inzerce, prodej, prodám, bazar

black and tan - strana 7

Počet nalezených inzerátů BLACK AND TAN: 1000 - strana 7

Objective Advanced Student´s Book with Answers with CD-ROM
Používáno minimálně. Velmi dobrý stav. Objective Advanced is an updated and revised edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) course. It is official preparation material for the revised 2015 exam, and combines thorough and systematic exam preparation with language work designed to improve students' overall English level. The Teacher's Book offers complete support with time-saving ideas, including a Teacher's Resources CD-ROM with regular progress tests. The Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book, as well as including an Audio CD with listening exam practice. The CD-ROM provides more language and exam practice in the form of interactive activities. Complete Cambridge English: Advanced practice tests are available for teachers online. Popis: Systematická příprava na mezinárodní zkoušky.vhodné zejména do programů středních a jazykových škol dle úrovně. Tematicky uspořádané lekce a Exam folder - jasně oddělená výuka jazykových a testových dovedností – lze v programu oddělit. English Profile – moderní jazyk podle SERRJ. Cambridge Learner Corpus = Corpus Spot- analýza typických chyb dané úrovně a jak se jich vyvarovat. Exam advice - rady a nácvik testových dovedností.Multimediální komponenty.
Prodám vypracované témata k maturitě z angličtiny. Témata: The Czech Republic, the UK, Mass Média in the UK, USA and ČR, London and other interesting places, Entertainment, The Czech Republic, Mass Média, London, Prague, Health and fitness, shopping, life in the USA, UK and the Czech Republic, spisovatele a známé osobnosti, seasons of the year, weather, the USA, work, Austrálie, Washington, Canada, Holidays and festival, food. Cena 200 Kč za všechny témata. Možno také koupit pouze některé témata. Kontaktujte mě na
Tandberg TCD 910 WARNING Advertisement on OLX is fraudulent He uses my photos and video !!! You will lose money Info to my email functiontion perfect!! play. rewind .wind.record headphone. revel meter. lamp light. and so on, , , , all perfect!!! include - maual (copy) - power cable - xlr cables Tandberg TCD-910 Pro Cassette Deck, This is the rarest of all cassette decks. It is more rare than Nakamichi 1000ZXL Limited, Tandberg TCD-910 considered to be the best cassette decks ever produced. It sounds excellent, just like a high end Open Reel to Reel recorder It was made only 400 pcs of this deck. There were no sold in store at all, were determined only for recording and radio studios. For Tandberg TCD-910 Pro Cassette Deck was used brand new mechanics, bought in Norway from warehouse stocks, also the upper and the bottom cover are brand new, cassette slide is new and playback head is also new. Wooden side panel are not original, but they are very similar. The machine was set up by professional service. info tel 00421911295344 mail harbutvaclav@ Serial no 058 payment via pay pal possible
Appaloosa valach po Ima Legal Impack
Pokud hledáte koně z kvalitního prověřeného chovu, přijeďte se podívat! Appaloosy chovám už 21 let, více o nás najdete hlavně na Facebooku: Gabriela Ahmed Appaloosa farm. Jack se narodil 9.5.2021, je to hodný, zdravý a krásný kluk, který je připraven na nové zážitky s budoucí rodinou. Jack je synem jedinečného appaloosa hřebce Ima Legal Impack, importovaného z USA, několikanásobného světového, evropského a českého šampiona ve třídách Halter, Most Colorful at Halter a dále také v jezdeckých třídách. Matkou Jacka je charakterní, hodná a pohodová appaloosa GW Impressive Bride, klisna s korektní stavbou těla a krásnou jemnou hlavou. Jejím otcem je jedna z legend českého chovu appaloos, hřebec Drest To Impress, který byl mezi prvními appaloosami dovezenými z USA. Jack was born 9.5.2021, he is a good, healthy and beautiful boy who is ready for new experiences with his future family. Jack is a son of the unique Appaloosa stallion Ima Legal Impack, imported from the USA, multiple World, European and Czech champion in Halter, Most Colorful at Halter and in a number performance classes. Jack's dam is the characterful, kind and easy-going Appaloosa GW Impressive Bride, a mare with correct conformation and a beautiful soft head. Her sire is one of the legends of Czech appaloosa breeding, the stallion Drest To Impress, who was among the first appaloosas imported from the USA. For more follow us on Facebook: Gabriela Ahmed Appaloosa farm. Pokud máte zájem se na Jacka přijet podívat, neváhejte nás kontaktovat. Tel: 635344 Cena 115.000 Kč
Asus TUF F15 RTX 3060 Laptop
Asus TUF F15 gaming laptop with Rtx3060 gpu and Intel i5 11400h cpu. It’s a powerful laptop that can run any modern game with ease and decent FPS. It also has a 144hz screen so you can actually see those FPS :) never mined with (idk if it’s the LHR version or not) mainly used for gaming and music production. Even though it has Japanese characters on keyboard, it’s English layout. You can use it in any language you want once set up from the system settings. Trades possible with desktop gaming computers with rtx 3000 and 4000 graphic cards. I can add cash on top if needed. Personal pickup in Prague as it has no box. You can run any tests you wish before buying. I can’t speak Czech, so please message in English and feel free to reach out for any questions.
