díny only - strana 20
Počet nalezených inzerátů DÍNY ONLY: 718 - strana 20

Prodám novou knihu,Bibli kulturistiky,autor:Arnold Schwarzenegger
From elite bodybuilding competitors to gymnasts, from golfers to fitness gurus, anyone who works out with weights must own this book—a book that only Arnold Schwarzenegger could write, a book that has earned its reputation as “the bible of bodybuilding.”
Inside, Arnold covers the very latest advances in both weight training and bodybuilding competition, with new sections on diet and nutrition, sports psychology, the treatment and prevention of injuries, and methods of training, each illustrated with detailed photos of some of bodybuilding's newest stars.
Plus, all the features that have made this book a classic are here:
-Arnold's tried-and-true tips for sculpting, strengthening, and defining each and every muscle to create the ultimate buff physique
-The most effective methods of strength training to stilt your needs, whether you're an amateur athlete or a pro bodybuilder preparing for a competition
-Comprehensive information on health, nutrition, and dietary supplements to help you build muscle, lose fat, and maintain optimum energy
-Expert advice on the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries
-Strategies and tactics for competitive bodybuilders from selecting poses to handling publicity
-The fascinating history and growth of bodybuilding as a sport, with a photographic “Bodybuilding Hall of Fame”
-And, of course, Arnold's individual brand of inspiration and motivation throughout
Covering every level of expertise and experience, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding will help you achieve your personal best. With his unique perspective as a seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title and all international film star, Arnold shares his secrets to dedication, training, and commitment, and shows you how to take control of your body and realize your own potential for greatness.
Hmotnost: 2548 g
Rozměry: 221 × 277 × 45 mm
Datum vydání: 05. listopad 1999
Běžná cena 1000,-, osobní předání v PRAZE 2 po dohodě!

Graficka karta. Používaný 2,5 roku. Koupil jsem si novou pro sebe. Sloužila pouze pro hraní her a běžný provoz PC.
GPU card. Used for 2.5 years. I bought new for myself. It was only used for gaming and regular PC operations.

Prodám 3 riflové sukně,perfektní stav,velikost 38,více na fotkách.Cena za vše 300 Kč plus poštovné,nevyuziju

We are selling this used fan. It still works, just his legs are a bit broken, he doesn't stand that well anymore. But that can be fixed easily.
Prodám tento použitý ventilátor. Pořád to jde, akorát má trochu podlomené nohy, už tolik nestojí. Ale to se dá snadno napravit.
A Maze in Tchaiovna, Kafkova 18 se bohužel v dubnu zavírá. Nábytek ve výprodeji bude v provozu do 2. dubna. Mezi 2.4.23 a 20.4.23 musí být položka vyzvednuta. Platba předem pro rezervaci položky. Platit můžete v hotovosti v A Maze in Tchaiovna nebo na bankovní účet, který vám na požádání sdělíme. K dokončení rezervace budeme potřebovat vaše jméno a kontaktní údaje a dohodnutý termín vyzvednutí. Vyzvednutí na adrese Kafkova 18, Praha 6. Komunikace probíhá pouze emailem, protože s tím pomáhá více lidí.
A Maze in Thaiovna is sadly closing in April. The on sale furniture will be in use until April 2nd. Between 2.4.23 and 20.4.23 the item must be collected. Prepay to reserve an item. You can pay in cash at A Maze in Tchaiovna, or to a bank account, which we will give you if requested. We will need your name and contact details and agreed date of collection to complete the reservation. Collection from Kafkova 18, Prague 6. Communication is by email only as there is more than one person helping with this.

Nabízím k prodeji tuto DMR v "Upu" výroba 2020 s logem Marines, pro win komora, Epes tryska 21,5, SHS píst ocel. 15 zubů, Hop gumička SHS, SHS plný válec, MAXX hlava pístu, Hlava válce Epes 80sh, Pružina Guarder SP130, přesná hlaveň Raven PDI 6,01mm 520mm, SHS cnc kola, Vysokozátěžový motor Element, T-dean, dvojnožka Harris, funkční tlumič Slong biohazard, Li-po 1800mAh 11,1V, Theta optika 2,5-10x40AOE, 5x tlačák 120-140 ran Ares+Specna, plnička, pouzdro na zbraň originál Specna Arms, hafo kulí 0,25-0,32, Fullauto aretováno červíkem na semi-only. Splňuje požadavky na oficiální akce pro DMR. Dále Chest/minirig Helikon jak nový (PC 2400) cena 1700kč. V loni po úrazu ruky jsem od airsoftu upustil. Odehráno 15 akcí max. Do zbraně investováno především hodně Lásky. Zbraň 10,000kč. Více info rád povim po telefonu.

