inzerce, prodej, prodám, bazar

ratchet and clank rift apart - strana 3

Počet nalezených inzerátů RATCHET AND CLANK RIFT APART: 1000 - strana 3

Boss HR-2 Harmonist Pedal Retro Vintage (Sept. 1995)
Boss HR-2 Harmonist Pedal Retro Vintage (Sept. 1995) Osobni odber v Brne a okoli. Mohu je zaslat na dobírku. -------------------------------------------- You have 2 different voices which you can select what steps you want them to create harmonies in (up to an octave up or down on each voice). You can also select the key that you are playing in, and it creates an instant harmony with your playing. Separate controls for each voice (level control and pitch control). The HR-2 does 1 and 2 part harmonies in any interval in the following keys…Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Gm, A, B, C, D, G, F. The HR-2 was discontinued 1998, but the Harmonist effect lives on in the new PS-5. The HR-2 was originally priced at $239. Controls Effect level knobs for A/B: These knobs are used to independently adjust the volumes of parts A and B. If either of the knobs are turned completely off, then you only have a 1-part harmony instead of a 2-part harmony. Voice switches A/B: These knobs adjust the harmonic interval of voices A and B. You can select any of the following setting for each voice, A or B, independently: -1 octave, -6th, -5th, -4th, -3rd, detune, +3rd, +4th, +5th, +6th or +1 octave. Key switch This knob allows you to select the key that corresponds to the song being played. The HR-2 then creates 1-part or 2-part harmony parts automatically. Boss Advertisement text (1994): BOSS is pleased to introduce the very first intelligent pitch-shifter pedal: the HR-2 Harmonist. The HR-2 can add one or two voices of harmony. The key can be selected and the interval and volume of each harmony can be independently adjusted. Features: Intelligent pitch-shifting; one or two voices of harmony Independently adjustable interval and volume 16-bit A/D/A conversion with 32kHz sampling rate. Boss Guitar Effects Guide Book vol.11 (1995): The world’s first intelligent pitch shifter in a compact pedal, the HR-2 lets you select any suitable key from 12 Key Modes like major and minor in each semitone. This instantly adds correct 2-voice harmony to a guitar phrase. A new high-speed detection circuit ensures lightning fast response to speed picking passages. A Detector In jack allows correct pitch detection when combined with other effects. Using the HR-2 For a twin lead sound: To sound just like two guitarists playing the same phrase, set only Voice A to +3. (Fig. 1: E.Level A 10, E.Level B 0, Voice A -3, Voice B -, Key -) Guitar orchestration: Try setting Voice A to +4 and Voice B to +3 to create very impressive guitar orchestration by layering a two-voice harmony on top of the original guitar signal. (Fig. 2: E.Level A 8, E.Level B 8, Voice A -4, Voice B +3, Key -) Detune sound: With both Voice A and Voice B set to Detune, the direct sound is overlapped with slightly pitch-shifted sound for a thick, chorus effect. (Fig. 1: E.Level A 5, E.Level B 5, Voice A DT, Voice B DT, Key
Figurky Skylanders Spyro's Adventures
Figurky a hry Skylanders Spyro's Adventures, pre Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Figurky su pouzivane, su ale funkcne. No. 83982888 - Bash, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83976888 - Boomer, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84237888 - Camo, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84177888 - Chop Chop, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84174888 - Cynder, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84175888 - Dino-Rang, Characters - 100 CZK No. 83977888 - Double Trouble, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84176888 - Drill Sergeant, Characters - 100 CZK No. 83986888 - Drobot, Characters - 150 CZK No. 83984888 - Eruptor, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84178888 - Flameslinger, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83981888 - Ghost Roaster, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83978888 - Gill Grunt, Characters - 75 CZK No. 83994888 - Hex, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84181888 - Ignitor, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84182888 - Lightning Rod, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84180888 - Prism Break, Characters - 200 CZK No. 83995888 - Slam Bam, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83990888 - Sonic Boom, Characters - 175 CZK No. 83974888 - Spyro, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83980888 - Stealth Elf, Characters - 125 CZK No. 83987888 - Stump Smash, Characters - 125 CZK No. 84184888 - Terrafin, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84185888 - Trigger Happy, Characters - 75 CZK No. 83985888 - Voodood, Characters - 75 CZK No. 84186888 - Warnado, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84187888 - Whirlwind, Characters - 150 CZK No. 84179888 - Wrecking Ball, Characters - 175 CZK No. 84183888 - Zap, Characters - 75 CZK No. 84188888 - Zook, Characters - 100 CZK No. 84000888 - Anvil Rain, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84002888 - Darklight Crypt, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84242888 - Dragon’s Peak, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83975888 - Ghost Swords, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 150 CZK No. 83983888 - Healing Elixir, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83988888 - Hidden Treasure, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84243888 - Empire of Ice, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83993888 - Pirate Seas, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83999888 - Sky-Iron Shield, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83979888 - Time Twister, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 83991888 - Winged Boots, Magic Items and Level Pieces - 175 CZK No. 84197888 - Dark Spyro, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK No. 84185888 - Legendary Trigger Happy, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo. Zasielkovka 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.