Air Purifier & Dehumidifier 2 in 1
Two months used, selling because I am moving. The Afloia newest Q10 combines the functions of the dehumidifie or and air purifier. The purification can work separately or combined with dehumidification, you are able to easily select the working mode by the touch control. One machine for two purposes, which is not only space-saving but also cost-effective. Feel annoyed with the terrible air quality? H13 HEPA filtration system can trap 99.97% of fine particles as small as 0.1 microns and large pollutants, such as dust, pet dander, and smoke. Almost no pollutants can escape from the effective purifier, which can magically create fresh air for you like being in the idyllic nature, freely enjoy fresh air in your room Equipped with a 35oz water tank, which can effectively remove up to 25oz water per day in an ideal working environment of 86°F and 80%RH. This small dehumidifier can covers 2000 cubic feet (215 sq ft) room, effectively reduce humidity to make your living condition cozier! Farewell to damp and fusty in the hot spring or summer.
Paralelní port DIGITUS Ethernet print server
DIGITUS Ethernet print server, 1x paralelní port Paralelní printserver pro připojení klasické tiskárny s paralelním (Centronics 36pin) konektorem pro připojení do počítačové sítě etherenet s konektory RJ-45. - kompatibilní se standarty: IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u Wired Ethernet - nabízí jeden paralelní port LPT Centronics 36 samec pro připojení tiskárny - podpora síťových protokolů TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI a AppleTalk - podporuje LPR, IPP, SMB/TCP, Raw Printing and Unix Logical tiskové protokoly - podpora Peer-to-Peer Printing (TCP/IP/IPX/NetBEUI/AppleTalk) - podporas Server-based printing (Novell NetWare and Windows) - kompatibilní se všemi dostupnými systémy (Windows XP/Vista/7/8, NetWare (3.x above), MAC OS and Unix/Linux) - podpora DHCP Server and Client protokolu - nastavení přes Webové rozhraní, Windows Configuration Utility and SNMP protocol - jednoduché nastavení a diagnostika - bez napájecího adaptéru - konektory RJ-45 a Centronics36 Male
Principles of Corporate Finance (anglicky)
Rok vydání: 2020 Stav: úplně nové Případný poplatek za zaslání: 79 Kč Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, 13e, describes the theory and practice of corporate finance. We hardly need to explain why financial managers have to master the practical aspects of their job, but we should spell out why down-to-earth managers need to bother with theory. Throughout this book, we show how managers use financial theory to solve practical problems. Much of this book is concerned with understanding what financial managers do and why. But we also say what financial managers should do to increase company value. Some of the biggest changes in this edition were prompted by the tax changes enacted in the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017. In the current edition, we have also continued to augment the international content as well as a number of chapters that have been thoroughly rewritten. For example, the material on agency issues in Chapter 12 has been substantially revised. Chapter 13 on market efficiency and behavioral finance is now fresher and more up to date. Chapter 23 on credit risk focuses more on the practical issues of forecasting default probabilities.
