k two brothers - strana 3
Počet nalezených inzerátů K TWO BROTHERS: 531 - strana 3

This is a long range, high quality, aptX Low Latency USB Bluetooth AUDIO transmitter. It ONLY supports Audio Transmission, and is NOT for keyboards , mouse devices, game controllers or data transfer.
★ Please read the manual carefully before using, and for any malfunction diagnosis that's not found in the manual, please feel free to contact seller directly for help.
Supported protocols: aptx LL, aptX, SBC, A2DP, AVRCP
Input Port: USB, AUX
Transmission range: more than 10 meters(30ft)
Power Supply for Device: USB 5V
✔ Easy to use: Totally plug and play, contains internal sound chip so can be recognised as a sound card to receive PCM data from a computer or mobile OTG.
✔ Support simultaneous connection of two stereo: the transmitter also has the ability to hook up to two speakers at the same time, great if you're throwing a party.
✔ No more delay: AptX Low Latency codec to virtually eliminate audio-visual lag, so you can enjoy watching TV, Movie , Video in perfect synchronization.
✔ Excellent Range: With antenna installed, transmitter range is up to 30ft with no degradation/clipping.

Prodám Cube Two 15 2017 velikost L mullet.
Kolo je v dobrém stavu, jen jsou na něm lehké oděrky, kterým se bohužel nějak vyhnout nedá.
Kolo je připraveno na sezónu, jediné co bude potřeba v brzké době vyměnit jsou destičky, jinak na kolo stačí sednout a jezdit.
Prodávám jej z důvodu, že na něho nemám čas.
O ceně se dá jednat.
V případě více dotazů pište PM.
Vidlice: Fox 40 Float Factory RC2
Tlumič: Fox DHX2 2018
Brzdy: Hope tech 3 e4
Řazení: Sram GX 11 speed (uzamknuto na 7 rychlostí)
Přehazovačka: Sram GX DH 7 speed
Přední kolo: DT Swiss EX 471 29" (bezduš)
Zadní kolo: DT Swiss FR 950 27.5" (duše)
Pláště: Přední Maxxis Minion DHF, Zadní Schwalbe Magic Marry
Řidítka: RaceFace SixC
Náboje: DT Swiss
Kliky: RaceFace SixC
Sjezdové kolo
Downhill bike

Dobrý den, prodám knihu Ready Player Two v pevné vazbě, čtená 1x, nepodložená. Možno zaslat zasilkovnou, dopravu hradí kupující.

Prodám hry na Playstation 3
F1 Championship
Brunswick pro bowling
Fallout new vegas
Killznoe 2
Tom clancys Hawx 2
Fallout 3
Child of eden
Racket sports
Uncharted 3
The shoot
Sports champions 2
Sports champions
Medieval Moves
DanceStar Party
God of war 3
NHL 14
Skate 3
Metro last light
Michael Jackosn
U Draw studio artist
U Draw PictionNary
Call of juarez bound in blood
Call of duty world at war
AC Brotherhood
Enemy front
Just cause 2
Walking Dead
Brother in arms hell highway
Lost planet 2
Fight night round 4
Duke nukem forever
Rocksmith 2014
Flirt Gewitter
Army of two 40 day
White knihgt chroicles
Overlord 2
Star wars force unleashed
Battlefield hardline
Beyond two souls
Battlefield bad company 2
Batman arkham asylum
Ghost recon future solidier
Yoostar 2
Starter disc
Tiger woods 13
Wondrebook Book of spells
Heavy Rain Move edition
Hevy rain
Call of duty ghost
Far cry 4
Medal of honor
NFS hot pursiut
Smackdown 11
UFC 10
Unreal tornament
Red fiction guerrilla
Fifa 14
Burnout Paradise
Madden 12
Saints row 2
Fifa 11
Uncharted 2
NHL 13
Resistence 2
Darksiders 2
Uncharted drakem fortune
Operation Flashpoint dragon rising
Battlefield 3
Resistence fall of man
ALPHA protocol
Splinter cell blacklist
Conflict denied ops
Prince of persia forgotten sands
Aliens vs predátor
Spec ops the line
Dark sektor
Gran turismo 5 academy
Midnight club Los angeles
Darness 2
NBA 15
Assassins creed 3
Dragonball raging blast 2
Assassins Creed black flag
Dead island
Mirrors edge
Batman Arkam City
Bioshock Infinitiv
Sacred 2
Dragon age origins
Mercenaries 2
Kane and Lynch dead men
Rainbowsix Vegas 2
Skylanders spyros adventure
Skylandres Trap team
Heavenly Word
Assasins creed
1ks 199Kč

Prodám dětskou koloběžku Yedoo Two, používaná, rám místy odřený (viz foto), osobní odběr (Horní Počernice a okolí).

Prodám dětskou koloběžku Yedoo Two, používaná, rám místy odřený (viz foto), osobní odběr (Horní Počernice a okolí).