Velká kovová stojací lampa, bílé stínidlo
Big metal standing lamp, white lightshade
English text below
A Maze in Tchaiovna, Kafkova 18 se bohužel v dubnu zavírá. Nábytek ve výprodeji bude v provozu do 2. dubna. Mezi 2.4.23 a 20.4.23 musí být položka vyzvednuta. Platba předem pro rezervaci položky. Platit můžete v hotovosti v A Maze in Tchaiovna nebo na bankovní účet, který vám na požádání sdělíme. K dokončení rezervace budeme potřebovat vaše jméno a kontaktní údaje a dohodnutý termín vyzvednutí. Vyzvednutí na adrese Kafkova 18, Praha 6. Komunikace probíhá pouze emailem, protože s tím pomáhá více lidí.
A Maze in Thaiovna is sadly closing in April. The on sale furniture will be in use until April 2nd. Between 2.4.23 and 20.4.23 the item must be collected. Prepay to reserve an item. You can pay in cash at A Maze in Tchaiovna, or to a bank account, which we will give you if requested. We will need your name and contact details and agreed date of collection to complete the reservation. Collection from Kafkova 18, Prague 6. Communication is by email only as there is more than one person helping with this.

Základní deska s procesorem a operační pamětí.
Podívejte se i na moje ostatní inzeráty.
Socket A for AMD Athlon™ XP/Sempron™ processors
Northbridge: SiS 741 GX
Southbridge: SiS 964 (without RAID support)
333/266/200 MHZ
2x 184-pin DIMM sockets support unbufferred non-ECC
333/266/200 MHz DDR SRAM memory modules
1 x AGP slot for 1.5V AGP cards
2 x PCI slots
SiS 964 Southbridge supports:
4 x Ultra DMA 133/100/66 hard disk drives
- 2 x Serial ATA hard disk drives (supported only
under Windows® XP/2000/2003
ADI AD1888 SoundMax® 6-channel CODEC
S/PDIF out interface support
Realtek® RTL 8201CL 10/100 Mbps LAN PHY
Supports up to 8 USB 2.0 ports
ASUS C.O.P. (CPU Overheating Protection)
ASUS MyLogo™
2 Mb Flash EEPROM, Phoenix-Award BIOS with enhanced
ACPI, DMI, Green, and PP features
1 x PS/2 mouse port
1 x Parallel port
1 x LAN (RJ-45) port
4 x USB 2.0 ports
1 x VGA port
1 x Coaxial S/PDIF out port
1 x PS/2 keyboard port
6-channel audio ports
(continued on the next page)
1x Floppy disk drive connector
1x Primary IDE connector
1x Secondary IDE connector
2x Serial ATA connectors
1 x CPU fan connector
1x Chassis fan connector
2x USB 2.0 connectors for 4 additional USB 2.0 ports
1 x GAME/MIDI connector
1 x 20-pin ATX power connector
1 × CD in connector
1 x AUX connector
1x Front panel audio connector
1 x COM port connector
1 x Speaker out connector
1 x Power LED connector
1 x System panel connector
Industry standard PCI 2.2, USB 2.0
Support CD
Device drivers
ASS PC Probe
ASUS Update
Anti-virus software (OEM version)
Form Factor
Micro ATX form factor: 9.6 in x 7.8 in (24.4 cm x 19.8 cm)
*Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Black maternity trousers from C&A size 48EU, 20UK. Worn once, they were too big for me. Bought the wrong size and couldn't return them. Collection only.

Black maternity jeans from C&A size 48 EU, 20UK. Worn once, too big for me. I bought the wrong size and I couldn't return them. Collection only.

Vyžaduje opravu pedálů
Needs pedal repairing
English text below
A Maze in Tchaiovna, Kafkova 18 se bohužel v dubnu zavírá. Nábytek ve výprodeji bude v provozu do 2. dubna. Mezi 2.4.23 a 20.4.23 musí být položka vyzvednuta. Platba předem pro rezervaci položky. Platit můžete v hotovosti v A Maze in Tchaiovna nebo na bankovní účet, který vám na požádání sdělíme. K dokončení rezervace budeme potřebovat vaše jméno a kontaktní údaje a dohodnutý termín vyzvednutí. Vyzvednutí na adrese Kafkova 18, Praha 6. Komunikace probíhá pouze emailem, protože s tím pomáhá více lidí.
A Maze in Thaiovna is sadly closing in April. The on sale furniture will be in use until April 2nd. Between 2.4.23 and 20.4.23 the item must be collected. Prepay to reserve an item. You can pay in cash at A Maze in Tchaiovna, or to a bank account, which we will give you if requested. We will need your name and contact details and agreed date of collection to complete the reservation. Collection from Kafkova 18, Prague 6. Communication is by email only as there is more than one person helping with this.

