Vitra ID soft Kancelářská židle/office chair
Perfect mix: ID Chair from Vitra
Ergonomics, price and performance - the ID Chair from Vitra is the perfect mix of a swivel chair. Entitled a classic office swivel chair, the ID Soft has an upholstered back. The soft upholstered cushions are a guarantee for comfortable sitting.
The Vitra ID Soft Chair swivel chairs convince with their unique design and are regarded as independent furnishing is worth 18.000kc, please check all the photos, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.
Ergonomics, price and performance - the ID Chair from Vitra is the perfect mix of a swivel chair. Entitled a classic office swivel chair, the ID Soft has an upholstered back. The soft upholstered cushions are a guarantee for comfortable sitting.
The Vitra ID Soft Chair swivel chairs convince with their unique design and are regarded as independent furnishing is worth 18.000kc, please check all the photos, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.

Podobné inzeráty

offer a high-quality Swiss Vitra office chair, model MedaPro. The chair is like new - everything is fully functional, the black cover is in perfect condition. Purchase price in this design for 18.500kc,-, now I will sell it for a very favorable price of 6,800kc, The chair is ergonomic, very comfortable, made of quality material. It has an above-standard setting, a high-quality gas piston, with which you can of course adjust the height of your seat, a rocking system with adjustable resistance to your weight, a breathable backrest in which you do not sweat, seat depth adjustment (according to the length of your thigh), backrest fixation, 3D armrests with adjustable height and width to the sides. Thanks to the high-quality material and thin lines, the chair looks very elegant in the space. You can pick it up or we can't offer you a delivery.

Prodám kancelářskou židli Vitra v černé barvě. Židle je v pěkném stavu, vše je plně funkční. K vyzvednutí na Praze 7.
Vitra, židle, kancelářská židle, chair, Office chair

Selling office chair MULTISED, top condition, it is suitable for tall and heavy person, load capacity 150kg, the chair is worth over 6000kc as you see it on the photos, it is adjustable height, back support, armrests, the seat slides forward and backward, for more information please Google it...the chair is very nice and clean and comfortable, please check all the photos, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.

Prodám novou kancelářskou židli rakouského výrobce Bene. Židle byla pouze vystavena na showroomu.
Židle má nastavitelnou výšku sedu a područek. Sedák lze posunout dopředu. Židle nabízí možnost houpání s aretací. Zádový opěrák je síťovaný.
Židle je k dispozici na Praze 7. Po domluvě mohu dovézt po Praze.
Židle, Kancelářská židle, kancelářské křeslo, pracovní židle, chair, office chair

Prodám elegantní kancelářskou židli Mercury Fish Bones ve velmi pěkném stavu. Židle je v černé barvě a má koženkové čalounění.
Židle má kvalitní synchronní mechaniku, posuvný sedák, výškové nastavení sedáku, anatomicky tvarovaný opěrák a výškově stavitelné područky.
Nová židle se nyní prodává za 0 Kč.
K vyzvednutí na Praze 7 nebo mohu za 300 Kč dovézt po Praze.
Židle, kancelářská židle, pracovní židle, kancelářské křeslo, chair, office chair, Fish Bones

Prodám špičkovou kancelářskou židli Steelcase Think. Židle je v perfektním stavu a je vyčištěná.
Židle vyniká svojí ergonomií. Lze nastavit výšku a hloubku sedáku, tuhost zad, náklon opěráku, výška područek atd. Židle je vhodná na dlouhodobé sezení.
Nová židle stojí přes 20 tis. Kč.
K vyzvednutí na Praze 7 nebo mohu za 300 Kč dovézt po Praze.
steelcase, židle Steelcase, kancelářská židle, chair, office chair, steelcase think