Prodej bytu 2+1 55 m2 Nad Příhořím, Náměšť nad Oslavou
Představuji Vám zajímavou nemovitost, která se nachází na ulici Nad Příhořím v Náměšti nad Oslavou. Jedná se o byt 2+1 o podlahové ploše 56 m2, v 2. nadzemním podlaží cihlového domu s novou lodžií a s výtahem. Jednotka je velmi dobře dispozičně řešena a disponuje chodbou s úložným prostorem, ze které se dostanete na samostatné WC a do koupelny, dále do kuchyně a obývacího pokoje. Z obývacího pokoje se dostanete do vedlejší ložnice a také je z něj přístup na lodžii. Pro lepší orientaci je přiložen půdorys. V kuchyni a chodbě je linoleum, v koupelně a na WC keramická dlažba a v ostatních pokojích jsou parkety. Dům prošel rozsáhlou revitalizací a je ve výborné kondici. Dům je nově zateplen, proběhla revitalizace lodžie, která je zasklená, byla vsazena nová plastová okna s vnitřními žaluziemi a obnovy se dočkaly i stoupačky. Náklady pro užívání bytu jsou poměrně nízké. Topí se pomocí ústředního topení nebo můžete využít klimatizaci v obývacím pokoji, která se může přepnout do režimu topení anebo dalším zdrojem je topná deska. V blízkosti domu se nachází dostatek parkovacích míst, takže svůj vůz pohodlně zaparkujete. Město Náměšť nad Oslavou se nachází 20 km východně od Třebíče na řece Oslavě a 40 km od Brna. Město disponuje veškerou občanskou vybaveností. Nachází se zde městský úřad, pošta, mateřská škola, základní škola, umělecká škola, supermarket, zimní stadion. Historické jádro je městskou památkovou zónou. Fincentrum Vám nabízí možnost vypracování nezávislého porovnání a tvorby hypotéky na míru dle Vašich požadavků a možností. Díky exkluzivním podmínkám u finančních institucí, perfektní znalosti trhu a kvalitnímu klientskému servisu se můžete spolehnout, že Vám doporučíme nejlepší financování Vaší nemovitosti a pomůžeme vyřídit veškeré náležitosti. Těším se na osobní setkání s Vámi na prohlídce! I present to you an interesting property located on Nad Příhořím street in Náměšt nad Oslavou. Take a look on a 2+1 apartment with an overall floor area of 56 m2, located on second floor of a brick-based building with a new loggia and an elevator. The unit is very well laid out and has practical storage space. Central corridor from which you can reach the separate toilet and bathroom, as well as the kitchen and living room. From the living room you can reach the next bedroom and from it there is also access to the loggia. A floor plan is attached for better orientation. Linoleum floors in the kitchen and hallway, ceramic tiles in the bathroom and toilet, and parquet floors in the other rooms. The house has undergone extensive revitalization and is in excellent condition including fresh insulation, the loggia is fully glazed and has been also revitalized, plastic windows with internal blinds have been installed which furthers heat insolation and makes the flat more efficient. Risers have also been renovated. Třída energetické náročnosti: D - méně úsporná (dle ) Cena: 2 800 000 Kč
Pomeranian szpic miniaturowy FCI pedigree
In our kennel Moonland FCI from combination of Amira (Chudomir FCI) and Sunny Lion Dark Drakuir FCI) and Sunny Lion Dark Drakula (Mały Wien FCI) - Moldavian champion - 1 female and 5 cream-colored males were born. Our dogs are members of our family, they live with us and accompany us in everyday life. Puppies born with us are socialized, well-groomed and surrounded by comprehensive veterinary care from the very first moments of their lives. Puppies are properly stimulated and prepared for the best possible start in a new life. From the third day, we started early neurostimulation of babies, which in the future will provide them with greater resistance to stress and diseases. Puppies, apart from their mother, also have contact with other dogs. On collection day, each puppy will be wormed twice and vaccinated according to age. She will be after the litter inspection in the Polish Kennel Club, she will receive a birth certificate entitling her to obtain a pedigree, which allows her to participate in shows. tiktok: moonland_fci fb: Moonland FCI Whatsapp: +48 Professional transport provided
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction PS3
Hra na Playstation 3 Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction z edice Playstation Platinums. Plně funkční, disk bez škrábanců. Osobně Kladno, po dohodě Zásilkovna.
