Wilderness U.S.A. National Geographic Society
Pouze osobní převzetí v Praze. Knížka je jako nová, neponičená. Pouze přebal je natržený.
V ČR vzácná knížka.
Kniha je v angličtině, jedná se o výpravnou obrazovou publikaci - divočina USA.
National Geographic Society, rok 1973
The Far West
The Southwest
The Great Divide
The Midlands
The East
V ČR vzácná knížka.
Kniha je v angličtině, jedná se o výpravnou obrazovou publikaci - divočina USA.
National Geographic Society, rok 1973
The Far West
The Southwest
The Great Divide
The Midlands
The East

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kniha Afrika očima bohů od National Geographic plná leteckých záběrů Afriky, nová, ještě v ochranné fólii

Atlas Vesmíru: Černé díry
- Hachette, National Geographic, rok 2022
- STAV: Nová. Nevybalená, ještě v původní fólii.
- (ISSN: 2785-3470)
Cena: 100 Kč

Nabízím zcela novou knihu
Music: The Definitive Visual History
cena je včetně poštovného
Humans have always made music and this authoritative and lavishly illustrated guide is your companion to its fascinating history across the globe.
Music – that mysterious alchemy of harmonies, lyrics, and rhythm – is a constant in our lives. Discover how music has evolved with human society, accompanying our leisure, religious rituals, and popular festivities. Watch its development during prehistory and before musical notation, when melodies were memorized or improvised. Enjoy galleries of historical instruments such as dulcimers, shawms, psalteries, and tabor pipes.
The universal language of music is expressed in an astonishing number of styles today, and Music presents its evolution around the globe, including the classical European tradition of JS Bach, the passionate sounds of Spain’s flamenco, and the sonic power of electronica and heavy rock.
With spectacular timelines of key events and profiles of musicians from Amadeus Mozart to David Bowie, Music is an unrivaled and comprehensive reference. Whether you are into the Blues, Brahms, or Bhangra, it is essential reading and guaranteed to hit the right note.

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