Nabízíme pronájem skútrů 50-125cc pro rozvoz jídla po Praze. Máme velmi kvalitní skútry jenom japonských značek (Yamaha, Honda). Žádná Čína. Nabízíme nejlevnější ceny pronajmu skútru:
- 1500 Kč/týden. Záloha 2600 Kč
- 5000 Kč/měsíc. Záloha 2600 Kč
Včetně 1 helmy.
Volejte v češtině (Whatsapp)
We offer rental of 50-125cc scooters for food delivery in Prague. We have high quality scooters of only Japanese brands (Yamaha, Honda). Without China. We offer the cheapest scooter rental prices:
- 1500 CZK / week. Deposit 2600 CZK
- 5000 CZK / month. Deposit 2600 CZK
1 helmet included.
Call in English (Whatsapp)
Предлагаем прокат скутеров 50-125сс для доставки еды в Праге. У нас качественные скутеры только японских марок (Yamaha, Honda). Никакого Китая. Мы предлагаем самые дешевые цены на аренду скутеров:
- 1500 крон/нед. Депозит 2600 крон
- 5000 крон/мес. Депозит 2600 крон
1 шлем в комплекте.
Звоните на русском языке (WhatsApp)

, Reality 11 Vám zprostředkují pronájem vybavené kuchyně v zavedené restauraci v srdci pražské Libně. Nájemce neplatí žádné měsíční nájemné majiteli. Nájemce platí pouze své náklady na jeho provoz kuchyně (plyn, elektřina) k dispozici má kompletně vybavenou kuchyni připravenou k okamžitému užívání. Zájemce tudíž nemusí před svým podnikáním nic do nabízeného prostoru investovat. Kapacita restaurace je 82 míst k sezení. Denně pro hosty z restaurece se vařilo okolo 50 jídel. Součástí pronájmu je i propůjčení Loga a název U Králů k podnikání a převedení na Dáme jidlo, kde nájemci zůstane vynikající hodnocení od několika tisíců uživatelů denní rozvoz byl cca 150 - 200 jídel. Majitel preferuje v restauraci nabídku převážně české kuchyně, stálejší hosté na ni jsou zvyklí. Neplatí se žádné odstupné, vratná kauce je 60 000 Kč + provize RK. Restarace se nachází v hustě obydlené zástavbě vedle hlavní ulice Zenklova. Pro více info informujte makléřku.
rental of an equipped kitchen in an established restaurant in the heart of Pragues Liben. The tenant does not pay any monthly rent to the owner. The tenant only has to pay his own costs for the operation of the kitchen (gas, electricity) and has a fully equipped kitchen ready for immediate use. Therefore, the interested party does not have to invest in the offered space before starting his business. The capacity of the restaurant is 82 seats. About 50 meals were cooked daily for guests from the restaurant. Part of the lease also includes lending the Logo and the name U Králů to the business and transferring it to Dáme jidlo, where the tenant will retain an excellent rating from several thousand users. The daily delivery was about 150 - 200 meals. The owner prefers to offer mostly Czech cuisine in the restaurant, and the regular guests are used to it. No severance pay is payable, the refundable deposit is CZK 60,000 + RK commission. The restaurant is located in a densely populated area next to the main street of Zenklova. For more info, contact the broker. Ev. číslo: 24718. Energetický štítek: G (1 kWh/m2/rok).

Selling this portable doppler which was used only twice as our baby was born prematurely right after we bought the device. It's a nice thing to have if you want to hear your baby's heartbeat at any time. All accessories included like earplugs and phone jack. You can record the sounds on your phone through the app. Original price 2690 from Malvik

For sale is my Squier Jazzmaster 40th Anniversary Gold Edition Olympic White Electric Guitar, purchased just 4 months ago from Muziker. This guitar is in pristine condition, with no scratches, dents, or dings. It plays like a dream, with a smooth, comfortable neck and a bright, punchy sound that's perfect for a wide range of styles, from blues and rock to jazz and funk.
This limited-edition model is finished in stunning Olympic White with gold hardware and a matching gold anodized pickguard, giving it a classic, retro look that's sure to turn heads on stage or in the studio. It's equipped with two specially designed Jazzmaster pickups that deliver a rich, articulate tone with plenty of definition and clarity, as well as a unique rhythm/lead circuit that allows you to switch between two distinct sounds with ease.
I'm only selling this guitar because I need urgent cash, but I can guarantee that whoever buys it will be getting a top-quality instrument that's built to last. It comes with a gig bag and all the original documentation, so you can rest assured that you're getting the real deal. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of guitar history - contact me today to arrange a viewing!