Single Room in THE FIZZ Praha 7
Hello everyone,
I am looking for new tenant for my single room at The
FIZZ in Prague. My room is located in the 7th floor oriented to the garden.
Accommodation period: 01.06.2023 - 31.09.2023 ( with the possibility of extension)
All-in rent: CZK 16.464,00
Deposit: CZK 16.464,00
Admission Fee: CZK 2000
My room has about 15 m2 and is fully furnished
(kitchen equipment, blanket, pillow, bed linen, towels
are not included).
In the building you can find 4 big kitchens in the
common areas, a laundry room, a movie room, a
music room and a rooftop terrace with a party room.
Front desk staff is super friendly and always tries to
help with every need. The place has 24/7 security.
Basic cleaning stuff (like vacuum cleaner and mops)
can be borrowed for free and other stuff like kitchen
equipment or bed linen can be bought at the front
desk for a fair price.
I am looking for new tenant for my single room at The
FIZZ in Prague. My room is located in the 7th floor oriented to the garden.
Accommodation period: 01.06.2023 - 31.09.2023 ( with the possibility of extension)
All-in rent: CZK 16.464,00
Deposit: CZK 16.464,00
Admission Fee: CZK 2000
My room has about 15 m2 and is fully furnished
(kitchen equipment, blanket, pillow, bed linen, towels
are not included).
In the building you can find 4 big kitchens in the
common areas, a laundry room, a movie room, a
music room and a rooftop terrace with a party room.
Front desk staff is super friendly and always tries to
help with every need. The place has 24/7 security.
Basic cleaning stuff (like vacuum cleaner and mops)
can be borrowed for free and other stuff like kitchen
equipment or bed linen can be bought at the front
desk for a fair price.

Podobné inzeráty

We offer for rent a beautiful, new, unfurnished three-room apartment with a terrace and a garage in a newly built apartment building in the Brno-Královo Pole district.
The newly built Ponavia residence is located on U červeneho mlýna street and was completed in 2020. The total area of the apartment is 97 m2 + terrace, the apartment is located on the top floor of the building, so it is very bright.
There is a city view from the terrace.
Layout of the apartment: entrance hall, spacious living room with a freely connected kitchen area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, 2 chambers. The terrace is accessible from the living room and from both bedrooms.
Apartment equipment: kitchen unit including appliances, i.e. oven, hob, hood, dishwasher.
The bathroom has a bathtub and a washbasin, the toilet is separated.
The connection to the washing machine is ready in one of the chambers.
The apartment is rented unfurnished, the tenant will complete the apartment with his own furniture and appliances that he deems appropriate.
The rent includes 1 covered garage space in the basement of the house.
The apartment is intended for tenants without animals, a long-term lease is possible, the owners have not used the apartment yet.
The beginning of the lease is an agreement with the lessor.
The rent for the apartment is CZK 29,400 + a garage space is CZK 1,800.
Except of the rent there is advance payment for energy and services in the amount of CZK 3,600/month (heating, cold and hot water, house services). Advances are billable according to actual consumption.
The tenant will pay for electricity and internet consumption based on their own contracts.
Total monthly payment of CZK 34,800 + electricity and internet.
If you are interested in viewing the apartment, please contact us by email. Thank you.

Nabízíme pronájem kompletně zařízeného pokoje v bytě 3+1. Byt má kompletně vybavenou kuchyni s lednicí , sporákem, mikrovlnou troubou, pračkou a LCD televizorem. Všechny pokoje jsou kompletně vybavené viz. foto. Koupelna se sprchovým koutem. Pokoj je vybaven nábytkem na míru postel, uzamykatelná skříň, stůl židle. 1 pokoj je pro 2 osoby má 2 lůžka.
Byt se nachází v centru města Brna na ulici Běhounská. Cena pronájmu je nyní ve výši 6 695 Kč / 1 osoba + 1 000 Kč za energie / 1 osoba.
Kontakt: e-mail: gaustadreality@, mobil:
We offer for rent a fully furnished room in a 3+1 apartment. The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen with a fridge, stove, microwave oven, washing machine and LCD TV. All rooms are fully equipped, see photo. Bathroom with shower. The room is equipped with custom-made furniture, a bed, a lockable wardrobe, a table and chairs. 1 room is for 2 people 2 beds.
The apartment is located in the center of Brno on Běhounská. The rental price is now 6,695 CZK / 1 person + 1,000 CZK for utilities / 1 person.
Contact: e-mail: gaustadreality@, mobile:

