Skylanders Trap Team Wii U
Prodám tuto skvělou dětskou hru
Skylanders Trap Team pro Nintendo
Wii U a to včetně podstavce a Trap
Master figurky Jawbreaker - stačí
jen zapojit a hrát. Vážnému zájemci
ji mohu poslat i na dobirku
Skylanders Trap Team pro Nintendo
Wii U a to včetně podstavce a Trap
Master figurky Jawbreaker - stačí
jen zapojit a hrát. Vážnému zájemci
ji mohu poslat i na dobirku

Podobné inzeráty

Figurky Skylanders Trap Team
Figurky su pouzivane, su ale funkcne.
No. 87164888 - Bushwhack, Trap Master Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 87000888 - Gusto, Trap Master Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87001888 - Jawbreaker, Trap Master Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87168888 - Lob-Star, Trap Master Skylanders - PREDANE
No. 84999888 - Snap Shot, Trap Master Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84993888 - Wildfire, Trap Master Skylanders - PREDANE
No. 83888 - Bat Spin, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84994888 - Blades, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84995888 - Chopper, New Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 87197888 - Fist Bump, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 82888 - Flip Wreck, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84996888 - Food Fight, New Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84997888 - Funny Bone, New Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 89888 - High Five, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87198888 - Rocky Roll, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84998888 - Torch, New Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 80888 - Trail Blazer, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 81888 - Tread Head, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 87101888 - Fuzzy Frenzy Pop Fizz, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87100888 - Full Blast Jet-Vac, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87104888 - Hog Wild Fryno, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87102888 - Sure Shot Shroomboom, Returning Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 87098888 - Tidal Wave Gill Grunt, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 87076888 - Bop, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 87078888 - Drobit, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84689888 - Mini Jini, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 87084888 - Small Fry, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 87085888 - Spry, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84404888 - Trigger Snappy, Mini Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 82888 - Lgendary Hand of Fate, Magic Items - 125 CZK
No. 84888 - Nightmare Express, Magic Items - 125 CZK
No. 85888 - Piggy Bank, Magic Items - 125 CZK
No. 87026888 - Rocket Ram, Magic Items - 125 CZK
No. 87888 - Tiky Speak, Magic Items - 125 CZK
No. 84994888 - Legendary Blades, In-Game Variants - 125 CZK
Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo.
Zasielkovka 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Predám figurky Skylanders Giants.
Figurky su pouzivane, su ale funkcne.
No. 84535888 - Bouncer, Giants Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84515888 - Crusher, Giants Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84541888 - Eye-Brawl, Giants Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84519888 - Hot Head, Giants Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84548888 - Ninjini, Giants Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84525888 - Swarm, Giants Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84542888 - Thumpback, Giants Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 85002888 - Tee Rex, Giants Skylanders - 100 CZK
No. 84524888 - Flashwing, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84544888 - Hot Dog, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 85001888 - Jet-Vac, New Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84320888 - Pop Fizz, New Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84536888 - Shroomboom, New Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84489888 - Bash, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84490888 - Chop Chop, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 85000888 - Cynder, Returning Skywalkers - 125 CZK
No. 84492888 - Drill Sergeant, Returning Skywalkers - 125 CZK
No. 84494888 - Eruptor, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84496888 - Flameslinger, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84497888 - Gill Grunt, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84498888 - Hex, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84499888 - Ignitor, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84500888 - Lightning Rod, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84503888 - Slam Bam, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84504888 - Sonic Boom, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84506888 - Stealth Elf, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84507888 - Stump Smash, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84508888 - Terrafin, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84509888 - Trigger Happy, Returning Skywalkers - 125 CZK
No. 84510888 - Whirlwind, Returning Skywalkers - 150 CZK
No. 84511888 - Wrecking Ball, Returning Skywalkers - 125 CZK
No. 84512888 - Zap, Returning Skywalkers - 175 CZK
No. 84549888 - Drobot LightCore, LightCore Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84552888 - Eruptor LightCore, LightCore Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84547888 - Jet-Vac LightCore, LightCore Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84548888 - Pop Fizz LightCore, LightCore Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84551888 - Prism Break LightCore, LightCore Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84538888 - Dragonfire Cannon, Magic Items - 175 CZK
No. 84503888 - Legendary Slam Bam, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK
No. 84506888 - Legendary Stealth Elf, In-Game Variants - 175 CZK
Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo.
Zasielkovka 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Predám figurky Skylanders Swap Force.
Figurky su pouzivane, su ale funkcne.
No. 84741888 - Blast Zone, Swappers - 150 CZK
No. 84798888 - Boom Jet, Swappers - 200 CZK
No. 84784888 - Hoot Loop, Swappers - 175 CZK
No. 84785888 - Rattle Shake, Swappers - 200 CZK
No. 84746888 - Wash Buckler, Swappers - 150 CZK
No. 84747888 - Countdown, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84789888 - Pop Thorn, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84085888 - Rip Tide, New Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84ý48888 - Roller Brawl, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84086888 - Scorp, New Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84791888 - Slobber Tooth, New Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84810888 - Smolderdash, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84792888 - Star Strike, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84811888 - Wind Up, New Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84793888 - Zoo Lou, New Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84663888 - Anchors Away Gill Grunt, Returning Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84667888 - Big Bang Trigger Happy, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84669888 - Blizzard Chill, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84673888 - Heavy Duty Sprocket, Returning Skylanders - 150 CZK
No. 84662888 - Lava Barf Eruptor, Returning Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84749888 - Ninja Stealth Elf, Returning Skylanders - 125 CZK
No. 84688 - Super Gulp Pop Fizz, Returning Skylanders - 175 CZK
No. 84660888 - Twin Blade Chop Chop, Returning Skylanders - 200 CZK
No. 84879888 - Groove Machine, Magic Items - 200 CZK
No. 84881888 - Platinum Sheep, Magic Items - 200 CZK
No. 84880888 - Sheep Wreck Island, Magic Items - 200 CZK
No. 84747888 - Kickoff Countdown, In-Game Variants - 200 CZK
No. 84667888 - SpringtimeTrigger Happy, In-Game Variants - 200 CZK
Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo.
Zasielkovka 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Prodám figurky Skylanders Swap Force,Trap team v dobrém stavu,bez krabice,použité,osobní vyzvednutí Ostrava Zábřeh ,zasílám i na zásilkovnu cena 79,-kč,platba předem.Podívejte se i na mé další inzeráty,lze sloučit zásilku
Cena za 1 ks
1.Skylanders SWAP Force Jawbreaker 299,-
2.Skylanders SWAP Force giants Bouncer 290,-
3.Skylanders SWAP Force Wind-Up 99,-
4.Skylanders SWAP Force Tread Head 149,-
5.Skylanders SWAP Force Countdown 129,-
6.Skylanders SWAP Force Trigger Happy 129,-
7.Skylanders SWAP Force Drill sergeant 99,-
8.Skylanders SWAP Force Drobot 129,-
9.Skylanders SWAP Force Chopper 129,-