Prodám knihu v angličtině Two Little Savages, Ernest Thompson Seton. Nová. Cena 250Kč + poštovné. Volejte nebo pošlete email, na SMS neodpovídám. Možnost osobního předání v Brně.

1.The Newest bluebooth version: V4.1 + EDR,low power consumption,superior performance
2.Support caller number voice broadcast
3.The operating frequency range: ISM band(2.4-2.48GHZ)
4.Wireless range up to meters
5.Support hands-free,support SIRI,support music,support audio fiction
6.Support two phones simultaneously (unique technology supports two phones connect online at standby)
7.Equipped with hig-definition 2W speaker,and high sensitivity microphone
8.Battery type: li-ion,3.7v,650mah
call time: 20hours
standby time: up to 1000 hours
charging time: 2-3 hours
9.size:130mm (long)*49mm (width)*15mm (h)

Zdravím mam na predaj tieto úplné nové hlavy. Ide o najvýkonnejšie rotačné hlavy ktoré sa dajú zohnať za bezkonkurenčnú cenu 1350€ kus.
Technické parametre:
Voltage: AC100-240V,50/60Hz
Power: 600W
Light source: high-power 460W white light LED
Optical angle: 4°-35°
Color temperature: 9000K
LED life: more than 20,000 hours
1 color wheel: 12 colors + white, color flow, color rainbow can be realized
CMY Promise Color Mixing
1 rotating gobo wheel: with 7 gobos + white light
It can realize the effects of rotation, two-way flow, and jitter
Gobo wheel can be positioned
1 fixed pattern plate: with 12 fixed patterns + white light
Aperture: 5%-100% smooth adjustment
Dimming: electronic 0-100% linear dimming
Atomization: electronic 0-100% linear atomization soft light effect
Zoom: 4°-35° focus linear zoom
Fast stroboscopic, multiple stroboscopic mode selection, synchronization, equal split, pulse, random
Double prism: 1 4 prism, 1 8 prism can rotate independently in both directions
Level 540°, accuracy 2.11°/step, fine-tuning accuracy 0.008°
Vertical 240°, accuracy 1.05°/step, fine-tuning accuracy 0.004°
2 control channel modes: 21 DMX channels and 26 DMX channels
XY axis three-phase motor drive
RDM data two-way transmission
N.W: 20kg
Cena za kus 1350€
Cena za Flightcase 2in1 = 110€
24 mesačná záruka dodanie v Flightcase. Dodacia lehota 45dni. Pri prevzatí dostávate faktúru dodací list a záručný list.

Prodám dětské plavací vesty zn. Two Bare Feet v růžové a modré barvě, z tenkého měkkého neoprenu, vel. 3-4roky (15-20kg), plováky se daji vyndávat a tím přizpůsobit plaveckým zdatnostem dítěte.
Plně funkční, nepoškozené, jako nové.
400 Kč / kus
Při koupi obou cena 700 Kč (tedy 350 Kč / kus)

Hry na Playstation 3
F1 Championship
Brunswick pro bowling
Fallout new vegas
Killznoe 2
Tom clancys Hawx 2
Fallout 3
Child of eden
Racket sports
Uncharted 3
The shoot
Sports champions 2
Sports champions
Medieval Moves
DanceStar Party
God of war 3
NHL 14
Skate 3
Metro last light
Michael Jackosn
U Draw studio artist
U Draw PictionNary
Call of juarez bound in blood
Call of duty world at war
AC Brotherhood
Enemy front
Just cause 2
Walking Dead
Brother in arms hell highway
Lost planet 2
Fight night round 4
Duke nukem forever
Rocksmith 2014
Flirt Gewitter
Army of two 40 day
White knihgt chroicles
Overlord 2
Star wars force unleashed
Battlefield hardline
Beyond two souls
Battlefield bad company 2
Batman arkham asylum
Ghost recon future solidier
Yoostar 2
Starter disc
Tiger woods 13
Wondrebook Book of spells
Heavy Rain Move edition
Hevy rain
Call of duty ghost
Far cry 4
Medal of honor
NFS hot pursiut
Smackdown 11
UFC 10
Unreal tornament
Red fiction guerrilla
Fifa 14
Burnout Paradise
Madden 12
Saints row 2
Fifa 11
Uncharted 2
NHL 13
Resistence 2
Darksiders 2
Uncharted drakem fortune
Operation Flashpoint dragon rising
Battlefield 3
Resistence fall of man
ALPHA protocol
Splinter cell blacklist
Conflict denied ops
Prince of persia forgotten sands
Aliens vs predátor
Spec ops the line
Dark sektor
Gran turismo 5 academy
Midnight club Los angeles
Darness 2
NBA 15
Assassins creed 3
Dragonball raging blast 2
Assassins Creed black flag
Dead island
Mirrors edge
Batman Arkam City
Bioshock Infinitiv
Sacred 2
Dragon age origins
Mercenaries 2
Kane and Lynch dead men
Rainbowsix Vegas 2
Skylanders spyros adventure
Skylandres Trap team
Heavenly Word
Assasins creed
1ks 199Kč