Nabízíme k prodeji byt 2+kk, v cihlovém domě, s užitnou plochou 50 m2 v městské části Praha 5 Košíře do družstevního vlastnictví.
Cena bytu 1.850.000 Kč z vlastních zdrojů, anuitu ve výši 4.300.000 Kč možno splácet s 8% úrokem s možností kdykoliv byt doplatit a převést do vlastního osobního vlastnictví. Na to lze kdykoliv využít i klasickou hypotéku.
Výše splátek při rozložení na 35 let vychází 32.396 Kč měsíčně.
We offer for sale apartment 2+kk, in a brick house, with a usable area of 50 m2 in the Prague 5 Košíře to cooperative ownership.
The price of the apartment can be paid in the amount of 1.850.000 CZK from own resources, the annuity (4.430.000 CZK) can be repaid with 8% interest with the possibility of any time to repay the apartment and transfer to your own personal ownership. A classic mortgage can be used for this at any time. The amount of repayments when spread over 35 years is CZK 32,396 per month. Depending on the amount of own resources and the adjustment of the repayment period, the amount of the repayment can be adjusted. There is no need to prove income, just clean registers and an affidavit of income.
Description of the apartment. From the vestibule you can enter the bedroom (15,36 m2), the living room with preparation for the kitchen (23,48 m2) and the separate toilet (1,5 m2), the entrance to the bathroom (2,78 m2) is from the living room. The apartment has a cellar. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor (the building has a total of 5 floors) . The apartment is after extensive reconstruction (new wiring, stucco, plaster, tiles, flooring, sanitary ware, etc.) The apartment is ready to move in immediately and is offered unfurnished. PThere is a possibility to finish the kitchen according to the client and #39;s idea. Monthly housing costs for 2 persons are CZK 3,595 (Repair fund CZK 1,255, deposit for water and sewerage CZK 500, administrative activities + waste and deposit for electricity for common areas CZK 320, electricity CZK 1,500). A great advantage is very good transport accessibility not only to the center of Prague (TRAM 3 min, metro Anděl 5 min), but also to the nearby exits (D5, D8, Prague ring road). All civic facilities are located in the surroundings.
Třída energetické náročnosti: (dle ) Cena: 1 850 000 Kč

Pronajmu dvoulůžkový pokoj se sdílenou 6-ti metrovou plně vybavenou kuchyní a sdíleným WC a sprchou v přízemí rodinného domu na Suchdole v klidné ulici Staročeská.
V blízkosti je zemědělská univerzita, bus 2 zastávky. 15 minut MHD ke stanici metra Dejvická. Hledám klidné studenty. Nájem 6900,-Kč/student/měsíc+kauce 6900,-Kč. Cena včetně energií a Wi-fi.
Volné ihned. Vážní zájemci volejte , ráda vám pokoj ukážu, děkuji.
I will rent a double room with a shared 6-meter fully equipped kitchen and a shared toilet and shower on the ground floor of a family house in Suchdola in a quiet street Staročeská. There is an agricultural university nearby, 2 bus stops away. 15 minutes by public transport to the Dejvická metro station. I am looking for calm students. Rent 6900 CZK/student/month + deposit 6900 CZK. Price including energy and Wi-fi. Free immediately. Serious interested parties write in a private message or call , I will be happy to show you the room, thank you.