PSP/PS Vita/PS2/PS3 hry
PS Vita - Most wanted (bez krabičky) 250,- Fifa 15 350,- Lego Jurassic World 400,- Lego Lord of the rings 500,- Lego Batman 3 350,- Unit 13 450,- Marvel Superheroes 300,- PSP Harry potter and the order...250,- PS2 Fifa 10 150,- Fifa Football 2004 200,- PS3 Ratchet a Clank Tools of destruction 400,- Ratchet a Clank All 4 One 550,- Red Dead Redemption 300,- Lord of the Rings War in the North 250,- GTA IV 300,- GTA IV 350,- Assassins Creed IV 200,- Tomb Raider Underworld 200,- Far Cry 2 200,- Shaun white skateboarding 200,- Resistance 3 special 400,- Killzone 3 200,- Sports Champion 200,- L.A.Noire 150,- Oblivion 25th Anniversary 750,- Oblivion 350,- Skate 3 450,- Battlefield 3 100,- Fifa 08-Fifa 14 kus 80,-Kč
PS 5 hry
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart- 800 Resident Evil Village - 500
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PS5
České titulky.Jako nové.. Bez oděrku a škrábanců.. Rychlé odeslání!
Hry na PS5
Prodám hry na Playstation 5 Immortals: Fenyx Rising - 250kč Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - 350kč Ghost of Tsushima (Directors Cut) - 650kč Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 700kč Preferuji osobní předání. Při platbě předem mohu poslat zásilkovnou (+80kč za balík)
Ps 5 s mechanikou +8her +příslušenství
Dobrý den,prodám ps 5 s mechanikou,hrami a příslušenstvím.Popřípadě výměna za pc s rtx 3080 +můj doplatek(dohodou) VŠE JE CCA 2 MĚSÍCE POUŽÍVÁNO A MÁM KE VŠEMU ORIGO KRABICE!! Herní konzole PS5 s mechanikou-(záruka do 22.11.2025 + pojištění produktu proti rozbití nebo krádeži na 1 rok) Příslušenství- Sony PS5 - Bezdrátová sluchátka PULSE 3D Midnight Black (Záruka do 22.11.2025+1rok pojištění proti krádeži a rozbití) CONNECT IT Stand-It black (stojánek na sluchátka) Bezdrátový ovladač DualSense Midnight black (záruka do 22.11.2024) Nabíjecí stanice pro ovladače CZC.Gaming Stables Hry- God of War Ragnarok The Last Of Us Part I Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II RATCHET & CLANK: RIFT APART Horizon Forbidden West Zaklínač 3 Divoký Hon EDICE HRA ROKU The Last of Us: Part II FIFA 23 Full Game Voucher Prodávám POUZE JAKO CELEK,nemám problém s vyzkoušením u mě doma.