17 triček, vel. 110, 116
Nabízím 17 bavlněných triček v pěkném stavu: - 2 bílá trička s dlouhým rukávem a 1 bílý rolák - vel. 110, zn. Kiki and Koko, nenošené, pouze vybrané, bavlna, Kč 90,- za 3 ks nebo 40,-/ks, - tričko dlouhý rukáv tmavě modré - vel 110, zn. Kiki and Koko, málo nošené, Kč 25,- - tričko sv. růžové s nápisem - vel. 116, zn. Pepco, pěkný stav, Kč 25,- - 3 jednobarevná trička - vel. 110/116, zn. Kiki and Koko, bavlna, pěkný stav, Kč 20,-/ks - tričko růžové s ježkem - vel. 110, zn. Next, bavlna, jemné žmolky od praní, Kč 45,- - 3 jednobarevná trička - vel. 116, růžové zn. Dopodopo, ostatní zn. Kiki and Koko, bavlna, pěkný stav, Kč 20,-/ks - tričko bílé s kapsičkou (odklápěcí) - vel. 110, zn. Dopodopo, krásný stav, Kč 55,- - 2 trička: pruhované, tm. modré - vel. 116, zn. Marks and Spencer, Kč 70,-/obě, - tričko funkční, šedé - vel. 110/116, zn. Kik, málo nošené, Kč 60,- - pruhované - vel. 110, zn. Next, bavlna, pěkný stav, Kč 50,- Cena za všechny Kč 430,- nebo lze koupit jednotlivě za výše uvedené ceny.
EAW CAZ1400 zesilovač
Prodejní ceny byla 7300kc zesilovač, 2x310W/8ohm, 2x450W/4ohm, 2x800W/2ohm, bridge 1400W/4ohm, třída AB, subsonic filter, input XLR + jack 6,3, out svorky, 2Ux400 mm, hmotnost 22kg The CAZ1400 power amplifier (1400 watts at 4 ohms bridged) is easily switchable between mono/stereo/bridged mono operating modes. Channels A and B offer separate outputs, and a third output is provided for mono bridged applications. A 30 Hz subsonic filter and defeatable clip limiter offers loudspeaker protection. Variable speed fans and large heatsinks facilitate excellent cooling. Handles are included for easy transport and protection of front panel controls.
Sbirka CD na prodej / cast 24
Nabizim sbirku cdecek. Piste pouze na email. Telefon neuvadim z pracovnich duvodu. Lasica & Satinsky & Filip S vetrom opreteky / Bonton 1999 Gang Miroslava Saidla Brichta Cok Vojtek / 1996 Zlati slavici / 3CD 2015 Karel Krautgartner Pripad jeste nekonci / Frantisek Rychtarik 2006 Leto s Verou - Country hity Very Martinove / 2002 Emi czech republic Na bigbeatovy tancovacce 1 / Carmen 1992 Karel Duba Dostavnik / 2007 Frantisek Rychtarik Asmodeus Sabat v Carnegie hall / 2003 Asmodeus Retez kritickych udalosti / 2006 Folie Asmodeus Oko Horovo / 2017 Folie Asmodeus Prosincova noc blize neurceneho roku / Magic disk music 2019 Folie Buty Votom / Soyn BMG 2006 Naceva Mimoid / Bonton 1998 Naceva Fontanela / Bonton 2001 Naceva Lavash Milostny slabiky / 2013 Naceva Pavlicek Mami / 2007 Naceva Wright The Sick Rose / 2010 Naceva Moznosti tu sou / digipack RESPEKTedice 2008 MC Erik & Barbara Ked pride laska / Universal 2004 MC Erik & Barbara Gold Zlate hity / Universal 2004 nove MC Erik & Barbara Second and more / Polygram 1997 Barbara Barbara / Polygram 1997 Noty z filmu / Vondrackova, Gott, Zagorova.../ Frantisek Rychtarik 2002 Vltava Marx Engels Beatles / prvni vydani Bonton 1998 Kata a Skubanek zase spolu / Supraphon 2002 Folie Jozo Urban a priatelia - Tak ze tak.../ 2000 Folie Jirina Bohdalova - To nejlepsi z pohadky / 1998 Nejasná zpráva o konci světa / Soundtrack 1997 Obsluhoval jsem anglickeho krale / 2006 Beata Dubasova To najlepsie / Bonton 2001 SPS Singly 2012 - 2018 / SPS records 2018 Folie SPS Jsme v hajzlu / Globus 1992 SPS Podivny deditstvi / ANK 1993 SPS Adios, kamaradi pankaci / SPS Records 2020 SPS Utek z reality / zabalene SPS Stoleti chaosu / 2008 Ingott Charon / 2016 Folie Ingott Na ceste do nebe stavil jsem se v pekle / 2019 Folie Ingott Nezer snih / singl 2017 Folie Ingott Zbytecny flam / 2018 Folie Tom a Jerry Pisnicky / Multisonic 1991 Tom and Jerry Pisnicky o kouzelnem prstenu / Tommu records 2002 Tom and Jerry Super disco team / Tommu records 2001 Tom and Jerry Cary mary sou / Tommu records 2003 Tom and Jerry Fajn mejdan stoleti / Tommu records 2004 Muzikalove hity 38 slavnych muzikalovych melodii / 2CD Popron 2003 Simek Krampol Zajic v pytli To nejlepsi z Simka a Krampola I. / 1999 Nemocnice na kraji mesta po 20-ti letech / Bonton 2003 2x Muzikal 3CD Les miserables Bidnici / Goja 2005 Cistychov Posledny doberman / 2008 Horky dech Jany Koubkové / Supraphon 1993 Superhity stoleti Slovenske / Universal 2000 Superhity stoleti Filmove / Universal 1999 Superhity stoleti Vanocni / Universal 2000 Superhity stoleti 1990 - 1999 vol. 2 / Universal 2000 Ventil RG Ventil RG / 2006 Folie Ektor Detektor / 2015 Folie Premier Brutal karneval / Popron music 1997 Holki Pro tebe / Monitor 2000 Slunce, seno, pomluvy / B&M Music 2001