Moderní bydlení v srdci Prahy.
Nabízíme k prodeji nový byt o dispozici 3+kk a podlahové ploše 92 m2 s terasou 4,9 m2,garážovým stáním 37m2 a sklepem 6m2 ve vyhledávané lokalitě Prahy 8 v Karlíně, ulice Breitfeldova.
Byt se je situován v 2. patře s výtahem a bezbarierovým vstupem.
V bytě převládá prostorný obytný prostor s moderně vybavenou kuchyní a jídelnou. Světlo a slunce sem přivádí velká balkonová okna. I dalším místnosti jsou krásně prosvětlené díky velkým oknům. Moderní koupelna, která osloví nejednoho klienta se nachází spolu se samostatným WC hned naproti dvěma ložnicím. V bytové jednotce se nachází i prostorná místnost, sloužící jako komora.
Jde o bytovou jednotku, která je určitě vhodná pro své vlastní bydlení, ale je výborná i z hlediska investiční příležitosti. Karlín je velmi atraktivní část Prahy pro pronájmy, u nichž cena velmi stoupla a stále stoupá.
Karlín je čtvrtí, která kvete do krásy a proto se stává vyhledávanou a velmi atraktivní adresou pro zahraniční i české obyvatele.
V okolí bytu je výborná občanská vybavenost, restaurace, supermarkety, kavárny, mateřské, základní i střední školy atd.. Výborná dopravní dostupnost jak osobním autem, tak i MHD, tramvajová zastávka a stanice metra B Křižíkova je 5 minut pěšky.
U bytu možno převzít hypotéku se sazbou 1,89% s fixací na 3 roky.
Zaujala Vás nabídka bytu a chcete vědět více informací? Tak neváhejte a přijďte na prohlídku, protože na té si každý z Vás již určitě udělá obrázek sám.
Zajištění nejvýhodnějšího financování je pro nás samozřejmostí.
Majitel si vyhrazuje právo prodat nemovitost nejvýhodnější nabídce.
Modern living in the heart of Prague.
We are offering for sale a new apartment available on 3+kk and a floor area of 92 sqm with a terrace of 4.9 sqm, a garage stand of 37sqm and a cellar of 6sqm in the sought-after location of Prague 8 in Karlín, Breitfeldova street.
The apartment is situated on the 2nd floor with an elevator and a barier-free entrance.
The apartment is dominated by a spacious living area with a modern equipped kitchen and dining room. Light and sun bring in large balcony windows. Other rooms are also beautifully lit thanks to the large windows. A modern bathroom that appeals to more than one client is located along with a separate toilet just opposite the two bedrooms. There is also a spacious room in the apartment unit, serving as a chamber. It is a housing unit that is certainly suitable for its own housing, but it is also excellent in terms of investment opportunity. Karlín is a very attractive part of Prague for rentals where the price has risen very much and continues to rise. Karlín is a district that blossoms into beauty and therefore becomes a sought-after and very attractive address for foreign and czech.
There is excellent civic amenities around the apartment, restaurants, supermarkets, cafes, nursery, primary and secondary schools,

Vybavený nový byt k pronájmu přímo od majitele.
Nabízím k pronájmu moderní byt 1+kk (30m2) v novostavbě "Rezidence Plazza" na Praze 9 pouze 5 minut chůze od metra C – Střížkov. Byt se nachází v v 7. patře z 9. Byt je nově zařízený a dosud v něm nikdo nebydlel. Centrální část bytu tvoří světlý obývací pokoj (19,6 m2) s kompletně vybavenou kuchyňskou linkou (indukční plotýnka, kombinovaná trouba s mikrovlnkou, lednice s mrazákem, myčka, digestoř) a stolem. Dále je obývací pokoj vybavený dvoulůžkovou postelí, křeslem, gaučem a stolečkem. V předsíni (5 m2) je prostorná vestavná skříň se zrcadly, věšák na kabáty s botníkem a věšák na klíče. V koupelně (4,4 m2) je vana, umyvadlo, WC, zrcadlo a topný žebřík na ručníky (pračka se sušičkou dohodou).
V bytě je nainstalované Inteligentní stmívatelné stropní osvětlení Philips Hue. Jedná se o energeticky úsporné LED osvětlení, které lze ovládat i na dálku a pomůže Vám vytvořit si ideální světelné podmínky, které budou vyhovovat Vaším představám, činnosti či náladě.
V přízemních částech domu jsou komerční prostory včetně supermarketu Lidl a kadeřnictví. V okolí je veškerá občanská vybavenost (restaurace, kavárna, park, hřiště, sportovní areál, poliklinika,..).
Cena nájemného: 19000 Kč + 2000 Kč poplatky za energie (dle Vaší spotřeby)
Vratná kauce: 2 nájmy
Byt je dostupný k nastěhování ihned.
Equipped new apartment for rent directly from the owner. Available immediately.
Bright and modern 1 bedroom apartment situated in the new building "Residence Plazza" in Prague 9. The apartment has a great access to the city centre and is located just 5 minutes walk to Strizkov station (Prague red metro line C). The building has 9 floors and the apartment is located on the 7th floor. The apartment is newly furnished to a high standard. The central part of the apartment consists of a bright living room (19.6 m2) with a fully equipped kitchen (induction hob, combined oven with microwave, fridge with freezer, dishwasher, hood) and a built-in table. The living room is also equipped with a double bed, an armchair, a sofa and a small table. In the hall (5 m2) there is a spacious built-in wardrobe with mirrors, a coat rack with a shoe rack and a key rack. The bathroom (4.4 m2) has a bathtub, sink, toilet, mirror and a heated towel rail (washing machine with dryer by agreement).
Philips Hue Intelligent dimmable ceiling lighting is installed in the apartment. This is energy-saving LED lighting that can be controlled remotely and will help you create ideal lighting conditions that will suit your ideas, activity or mood.
In the ground-floor parts of the building there are commercial spaces, including a Lidl supermarket and a hairdresser. All civic amenities are nearby (shops, restaurants, public transport, nature, gym, medical care,..).
Monthly rent: 19000 CZK
Apartment fees (based on your consumption): 2000CZK
No real estate provisions