Koupím herní PC s rtx 3080
Dobrý den koupím herní PC s rtx 3080 výměnou za PS 5 + můj doplatek(dohodou) VŠE JE CCA 2 MĚSÍCE POUŽÍVÁNO A MÁM KE VŠEMU ORIGO KRABICE!! Herní konzole PS5 s mechanikou-(záruka do 22.11.2025 + pojištění produktu proti rozbití nebo krádeži na 1 rok) Příslušenství- Sony PS5 - Bezdrátová sluchátka PULSE 3D Midnight Black (Záruka do 22.11.2025+1rok pojištění proti krádeži a rozbití) CONNECT IT Stand-It black (stojánek na sluchátka) Bezdrátový ovladač DualSense Midnight black (záruka do 22.11.2024) Nabíjecí stanice pro ovladače CZC.Gaming Stables Hry- God Of War Ragnarok The Last Of Us Part I Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II RATCHET & CLANK: RIFT APART Horizon Forbidden West Zaklínač 3 Divoký Hon EDICE HRA ROKU The Last of Us: Part II FIFA 23 Full Game Voucher Kontaktujte mě na email nebo tel. 937 884
hry na Playstation
TINY TINA'S WONDERLANDS: CHAOTIC GREAT EDITION (PS5) - 1700kč Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - PS5 - 900 Kč Outward - PS4(PS5) - 400 Kč DOOM Eternal - PS4(PS5) - 400Kč Zbytek prodaný erpos66@
Prodám hry na PS4 a PS5
Prodám hry Mafia 3 za 250 Kč.Uncharted the lost legacy za 250 kč.Uncharted 4 a thief's end za 250 Kč.Heavy Rain a Beyond two souls za 450 kč Battlefield 5 za 400 kč Metro exodus complete edition 500 Kč Chernobylite 650 Kč Ratchet clank rift apart 800 kč Way of the hunter 650 Kč
MARTIN Rush MH1 Profile
Dobry den. Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile. Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina! Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus. Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon. Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT) Popis svetla: LED profile moving head Super bright - efficient optics Rotating gobo wheel Fixed gobo wheel 2 x color wheels Electronic dimming and strobe Iris and 3-facet prism 3 & 5 pin XLR •Light source: 180W LED Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed  Motorized Focus and Iris  Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100% four dimming curve options Pan: 540° Tilt: 270° Cena za set: 3800,-€ 4ks hlava, 2ks double Case, neutrik powercon kable, omega clampy ku kazdej hlave Moznost predaja aj samostatne.. Cena 1ks novej hlavy okolo 2700,- (Vid. Foto) Povodna cena bola 2500,- za kus !!Pri serioznom jednani mozna dohoda na cene!! Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mailom, cislo vymyslene. Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie
Hans Ulrich Obrist - Do it: The Compendium
Vydání z r. 2013 (již není nikde dostání). Kupované v New Yorku na podzim 2022. Nerozbaleno z původního obalu. Původní cena: $500. Anotace: Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Do It began in Paris in 1993 as a conversation between the artists Christian Boltanski and Bertrand Lavier and Obrist himself, who was experimenting with how exhibition formats could be rendered more flexible and open-ended. The discussion led to the question of whether a show could take “scores” or written instructions by artists as a point of departure, which could be interpreted anew each time they were enacted. To test the idea, Obrist invited 13 artists to send instructions, which were then translated into nine different languages and circulated internationally as a book. Within two years, Do It exhibitions were being created all over the world by realizing the artists’ instructions. With every version of the exhibition new instructions were added, so that today more than 300 artists have contributed to the project. Constantly evolving and morphing into different versions of itself, Do It has grown to encompass “Do It (Museum),” “Do It (Home),” “Do It (TV),” “Do It (Seminar)” as well as some “Anti-Do Its”, a “Philosophy Do It” and, most recently, a “UNESCO Children’s Do It.” Nearly 20 years after the initial conversation took place, Do It has been featured in at least 50 different locations worldwide. To mark the twentieth anniversary of this landmark project, this new publication presents the history of this ambitious enterprise and gives new impetus to its future. It includes an archive of artists’ instructions, essays contextualizing Do It, documentation from the history of the exhibition and instructions by 200 artists from all over the world selected by Obrist, among them Carl Andre, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Yoko Ono, Christian Marclay and Rosemarie Trockel, including 60 new instructions from Matias Faldbakken, Theaster Gates, Sarah Lucas, David Lynch, Rivane Neuenschwander and Ai Weiwei, among many others.