Predam LP contry western: Country and western hits Contry and Western Greatest hits 1 Contry and Western Greatest hits 2 Contry and Western Greatest hits 3 Dvorana slávy - country and western 2 Dvorana slávy 3 Dvorana slávy 4 John Williams- The Missouri Breaks kenny rogers kenny kenny rogers greatest hits tennessee ernie ford sever proti jihu willie nelson with waylonb jennings take it to the limit V prave poledne- Melodie z filmu Michal Tucny: Stodola Michala Tucneho 1984 Fesaci: Salon fesaku 1980 Ostrov Fesaku 1980 Fesaci 2000 1981 Posta Fesaci 1 1984 ZELENACI: Pisne vetru z hor 1979 Silnice reky trate stezky 1979 Ridic tvrdy chleba ma 1980 Zalesacka bowle 1989 Greenhorns 71 1971 Greenhorns 72 1981 Rangers- Rangers 1972 The Rangers- The Rangesr 1973 POUTNICI- Poutnici 1987 V prave poledne- Melodie z filmu SP PLATNE: Michal tucny- Bajecna zenska/Koukam jak cela zeme vstava Michal Tucny- Snidane v trave/Posledni kovboj The Rangers- Kral silnic/Balicek karet GREENHORNS- El paso 1972 Dolly Parton- I will always love you Truck Stop- Rip it up/Square dance POZRI AJ DALSIE MOJE INZERATY !!!
Alarm venkovní, senzory, světelná mříž, bezdrátový, vg-3t150
přijímač a vysílač, nové, funguje na vzdálenost až 150m, bezdrátové, 433MHz, cena za oba kusy Product Description: 1.Passed CE,FCC,ROHS,IP66 certification 2.Fence detector can be installed at door,window,passage etc 3.With high-grade aluminum alloy shell, selection of components and the overall stability is good, high reliablity, strong anti-jamming capability 4.Wireless , suitable for different occasions, and can be compatible with 433MHz 1527 programmer code alarm host 5.With rain, fog, snow, all-weather outdoor use 6.Tamper proof and shear, mobile, double-beam recognition principle to prevent small animals,birds and other small objects causing false positives 7.Stepless rotate 360 degrees, fast accurate focus, unique terminals, convenient installation and debugging 8.Easy to install, alignment or not have buzzer sound in structions 10.Scope of application: senior villas, families, companies, financial institutions, clubs, etc Product Parameter Model : VG-3T150 Number of beams : 3 Outdoor detecting distance : 150m Application : Window,door Working voltage : DC12~24V Working Current : TX ≤ 80mA ,RX ≤ 80mA Interruption time : 50~700ms Wireless frequency : 433MHz Programmer code : 1527 Working Temperature : -25°C to +55°C Trigger Method : Breaking three infrared beams Sound : ≥100dB / 100m Wireless distance : 500m ( In open area)
Jistice , Proudove chranice
Prodam jistice a proudove chranice: 1ks jistic ABB 1P B 16A 50kč/ks 1ks jistic OEZ 1P B 10A 50kč/ks 1ks jistic F and G 1P B10A 50kč/ks 1ks jistic Hager 2P D10A 50kč/ks 4ks jistic Hager 1P C1 30kč/ks 4ks jistic Hager 1P B16 50kč/ks 2ks jistic Hager 1P D16 50kč/ks 6ks jistic Hager 1P B20 50kč/ks 1ks jistic F and G 3P 40A 200kč/ks 3ks jistic LEGRAND 1P 25A 50kč/ks 1ks jistic Moeller 1P B6 50kč/ks PRODANO!!! 2ks jistic Moeller 1P B10 50kč/ks PRODANO!!! 1ks jistic Moeller 1P B16 50kč/ks PRODANO!!! 3ks Zasuvka na DIN listu ABB 100kč/ks 1ks Zasuvka na DIN listu ZS20 50kč/ks 3ks Stary jistič 16A 30kč/ks 1ks Stary jistič 3P 16A 30kč/ks 2ks Stary jistič 16A ESČ bily 30kč/ks 1ks Legrand prepatova ochrana 4p., 40kA,230V 1600kč/ks 1ks Proudovy chranic Moeller C10/1N/C/003A 600kč/ks PRODANO!!! 1ks Proudovy chranic Moeller B6/1N/B/003A 600kč/ks PRODANO!!! 1ks Proudovy chranic ABB 3P 80A 0,03A 600kč/ks PRODANO!!! 1ks Proudovy chranic ABB 3P 25A 0,03A 600kč/ks 1ks Proudovy chranic F and G 1P C6A 0,03A 500kč/ks 2ks Pojistkove pouzdro F and G VLC10 1P 32A 50kč/ks 1ks Pojistkove pouzdro F and G VLC10 1P+N 32A 30kč/ks +pošta 120Kč platba jedine předem na účet +85Kč do zasilkovny +kuryr 130kč piste na email pres formular dekuji.
