PS4 Lego Star Wars the force awakens
Herní konzole
Deluxe edition. Jako nová. Vhodné jako dárek. Původní cena 1799 Kč.

Podobné inzeráty

Predam nasledovne LEGO hry pre PS3. Hry su odskusane a funkcne.
LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures - 475 CZK
LEGO MARVEL Avengers - 450 CZK
LEGO Jurassic World - 450 CZK
LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars - 400 CZK
LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga - 375 CZK
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues - 375 CZK
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game - 375 CZK
LEGO Batman The Videogame - 375 CZK
LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 - 325 CZK
LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes - 375 CZK
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens - 325 CZK
LEGO The Lord of the Rings - 325 CZK
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 - PREDANE
LEGO Movie Videogame - 300 CZK
LEGO The Hobbit - 300 CZK
LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes - 225 CZK
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham - 225 CZK
Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis.
Zasielkovna 100 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Prodám PŘEFLASHOVANÝ XBOX 360 SLIM 250GB HDD - úprava Karbon (tichý,bezporuchový model) XBOX má nový FLASH LT+3.0(tzn. možnost hraní zálohovaných her i s ochranou AP2.5 a XGD3 ) Příslušenství- ovladač, , napájecí zdroj,kabel k TV , 3 Hry na DVD atd.
+ 3 hry na DVD : Minecraft ,Lego Marvel Superhero , WRC 5 ( nebo jiné 3 hry GTA 5 ,NHL 16, FIFA 19 -tj. poslední FIFA která vyšla pro XBOX360 !! )
+hry na HDD - Couner Strike : Global Offensive (staženo z XBOX Live na HDD v Xboxu)
HALO : Spartan Assault
+ cca 58 dětských a dalších her stažených z XBOX Live ,které jsou na HDD v Xboxu:
Alien Breed 3 - Descent
Battleblock Theatre
Castle Storm
Defense Grid
Dig Dug
Doritos Crash Course
Doritos Crash Course 2
Feeding Frenzy 2
Goat Simulator
Goat Simulator-Mmore Goatz Edition
Gotham City Impostors
Happy Wars
Harms Way
Hydro Thunder Hurricane
Charlie Murder
Motocross Madness
Pac Man DX
Pinball FX
Pinball FX 2
R-Type Dimension
Shoot Many Robots
Sonic 4 Episode I.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Syberia 2
The Simpsons Arcade
Time Pilot
TNT Racers
Trials Evolution
Trials HD
Toy Soldiers : Cold War
Wik:Fable of Souls
World of Keflings
WORMS 2 : Armageddon
Želvy Ninja TMNT Classic Arcade
+77 demo her stažených z XBOX Live na HDD v Xboxu:
Batman:Arkham City-demo
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3-demo
Crash Bandicoot:Crash of The Titans-demo
Kinect-Dance Central 2-demo
Kinect-Harry Potter-demo
Kinect -Star Wars-demo
Dirt 2-demo
Disney Mickey 2-demo
Disney Universe-demo
Kinect -Disneyland Adventures-demo
Forza Horizon-demo
Forza Horizon 2-demo
Forza Motorsport 4-demo
Grid 2-demo
Ice Age 3-demo
Lego Avengers-demo
Lego Batman 1-demo
Lego Batman 2-demo
Lego Batman 3-demo
Lego Harry Potter:Years 1-4-demo
Lego Harry Potter:Years 5-7-demo
Lego Indiana Jones 2-demo
Lego Jurassic World-demo
Lego Lord of THe Rings-demo
Lego Movie-demo
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean-demo
Lego Star Wars III:The Clone Wars-demo
Lego The Hobbit-demo
Rayman Legends-demo
JE MOŽNOST DOKOUPIT další bezdrátový ovladač(500kč), případně drátový (250kč)
Kinect +hra Kinect Adventures + stojánek pro Kinect na LCD (1000kč).
Záruku na DVD mechaniku dám půl roku.
VOLEJTE na tel. -NE SMS!!
Pokud je to možné,tak preferuji osobní převzetí a přezkoušení u nás,ale zasílám i poštou po telefonické dohodě.