Homeschool your child for free Gold Zielinski
Homeschool Your Child for Free: More Than 1,400 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Educating Your Family at Home Paperback – August 4, 2009 při platbě předem poštovné doporučeně 65 Kč, osobní předání je možné v centru Ostravy; koukněte se i na další moje věci, díky! by LauraMaery Gold (Author), Joan M. Zielinski (Author) Introduced in 2000, Homeschool Your Child for Free gave countless parents the plan and peace of mind to get their kids’ education on the right track. Now, authors LauraMaery Gold and Joan M. Zielinski have revised and updated their popular guide, offering their expert homeschooling advice and information, plus new tools and resources to help you and your child succeed: • Complete curriculum plans for a comprehensive education, from preschool through high school • Legal guidelines and compliance requirements for home educators • Teaching tips and motivators from successful homeschoolers • And so much more! (AC5)
Tiskárna čárových kódů Argox R-400plus
Nabízím tuto tiskárnu na čárové kódy. Velmi zachovalý stav. Mohu zaslat přes zásilkovnu, popř. osobní převzetí. Podrobné parametry: Printing Method Direct Thermal & Thermal Transfer Printing Resolution 203 dpi(8 dots/mm) Printing Speed Max. 6 ips Printing Length Max. 43”(1092mm) Printing Width Max. 4.25”(108mm) Memory 2MB DRAM, 2MB Flash ROM CPU Type 32 bit RISC microprocessor Sensors Reflective sensor x 1 (Movable) Operation Interface LED Indicator x 3, Button x 3 Communication Interface Centronics Parallel, USB device, RS-232 Fonts Internal character sets standard 5 alpha-numeric fonts from 0.049”H ~ 0.23” H (1.25mm ~ 6.0mm) Internal fonts are expandable up to 24x24 4 direction 0 ~ 270 rotation. Soft fonts are downloadable. Ability to print any Windows True Type font easily. Wireless Security N/A 1D Barcodes PPLA: Code39, Code 93, Code 128/subset A,B and C, Codabar, Interleave2 of 5, UPC A/E/2 and 5 add-on, EAN 13/8, UCC/EAN-128, Random Weight, Postnet, Plessey, HIBC, Telepen, FIM PPLB:Code39, Code 93, Code 128/subset A,B and C, Codabar, Interleave2 of 5, UPC A/E/2 and 5 add-on, EAN 13/8, UCC/EAN-128, Postnet, Matrix 2 of 5, Code-128UCC PPLC:Code11,Interleave2 of 5,Code39, Code 93,EAN 13/8,UPCA/E, Code 128/subset A,B and C, Interleave2 of 5, Standard 2 of 5, Codabar, UPC/EAN Extensions, MSI, Plessey, PostNet 2D Barcodes PPLA: PDF-417, Maxicode, Data Matrix (ECC200 only) PPLB:PDF-417, Maxicode PPLC:PDF-417, Maxicode, Data Matrix (ECC200 only), QR Code Graphics PPLA: PCX, BMP, IMG, HEX formates PPLB: PCX and binary raster PPLC:GRF, HEX and GDI Emulation PPLA, PPLB,PPLZ Software-label Editing Windows Driver (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10), BarTender® from Seagull Scientific Software-utility Printer Utility, Font Utility Media Type Roll-feed, die-cut, continuous, fan-fold, tags, ticket in thermal paper or plain paper and fabric label Media Max. Width: 4.6”(118mm) Min. Width:1”(25.4mm) Thickness: 0.0025”~0.01”(0.0635~0.254mm) Max. roll capacity(OD): 6”(152mm) Core size: 1”(25.4mm) Ribbon Ribbon Width: 1”~4”(25.4mm~110mm) Ribbon roll – Max. OD: 2.67”(68mm) Ribbon Length: Max. 360m Core size – ID: 1”(25.4mm) Drop Resistance N/A Printer Dimensions W 314mm x H 231mm x D 218mm Printer Weight 4.2 kg Power Source Universal Switching Power Supply Input: 100V~240V±10%, 50~60Hz, Output: 24VDC, 2.5A Battery N/A Operation Environment Operation Temperature: 40°F~100°F (4°C~38°C), 0% ~ 90% non-condensing, Storage Temperature: -4°F~122°F (-20°C~50°C) Real Time Clock N/A Standard Item N/A Optional Items Guillotine Cutter, Dispenser, Stacker, RTC Card, 4MB Asian Font Card(Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean and Japanese) Agency Listing CE, FCC, cTUVus, RoHS Attention *Argox reserves the right to enhance and modify the specification without prior notice
WORLD BURNS TO DEATH – The Graveyard Of Utopia LP