Nový krásný byt na SADOVÉ v centru Zlína
Bydlete na nejlepší adrese ve Zlíně - SADOVÁ Pronajmeme nový krásný byt 3+kk s lodžií v klidné zóně a zároveň v úplném centru. Celková užitná plocha bytu: 73 m2, z toho lodžie 4 m2. Byt se nachází v 1. NP a je naprosto ideální pro Váš odpočinek a relaxaci. Máte jedinečnou příležitost bydlet v celkově rekonstruovaném bytovém domě na populární adrese. Dispozičně: Vstupní chodba, obývací pokoj s velkou kuchyní a lodžií, ložnice, koupelna, sklep. Lodžie je orientována do okrasné zahrady. Kuchyňská linka je plně vybavena vestavnými spotřebiči značky Whirpool v nízkoenergetických třídách: indukční varná deska, odsavač par, trouba, myčka, lednice, mrazák. Celý byt je nadčasově barevně a materiálově sladěn. Snaha o co nejmenší energetickou náročnost bydlení. Dům je nekuřácký. Byt není připraven na domácí mazlíčky. Nájemné: 17000,-Kč Režie: 4500,-Kč Kauce: 2 nájmy Zálohy po vyúčtování vratné. K nastěhování od 20.2.2023 Těšíme se na osobní/online prohlídce po telefonické domluvě. M: +420 Děkujeme Live at the best address in ZLIN - SADOVA We are renting a new beautiful 2 bedrooms apartment with a balcony in a quiet area in the center of Zlin The total usable area of ​​the apartment: 73 m2, of which the balcony is 4 m2 The apartment is located on the 1st floor and is absolutely ideal for your rest and relaxation. You have a unique opportunity to live in a completely renovated apartment building at a popular address. Dispositionally: Entrance hall, living room with large kitchen and balcony, bedroom, bathroom, cellar. The balcony faces the ornamental garden. The kitchen is fully equipped with built-in Whirpool appliances in low-energy classes: induction hob, extractor fan, oven, dishwasher, fridge, freezer. The entire apartment is timeless in color and material. Efforts to reduce the energy consumption of housing as much as possible. The house is non-smoking. The apartment is not ready for pets. Rent: CZK 17,000.00 Bills: CZK 4,500 Deposit: 2 rentals Deposits refundable after billing. To move in: 20.2.2023 and onwards We look forward to a personal/online meeting M/WhatsApp: +420 Thank you very much
Single Room in THE FIZZ Praha 7
Hello everyone, I am looking for new tenant for my single room at The FIZZ in Prague. My room is located in the 7th floor oriented to the garden. Accommodation period: 01.06.2023 - 31.09.2023 ( with the possibility of extension) All-in rent: CZK 16.464,00 Deposit: CZK 16.464,00 Admission Fee: CZK 2000 My room has about 15 m2 and is fully furnished (kitchen equipment, blanket, pillow, bed linen, towels are not included). In the building you can find 4 big kitchens in the common areas, a laundry room, a movie room, a music room and a rooftop terrace with a party room. Front desk staff is super friendly and always tries to help with every need. The place has 24/7 security. Basic cleaning stuff (like vacuum cleaner and mops) can be borrowed for free and other stuff like kitchen equipment or bed linen can be bought at the front desk for a fair price.
