Some basic facts
Učebnice, skripta - Jazykové
Maturita z AJ

Podobné inzeráty

Want to improve your 2nd (or 3rd or 4th...) language skills? If Spanish is that language, these books may be of use to you. Intermediate level. Some of the workbooks have been written in but still usable. Some of the books have CDs with them as well. You can have them all for CZK 1000. I prefer to sell as a group.

Prodám tyto učebnice – všechny v 100% stavu (nebo jako nové) a nepopsané.
Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use with answers (Fourth edition) - PRODÁNO
Raymond Murphy: Essential Grammar in Use with answers (Third Edition) - PRODÁNO
Ruth Gairns, Stuart Redman: Oxford Word Skills (Basic)
Tim Falla, Paul A Davies: Maturita Solutions (Upper-Intermediate) Student's Book
John & Liz Soars: New Headway (the third edition) Pre-Intermediate Student's Book
Ceny dohodou. Osobní předání v Brně nebo Kuřimi. Zaslání možné.