Prank rec, 2008, 12"EP, 45 rpm. WORLD BURNS TO DEATH - Graveyard Of Utopia LP (2008 Prank Records PRANK 099) Track Listing: Open Wound They Want A War Red Locusts Come And See Holocaust Rehearsals Black Hundreds The Same Old Lies A Wormwood Star Item Condition: New. Factory sealed. Description: 8 Track Raging Attack of Absolute Hardcore... with searing guitars, a thundering and rapid fire drum pound, and harsh vocals spitting forth a brutal vision. This third LP from Austin, Texas's WORLD BURNS TO DEATH further evolves and refines their trademark sound as dark, ramcharging ultra-punk comes full circle... Here is the speed and severity of their debut 45's AND the refinement, heaviness and precision of their two previous landmark albums on Hardcore Holocaust. While WB2D's lyrics have always been caged in Historical reference, the theme of this LP is rooted in the Failures, Disasters and Massacres of the Soviet State Apparatus. "The Graveyard Of Utopia", was tracked initially in Tokyo, Japan after the WB2D 2007 Japanese tour at the legendary OUR HOUSE studios with final recording tweaks and mixing done at THE BUBBLE in Austin. It features guest appearances from Ishiya FORWARD, Iizawa BASTARD/JUDGEMENT/ TETSU AREI, Souichi FORWARD, Keiro AKUTARE and Chelsea DEATHSIDE/PAINTBOX, Ashley SIGNAL LOST.
Maturitní otázky z AJ
Prodám vypracované otázky z anglického jazyka. Seznam otázek: 1. Family. 2. Housing. 3. Food and drinks. Shopping. 4. Daily routine. Leisure time activities. 5. My town / village. Žďár nad Sázavou. The Highlands. 6. The Czech Republic. 7. Weather and seasons. 8. Travelling. 9. Sport. 10. Media. 11. Holidays and festivals. 12. Great Britain. 13. The U.S.A. 14. Education. 15. Big cities and their traffic. 16. Communication industry. Technology in our modern life. 17. Canada. 18. Australia and New Zealand. 19. British and American history. 20. Social problems and charities. 21. English literature, film and music. My reading. 22. Cultural life. 23. American literature, film and music. My reading. 24. Health and illness. 25. My school. My future career. Každá otázka obsahuje osnovu + podrobný popis tématu. Možnost zakoupit pouze jednotlivé otázky 30 Kč/ 1 ks. V případě zájmu mne prosím kontaktujte na e-mail:
Newly built spacious apartment 3+1 with terrace and garage
We offer for rent a beautiful, new, unfurnished three-room apartment with a terrace and a garage in a newly built apartment building in the Brno-Královo Pole district. The newly built Ponavia residence is located on U červeneho mlýna street and was completed in 2020. The total area of the apartment is 97 m2 + terrace, the apartment is located on the top floor of the building, so it is very bright. There is a city view from the terrace. Layout of the apartment: entrance hall, spacious living room with a freely connected kitchen area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, 2 chambers. The terrace is accessible from the living room and from both bedrooms. Apartment equipment: kitchen unit including appliances, i.e. oven, hob, hood, dishwasher. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washbasin, the toilet is separated. The connection to the washing machine is ready in one of the chambers. The apartment is rented unfurnished, the tenant will complete the apartment with his own furniture and appliances that he deems appropriate. The rent includes 1 covered garage space in the basement of the house. The apartment is intended for tenants without animals, a long-term lease is possible, the owners have not used the apartment yet. The beginning of the lease is an agreement with the lessor. The rent for the apartment is CZK 29,400 + a garage space is CZK 1,800. Except of the rent there is advance payment for energy and services in the amount of CZK 3,600/month (heating, cold and hot water, house services). Advances are billable according to actual consumption. The tenant will pay for electricity and internet consumption based on their own contracts. Total monthly payment of CZK 34,800 + electricity and internet. If you are interested in viewing the apartment, please contact us by email. Thank you.