After Hours 150
Alpha Protocol 150
Aragorns Quest 200
Assassins Creed 150
AC 2 150
AC 3 150
AC Black Flag 200
AC Brotherhood 150
AC Revelations 200
AC Rogue 250
Auta 2 400
Batman 200
Battlefield 3 150
Battlefield 4 200
Bad Company 2 200
Hardline 200
Beowulf 150
Beyond Two 250
Borderlands 200
Bourne 150
Bulletstorm 250
Call of Duty 4 150
CoD Black Ops 200
CoD Black Ops 2 200
CoD Black Ops 3 250
CoD Ghosts 250
Modern Warfare 2 200
Modern Warfare 3 200
Crysis 2 150
Crysis 3 200
Dance Party 100
Darkness 2 200
Darksiders 150
Darksiders 2 200
Dead Island 150
Dead Rising 200
Deus Ex 150
Dishonored 250
Dragons Dogma 200
Eye Pet 100
F1 2011 200
Fallout 200
Far Cry 2 150
Far Cry 3 200
Fifa 14 150
Fifa Street 3 150
Fifa Brazil 150
Fifa 15 150
Fifa 16 200
Fifa 17 300
Fifa 18 500
Fight 150
Fight Night Champion 200
Final Fantasy 150
Fuse 150
Ghost Recon Future Soldier 200
God of War 3 250
Godfather 2 200
Golden Compass 100
Gran Turismo 5 150
GT5 Academy 200
Gran Turismo 6 300
GTA 4 200
GTA 4 Liberty City Stories 250
GTA 5 250
Grid 2 250
Guitar Hero 150
Heavenly Sword 150
Hitman 200
Homefront 100
inFamous 100
John Daly's Golf 100
Juiced 2 150
Just Cause 2 200
Killzone 2 100
Killzone 3 150
Kung Fu Rider 100
LA Noire 250
LEGO hry 400/ks:
Batman 2
Batman 3
Marvel Super Heroes
Harry Potter
Indiana Jones
Jursky svet
Pan Prstenu
Pirati z Karibiku
Star Wars III
Star Wars Force Awakens
Super Heroes
Lets Dance 150
Little Big Planet 300
London 2012 400
LOST 150
Mafia 2 350
Max Payne 3 150
Medal of Honor 250
Medieval Moves 250
Megamind 300
Mercenaries 2 150
Micoach Adidas 200
Midnight Club 300
Minecraft 500
Mirrors Edge 100
MMA 200
ModNation Racers 300
Motionsports Adrenaline 200
Mortal Kombat 500
Motor Storm 200
Move Fitness 150
Need For Speed Shift 200
NFS Run 250
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 250
NFS Most Wanted 300
NFS Rivals 300
NHL 12 200
Payday 2 200
Plants vs Zombies 200
Playstation Move Heroes 300
Portal 2 200
PES 2016 150
Prince of Persia 200
Racket Sports 200
Rage 100
Ratchet & Clank 400
Rayman 300
Red Dead Redemption 300
Undead Nightmare 300
Resistance 2 100
Ride 300
Saints Row 200
Sims 3 PETS 200
Skate 3 200
Sleeping Dogs 250
Sniper Elite 3 300
Sniper GW 300
Soulcalibur IV 200
Sports Champions 100
Sports Champions 2 150
Star Wars Force Unleashed 200
Start the Party 150
Strangehold 200
Superbike 300
The Last Of Us 250
Tomb Raider 200
TNA Impact 100
TV Superstars 100
UFC 150
Uncharted 200
Unreal Tournament 200
Viking 200
Watchdogs 200