PRODÁM ZÁNOVNÍ koloběžku zn. YEDOO Two, nafukovací kola, stojánek, zadní V-brzda. Pro děti tak 5-9 let.

alesis monitor two jen pro ty co je znaji ostatnim zbytecne mluvit
jen ve zkratce jedna se o vyborne studiove bedny..spickovy zvuk

Knihy v anglickém jazyce
Každá kniha stojí 100 kč
ARCHER Jeffrey: A prisoner of birth
ARCHER Jeffrey: Only time will tell
ARCHER Jeffrey: Paths of glory
ARCHER Jeffrey: The sins of the father
ARCHER Jeffrey: First among equals
ARCHER Jeffrey: Sons of fortune
BECK Haylen: Here and gone
CALDWELL Ian: The rule of four
COLE Daniel: Ragdoll
CORNWELL Bernard: Fools and mortals
DEAVER Jeffery: The burial hour
DELANEY Jp: The girl before
DICKENS Charles: Oliver Twist
DICKENS Charles: A tale of the two cities
EBERSHOFF David: The Danish girl
ECO Umberto: The name of the rose
FALCONES Ildefonso: Cathedral of the sea
FALCONES Ildefonso: The barefoot queen
FALCONES Ildefonso: The hand of Fatima (hardcover)
FOLLETT Ken: On wings of eagles
FOLLETT Ken: Code to zero
HARRIS Robert: Munich
HIGGINS Jack: Toll for the brave
JUBBER Nicholas: The prester quest
KEPLER Lars: Stalker
KEPLER Lars: The hypnotist
LAPENA Shari: A stranger in the house
MANKELL Henning: Before the frost
MATTHEWS Jason: Red Sparrow
MEYER Deon: Dead before dying
NESBO Jo: The snowman
NESBO Jo: The leopard
NESBO Jo: Headhunters
NEVILL Adam: The ritual
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Pygmy
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Damned
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Diary
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Lullaby
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Snuff
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Survivor
PARRIS S.J: Heresy
PAVONE Chris: The expats
RANKIN Ian: Resurrection man
RANKIN Ian: Fleshmarket close
REICHS: Kathy: Two nights
RUTHERFORD Jed: The interpretation of murder
RUTHERFORD Jed: The death instinct
SAMSON C.J: Dominion
SAMSON C.J: Heartstone (hardcover)
SCARROW Simon: The generals
SMITH Wilbur: The golden lion
SWANSON Peter: Her every fear
TAYLOR Andrew: The ashes of London
VERNE Jules: Around the world in eighty days
WATERS Sarah: The little stranger

Prodám originální hru na Playstation 4 - Minecraft Story Mode Season Two. Hra je v perfektním stavu, plně funkční, bez škrábanců. Hra je včetně originální krabičky.
Možnost osobního odběru v Praze, pokud osobní odběr není možný, posílám přes Zásilkovnu.
Zásilkovna: Platba předem + 70kč k ceně, Dobírka + 100kč k ceně
Na prodej mám více her, než je na tomto účtu zveřejněno. Možnost výběru z dalších 50 her. Při koupi více her se platí jen jedno poštovné. Možnost také přikoupit originální ovladač Dualshock 4 (799kč).
Prosím o první kontakt přes email (kontaktní formulář), telefon je smyšlený.

Karbonové Fuji supreme two velikost 53 na Shimano Ultegra R8050 di2 2x11.Na výšku okolo 172cm.Kliky 52-36.karbonová sedlovka.Drobné stopy používání,vynikající cena poměr výkon.Celé kolo za cenu sady Di2.

Prodám Smart for two 0,7benzin,nejspolehlivější motor s malou spotřebou a malou pojistkou, El okna, centrální zamykání,rok výroby 2005, najeto 120 tisíc km, 2 klíče, ideální do města pro začátečníky.

For sale is my Squier Jazzmaster 40th Anniversary Gold Edition Olympic White Electric Guitar, purchased just 4 months ago from Muziker. This guitar is in pristine condition, with no scratches, dents, or dings. It plays like a dream, with a smooth, comfortable neck and a bright, punchy sound that's perfect for a wide range of styles, from blues and rock to jazz and funk.
This limited-edition model is finished in stunning Olympic White with gold hardware and a matching gold anodized pickguard, giving it a classic, retro look that's sure to turn heads on stage or in the studio. It's equipped with two specially designed Jazzmaster pickups that deliver a rich, articulate tone with plenty of definition and clarity, as well as a unique rhythm/lead circuit that allows you to switch between two distinct sounds with ease.
I'm only selling this guitar because I need urgent cash, but I can guarantee that whoever buys it will be getting a top-quality instrument that's built to last. It comes with a gig bag and all the original documentation, so you can rest assured that you're getting the real deal. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of guitar history - contact me today to arrange a viewing!