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Nobels DD-800 Digital Delay Pedal
Osobni odber v Brne a okoli (obcas taky v Praze, na dohode). Mohu je zaslat na dobírku.
-Mode (Short/Long)
With the mode switch the max. delay time can be set to 200ms or 800ms. The fine adjustment can be set with the Time-Control. The Repeat-control leads the delayed signal back to the input to achieve periodically repeats. The control range can be set to infinite repeats to create "experimental space sounds" too.
To sound like an analog delay the repeated delay signal can be tone controlled with the Rep.Tone-control. Setting this control to the left position will damp the amount of high frequencies.
Controls: Level, Rep.Tone, Time, Repeat and Mode switch (short, long)
Features: Input for remote switch, heavy metalhousing, low batteryconsumption, fast/easy battery exchange
Power: 9V battery or electr. stabilized power supply 9V..12V DC, min. 100 mA, 2.1mm plug, tip neg. (Not included.)

Guyatone VT2 Vintage Tremolo Pedal Retro Vintage
Osobni odber v Brne a okoli (obcas taky v Praze, na dohode). Mohu je zaslat na dobírku.
Guyatone VT2 Vintage Tremolo
The Guyatone VT3 is a vintage tremolo effect with a simple two-knob configuration. It creates a beautifully deep and warm blackface tremolo sound. As a bonus, this thing goes slow, much slower than almost all trems on the market.
controls the depth/amplitude of the LFO waves that control the volume
controls the speed/rate of the LFO waves that control the volume

Na predaj, kúpene v Thoman, 27.08.2022, je to respektive nový, použité len skúšobni, predaj len spolu, Katana 100/212 MKII, footswitch Roland Power: 100W
Equipped with: 2x 12" custom speakers
5 Amp types: Clean, Crunch, Lead, Brown & Acoustic
5 Independent effects: Booster, Mod, FX, Delay and Reverb - 3 of them simultaneously
8 Memory slots for amplifiers and effects settings plus panel setting
Power Amp input for the use of multi-effect devices
Power Control (0.5 / 50/100 watts) for fully turned amp sound at any volume
Controls: Amp Type, Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Booster / Mod, Delay / FX, Reverb, Master & Power Control, Pro Sounds
Updated Boss Tone Studio sound customisation software with over 60 different Boss effects, channel and global EQs, customisable routing, and more (free on )
Dimensions (W x D x H): 670 x 248 x 484 mm
Weight: 19.8 kg
Suitable footswitch Boss GA-FC: Art.431181 (not included)
Suitable dust cover: Art.438092 (not included)

Prodám téměř nové RCF ART 912-A, včetmě obalů RCF kupované v Prodance 27.10.2022, odehráno na nich 2akce.Původní cena 33969,- staří 3 měsíce.
Pečlivý vývoj, prémiové komponenty a hlavně historický odkaz nejprodávanější produktové řady značky RCF přináší ART 9, novou modelovou řadu aktivních reproboxů, které svou flexibilitou vynikají v různých scénářích použití od pódiových monitorů, satelitních sestav (se subwooferem) a v roli hlavního PA.
Kombinace driveru s 1,75‘‘ cívkou, 12‘‘ basového reproduktoru, dvoukanálového 1050 W (RMS) Class D zesilovače a nového zvukovodu True Resistive (TRW) s konstantní směrovostí umožňuje reproboxu RCF ART 912-A generovat široké pokrytí 100°x 60° zvukem, který bez rušivého zkreslení dosahuje maximálního akustického tlaku 130 dB. Samotná konstrukce reproboxu prošla kompletním re-designem, který zahrnuje také přepracované bassreflexové nátrubky a snižuje nechtěné rezonance.
Interní processing RCF ART 912-A využívá technologie FiRPHASE a Bass Motion Control (BMC), díky kterým si společně s ostatními posluchači vychutnáte přesný a konzistentní přednes nízkých kmitočtů i mnohem kultivovanější výšky, než jsme byli zvyklí u předchozích modelů.
• až 130 dB Max. SPL
• Zesilovač: Class D s 1050 W RMS, 2100 W Peak
• frekvenční rozsah: 50-20000 Hz
• HF: 1" s 1,75" cívkou
• LF: 12" s 2,5" cívkou
• DSP s technologií FiRPHASE a Bass Motion Control (BMC)

Guyatone Compression Sustainer ST2 (Micro Effects Series)
Osobni odber v Brne a okoli (obcas taky v Praze, na dohode). Mohu je zaslat na dobírku.
Level - controls the output level
Sustain - controls the amount of sustain
Direct On/Off - blends the output signal with the direct input signal
Typically thought of as a "second string" pedal, a Compressor's creative capabilities are often overlooked due to pedalboard space constraints or the subtlety of the effect. The Guyatone ST-2 Compressor/Sustainer puts all these arguments to rest, offering extreme amounts of compression in an incredibly compact stompbox format.
The ST-2's variable Level and Sustain controls allow you to dramatically "squash" the input signal, yielding smooth, clean bell-like notes that last for days. In addition, the ST-2 features a direct on/off switch. When engaged, the direct switch blends in a dry input signal at equal volume with the compressed signal, eliminating the attack-altering characteristics common to other compressors.
By manipulating these three controls, the ST-2 can be used for a wide variety of applications. With the Sustain control set at maximum, the ultimate "chicken pickin" Guitar tone can be attained. With Sustain at minimum and the Level control above 12 o'clock the ST-2 can be used as a clean booster, perfect for overdriving the front end of an amp. Varying the Sustain and Level controls further will yield everything from subtle compression to signal limiting to note attack-altering effects similar to the SV-2! The ST-2's full-frequency response makes it ideal for use with any instrument including Guitar, Bass and Keyboards.
When big compressors don't offer enough, try the ST-2 on for size!