technology to a new level with JAM 96k by using a discrete, Class-A JFET input stage to emulate the warmth and character of a tube amp circuit. With 24-bit, 96kHz recording ability, JAM 96k lets you capture all of your best licks in high definition – from pristine cleans to soaring, overdriven sustain – at the highest pro-level standards.
Boss HR-2 Harmonist Pedal Retro Vintage (Sept. 1995)
Boss HR-2 Harmonist Pedal Retro Vintage (Sept. 1995) Osobni odber v Brne a okoli. Mohu je zaslat na dobírku. -------------------------------------------- You have 2 different voices which you can select what steps you want them to create harmonies in (up to an octave up or down on each voice). You can also select the key that you are playing in, and it creates an instant harmony with your playing. Separate controls for each voice (level control and pitch control). The HR-2 does 1 and 2 part harmonies in any interval in the following keys…Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Gm, A, B, C, D, G, F. The HR-2 was discontinued 1998, but the Harmonist effect lives on in the new PS-5. The HR-2 was originally priced at $239. Controls Effect level knobs for A/B: These knobs are used to independently adjust the volumes of parts A and B. If either of the knobs are turned completely off, then you only have a 1-part harmony instead of a 2-part harmony. Voice switches A/B: These knobs adjust the harmonic interval of voices A and B. You can select any of the following setting for each voice, A or B, independently: -1 octave, -6th, -5th, -4th, -3rd, detune, +3rd, +4th, +5th, +6th or +1 octave. Key switch This knob allows you to select the key that corresponds to the song being played. The HR-2 then creates 1-part or 2-part harmony parts automatically. Boss Advertisement text (1994): BOSS is pleased to introduce the very first intelligent pitch-shifter pedal: the HR-2 Harmonist. The HR-2 can add one or two voices of harmony. The key can be selected and the interval and volume of each harmony can be independently adjusted. Features: Intelligent pitch-shifting; one or two voices of harmony Independently adjustable interval and volume 16-bit A/D/A conversion with 32kHz sampling rate. Boss Guitar Effects Guide Book vol.11 (1995): The world’s first intelligent pitch shifter in a compact pedal, the HR-2 lets you select any suitable key from 12 Key Modes like major and minor in each semitone. This instantly adds correct 2-voice harmony to a guitar phrase. A new high-speed detection circuit ensures lightning fast response to speed picking passages. A Detector In jack allows correct pitch detection when combined with other effects. Using the HR-2 For a twin lead sound: To sound just like two guitarists playing the same phrase, set only Voice A to +3. (Fig. 1: E.Level A 10, E.Level B 0, Voice A -3, Voice B -, Key -) Guitar orchestration: Try setting Voice A to +4 and Voice B to +3 to create very impressive guitar orchestration by layering a two-voice harmony on top of the original guitar signal. (Fig. 2: E.Level A 8, E.Level B 8, Voice A -4, Voice B +3, Key -) Detune sound: With both Voice A and Voice B set to Detune, the direct sound is overlapped with slightly pitch-shifted sound for a thick, chorus effect. (Fig. 1: E.Level A 5, E.Level B 5, Voice A DT, Voice B DT, Key
Figurky Skylanders Spyro's Adventures
Figurky a hry Skylanders Spyro's Adventures, pre Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Figurky su pouzivane, su ale funkcne. No. 83982888 - Bash, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83976888 - Boomer, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84237888 - Camo, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84177888 - Chop Chop, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84174888 - Cynder, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84175888 - Dino-Rang, Characters - 100 CZK No. 83977888 - Double Trouble, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84176888 - Drill Sergeant, Characters - 100 CZK No. 83986888 - Drobot, Characters - 150 CZK No. 83984888 - Eruptor, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84178888 - Flameslinger, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83981888 - Ghost Roaster, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83978888 - Gill Grunt, Characters - 75 CZK No. 83994888 - Hex, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84181888 - Ignitor, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84182888 - Lightning Rod, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84180888 - Prism Break, Characters - 200 CZK No. 83995888 - Slam Bam, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83990888 - Sonic Boom, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83974888 - Spyro, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83980888 - Stealth Elf, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83987888 - Stump Smash, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84184888 - Terrafin, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84185888 - Trigger Happy, Characters - 75 CZK No. 83985888 - Voodood, Characters - 75 CZK No. 84186888 - Warnado, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84187888 - Whirlwind, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84179888 - Wrecking Ball, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84183888 - Zap, Characters - 75 CZK No. 84188888 - Zook, Characters - 100 CZK No. 84000888 - Anvil Rain, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84002888 - Darklight Crypt, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84242888 - Dragon’s Peak, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83975888 - Ghost Swords, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 150 CZK No. 83983888 - Healing Elixir, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83988888 - Hidden Treasure, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84243888 - Empire of Ice, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83993888 - Pirate Seas, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83999888 - Sky-Iron Shield, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83979888 - Time Twister, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83991888 - Winged Boots, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84197888 - Dark Spyro, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK No. 84185888 - Legendary Trigger Happy, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo. Zasielkovka 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.