Prodám tyto exkluzivní hry pro
Nintendo Wii (lze je však spustit
i v konzoli Wii U) v komplet stavu:
1) New Super Mario Bros Wii (prodáno)
2) Super Mario Galaxy (prodáno)
3) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (prodáno)
3) Pokemon Battle Revolution (raritka za 599Kč)
4) Zelda Skyward Sword (za 799Kč)
5) Zelda Skyward Sword (s Orchestra CD
diskem za 999Kč)
6) Zelda Twilight Princess (za 599Kč)
7) Links Crossbow Training
+ Wii Zapper (za 599Kč)
8) Resident Evil Wii Archives
(za 399Kč)
9) Resident Evil Zero Wii Archives
(za 399Kč)
10) Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
za 399Kč)
11) Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles
+ Wii Zapper (za 599Kč)
12) Goldeneye 007 + Wii Zapper
(za 599Kč)
13) Skylanders Trap Team + portal
+ Trap figurka (za 399Kč)
14) Skylanders Superchargers Racing
+ portal + sada Jet-Vac Legendary
(za 599Kč)
15) Nights Dream Journey (za 399Kč)
16) Epic Mickey (za 399Kč)
17) Epic Mickey 2 (za 399Kč)
18) Okami Wii (raritka za 599Kč)
19) Monster Hunter 3 (za 399Kč)
20) Samurai Warriors Katana (za 399Kč)
21) Soul Calibur Legends (za 399Kč)
22) Sonic Rings (za 399Kč)
23) Sonic Colours (za 599Kč)
24) Donkey Kong Returns (za 599Kč)
25) Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (za 399Kč)
Vámi vybrané hry mohu poslat i na dobirku

Prodám figurky Skylanders Swap Force,Trap team v dobrém stavu,bez krabice,použité,osobní vyzvednutí Ostrava Zábřeh ,zasílám i na zásilkovnu cena 79,-kč,platba předem.Podívejte se i na mé další inzeráty,lze sloučit zásilku
Cena za 1 ks
1.Skylanders SWAP Force Giant Trap Master Ka-Boom 299,-
2.Skylanders SWAP Force Giants Hot Head 199,-
3.Skylanders SWAP Force Giants Wildfire 199,-
4.Skylanders SWAP Force Giants Eruptor 99,-
5.Skylanders SWAP Force Giants Hog Wild Fryno 129,-
6.Skylanders SWAP Force mini Weeruptor+Smal Fry 159,-