Seventy two virgins, Boris Johnson
Cizojazyčná literatura
Zachovalá, pevná vazba.

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ARCHER Jeffrey: A prisoner of birth
ARCHER Jeffrey: Only time will tell
ARCHER Jeffrey: Paths of glory
ARCHER Jeffrey: The sins of the father
ARCHER Jeffrey: First among equals
ARCHER Jeffrey: Sons of fortune
BECK Haylen: Here and gone
CALDWELL Ian: The rule of four
COLE Daniel: Ragdoll
CORNWELL Bernard: Fools and mortals
DEAVER Jeffery: The burial hour
DELANEY Jp: The girl before
DICKENS Charles: Oliver Twist
DICKENS Charles: A tale of the two cities
EBERSHOFF David: The Danish girl
ECO Umberto: The name of the rose
FALCONES Ildefonso: Cathedral of the sea
FALCONES Ildefonso: The barefoot queen
FALCONES Ildefonso: The hand of Fatima (hardcover)
FOLLETT Ken: On wings of eagles
FOLLETT Ken: Code to zero
HARRIS Robert: Munich
HIGGINS Jack: Toll for the brave
JUBBER Nicholas: The prester quest
KEPLER Lars: Stalker
KEPLER Lars: The hypnotist
LAPENA Shari: A stranger in the house
MANKELL Henning: Before the frost
MATTHEWS Jason: Red Sparrow
MEYER Deon: Dead before dying
NESBO Jo: The snowman
NESBO Jo: The leopard
NESBO Jo: Headhunters
NEVILL Adam: The ritual
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Pygmy
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Damned
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Diary
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Lullaby
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Snuff
PALAHNIUK Chuck: Survivor
PARRIS S.J: Heresy
PAVONE Chris: The expats
RANKIN Ian: Resurrection man
RANKIN Ian: Fleshmarket close
REICHS: Kathy: Two nights
RUTHERFORD Jed: The interpretation of murder
RUTHERFORD Jed: The death instinct
SAMSON C.J: Dominion
SAMSON C.J: Heartstone (hardcover)
SCARROW Simon: The generals
SMITH Wilbur: The golden lion
SWANSON Peter: Her every fear
TAYLOR Andrew: The ashes of London
VERNE Jules: Around the world in eighty days
WATERS Sarah: The little stranger

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Beneath the Skin by Nicci French
Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
Wings to the Kingdom by Cherie Priest
Edge of Dark by Brenda Cooper
Nebula Awards Showcase 2014 edited by Kij Johnson
The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett(není vyfocená samostatně)
The Fortress in Orion by Mike Resnick
Bread and a Stone by Alvah Bessie (není vyfocená samostatně)
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Minion a Vampire Huntress Legend by L.A.Banks
Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher (není vyfocená samostatně)
Darhan -The Fairy of Lake Baikal by Sylvain Hotte (není vyfocená samostatně)
Pakkal-The Tears of Zipacna by Maxime Roussy (není vyfocená samostatně)
Andréé Aciman - Find me (není vyfocená samostatně)
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Zjednodušená četba Big Hair Day
Margaret Johnson
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Velmi dobrý stav, pouze v horní části desek kniha lehce natržena. Anglicky. Praha osobně, zásilkovna 80 Kč

Vydání z r. 2013 (již není nikde dostání). Kupované v New Yorku na podzim 2022. Nerozbaleno z původního obalu. Původní cena: $500.
Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Do It began in Paris in 1993 as a conversation between the artists Christian Boltanski and Bertrand Lavier and Obrist himself, who was experimenting with how exhibition formats could be rendered more flexible and open-ended. The discussion led to the question of whether a show could take “scores” or written instructions by artists as a point of departure, which could be interpreted anew each time they were enacted. To test the idea, Obrist invited 13 artists to send instructions, which were then translated into nine different languages and circulated internationally as a book. Within two years, Do It exhibitions were being created all over the world by realizing the artists’ instructions. With every version of the exhibition new instructions were added, so that today more than 300 artists have contributed to the project. Constantly evolving and morphing into different versions of itself, Do It has grown to encompass “Do It (Museum),” “Do It (Home),” “Do It (TV),” “Do It (Seminar)” as well as some “Anti-Do Its”, a “Philosophy Do It” and, most recently, a “UNESCO Children’s Do It.” Nearly 20 years after the initial conversation took place, Do It has been featured in at least 50 different locations worldwide. To mark the twentieth anniversary of this landmark project, this new publication presents the history of this ambitious enterprise and gives new impetus to its future. It includes an archive of artists’ instructions, essays contextualizing Do It, documentation from the history of the exhibition and instructions by 200 artists from all over the world selected by Obrist, among them Carl Andre, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Yoko Ono, Christian Marclay and Rosemarie Trockel, including 60 new instructions from Matias Faldbakken, Theaster Gates, Sarah Lucas, David Lynch, Rivane Neuenschwander and Ai Weiwei, among many others.