1+kk – 41,25 m2 + Balkon, Garáž – Říčany u Prahy
Dovolujeme si Vám nabídnout pronájem nového světlého bytu 1kk v prvním patře o rozloze 41.25m2 v Říčanech u Prahy. Byt je částečně zařízen. 2 minuty od zastávky autobusu, 10 minut pěšky od centra Říčan. Při příchodu do bytu je prostorná chodbička, ve které je šatní skříň a ze které je vstup jak do koupelny s vanou, pračkou a WC, tak i do hlavní obývací místnosti s postelí, kuchyňským koutem (trouba, varná deska, digestoř) a také na balkon. Okna a dveře na balkon mají nainstalované venkovní žaluzie. Součástí pronájmu bytu je jedno parkovací garážové místo a zděný sklep. Požadujeme kauci ve výši 20000,-. Měsíční nájem 13500,- poplatky aktuálně cca 4,- včetně internetu. We would like to offer you a new bright apartment 1kk on the first floor with an area of 41.25 square meters in Ricany near Prague. The apartment is partially furnished. 2 minutes from the bus stop, 10 minutes walk from the center of Ricany. At the entrance to the apartment is a spacious hallway with wardrobe and access to the bathroom with bath, washing machine and toilet, as well as to the main living room with bed, kitchenette (oven, hob, hood) and also balcony. Windows and doors to the balcony have outdoor blinds installed. The apartment includes a parking garage and a brick cellar. We requests a deposit of 20000 CZK. Month rent 13500, other fees ~4 CZK, internet inclusive.
Vintage Design -Frantisek Mezulanik.
Vintage Design 1960’s Large Mid Century Glass Fronted Cabinet – Up Zavody. Superb practical piece of mid century storage by the Czech maker Up Zavody and designed by Frantisek Mezulanik. Czech was a large producer of high quality mid century furniture following the surge of modernism originated by the Manufacturer UP Závody - Czech Design Period 1960 to 1969 Production Period 1960 to 1969 Identifying Marks This piece is attributed to the above-mentioned designer/maker. It has no attribution mark Style Vintage Detailed Condition Good — This vintage/antique item may have some wear such as scratches and other signs of ageing. Restoration and Damage Details Light wear consistent with age and use Product Code NRW-1295139 Materials Glass, Sapele Color Brown Width 17.7 inch Depth 48.8 inch Height 51.6 inch Weight Range Standard — Between 40kg and 80kg
BLACK SABBATH - BLACK SABBATH - 500 Kč BLACK SABBATH -SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH-500 Kč RAINBOW - DOWN TO EARTH - 380 Kč RAINBOW - THE BEST OF RAINBOW 2LP - 600 Kč VAN HALEN - OU 812 - 350 Kč VAN HALEN - VAN HALEN - 350 Kč URIAH HEEP - BEST OF - 350 Kč Z.Z.TOP - AFTERBURNER - 350 Kč NAZARETH-LOUD AND PROUD-ANTHOLOGY 2LP-600 Kč TOTO - TOTO - 350 Kč THE SWEET - DIE GROSEN .../best of/-350 Kč WISHBONE ASH -THE ORGINAL -/best of/- 300 Kč SIMON AND GARFUNKEL-THE CONCERT IN CENTRAL PARK 2 LP + BOOKLET - 550 Kč BRYAN ADAMS - BRYAN ADAMS - 300 Kč ABBA - VISITORS - 250 Kč ABBA - ARRIVAL - 280 Kč Všechny LP jsou v pěkném stavu, jen některé obaly jsou místy odřené. Pokud si nemůžete desky vyzvednout osobně je nutné počítat + poštovné Inzerát platí až do jeho smazání. Klikněte také na "VŠECHNY INZERÁTY A HODNOCENÍ UŽIVATELE." Zde najdete další moje LP na prodej. Na dobírku nezasílám .
Prodám set 3 ks exkluzivního produktu Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale Black 1x Orchidee Imperiale Black Exceptional Complete Care The Cream 7ml (prodejní cena krému 50ml je 33.000 Kč) 1x Orchidee Imperiale Black Exceptional Complete Care The Eye and Lip Contour Cream 3ml (prodejní cena krému 20ml je 11.000 Kč) 1x Pytlík Guerlain 12cm x 16cm Prodejní cena tohoto setu v maloobchodě by byla 6.300 Kč.