Prodám Hry na Xbox 360 a pohybový senzor Kinect(černý není na foto)
Kinect 700,-
Rayman Origins 400,-
Army of Two The Devils Cartel 350,-
Army of Two The 40th Day 200,-
Tomb Raider 250,-
Tomb Raider Underworld 250,-
Rango 550,-
Mafia 2 - 400,-
Kinect Star Wars 300,-
Kinect MotionSports 350,-
Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection 800,-
Kinect Disneyland 300,-
Kinectimals 350,-
Dance Central 250,-
Dance Central 3 - 400,-
Kinect Adventures 200,-
Minecraft 700,-
Minecraft Story Mode 700,-
FIFA 17 300,-
GTA 5 - 400,-
GTA Episodes from Liberty City 250,-
LEGO Marvel Super heroes 300,-
LEGO Batman 2 - 300,-
LEGO Batman / Pure 400,-
LEGO Jurassic World 500,-
LEGO Avengers 500,-
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens 350,-
Destiny 100,-
Mass Effect 2 - 100,-
HALO 3 - 100,-
SAW 300,-
Dead Space 3 Limited Edition 250,-
Watch Dogs 200,-
Enslaved 250,-
Crysis 2 Limited Edition 200,-
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare GOTY 200,-
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 150,-
Far Cry 3 - 150,-
Far Cry 4 - 350,-
Homefront 100,-
Alan Wake 250,-
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 250,-
Cabela's dangerous hunts 400,-
Tekken 6 - 350,-
Tekken 6 Xbox 360/Xbox One 450,-
Condemned 150,-
Need For Speed Rivals 300,-
Need For Speed Most Wanted 300,-
Assassins Creed Revelations 150,-
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag 200,-
Gears of War 100,-
Gears of War / Gears of War 2 - 250,-
Gears of War 2 - 150,-
Gears of War 3 - 150,-
Gears of War Judgment 150,-
FIFA 13 - 100,-
FIFA 14 - 150,-
FIFA 15 - 200,-
Vanquish 150,-
My Sims Sky Heroes 250,-
Ghost Recon 2 - 100,-
Fight Night Round 4 - 150,-
How to train your Dragon 500,-
NHL 14 CZ 350,-
Reflex MX VS. ATV 250,-
MX GP 500,-
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition 150,-
Resident Evil 6 - 150,-

Prodam hry a prislusenstvi na Xbox 360, Kinect, atd. Hry mam napr.
Farming Simulator Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection Just Dance 2015 - Kinect LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 Toy Story Mania! Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two / Dvojitý zásah How to Train Your Dragon 2 / Jak vycvičit draka GTA 5 - Grand Theft Auto V Rayman Origins Kung Fu Panda MAFIA 2 Kinect Dance Paradise LEGO Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars DiRT 3 Kinect Star Wars Left 4 Dead 2 LEGO Movie Videogame Tekken 6 The Sims 3 Kinect Carnival Games in Action Kinect Disneyland Adventures Kinectimals - Kinect Dance Central 2 - Kinect DiRT Showdown Kinect MotionSports: Play for Real LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Colin McRae DiRT 2 Kinect Game Party in Motion Kinect Joy Ride Kinect Power Rangers Super Samurai LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Olympiáda London 2012 Zumba Fitness F1 2012 Kinect My Self Defence Coach Kinect Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster Serious Sam HD The First and Second Encounters Summer Challenge Athletics Tournament Injustice Gods Among Us Kinect Your Shape: Fitness Evolved Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed Star Trek Legacy Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Need For Speed The Run Bully Scholarship Edition Burnout Paradise Adventure Time The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Top Spin 4 Kinect UFC Personal Trainer Need For Speed SHIFT The Godfather II / Kmotr 2 Disney Hannah Montana The Movie a dalsi…
ceny od 90kc. NE SMS! nejlip mail, whatsapp, iMessage. poslu seznam.
mail, whatsapp, iMessage, ne sms!

Nabízím Playstation 3 hry. Platí vypsané hry - cena za hrou. Volejte nebo pište na mail. Na SMS nereaguju.
Alien isolation 700 vzácná PROMO verze
Battle vs Chess 850 raritní šachy v češtině
Battlefield 4 steelbook 800
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 650
Blur 650
Bound by Flame 550
Buzz TV quiz Special Edition anglicky 650
Buzz World Quiz anglicky 440
Buzz! Ultimate Music Quiz 440
Cars 3 Driven to win 850
Cars Mater National Championship 700
Dante´s Inferno Collectors Edition 1500
Demons Souls 1200
Diablo Ultimate evil edition 440
Disney Infinity 3 350
Evil Within 420
F3AR 480
Falling Skies 550
Fallout 3 GOTY 550
Fight Night Champion 600
GRID Autosport 560
Happy Feet 2 750
Heavy Rain nová 400
History: CivilWar 1200
Hitman trilogy 700
Injustice 450
Iron Man 2 800
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 540
Kung Fu Panda 2
Kung Fu Panda 900
L.A. Noire complete edition 430
Lets Dance with MelG 650
Mafia2 česky s DLC 1350
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 850
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 450
Mosters vs Aliens 850
Move Mind Benders 500
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations 480
Need for Speed: Rivals 400
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 800
Playstation Move Heroes 480
Portal 2 700
Prototype2 580
Puppeteer 1300
Race Driver: GRID Reloaded 550
Rayman Legends 650
Red Alert 3 Command & Conquer 650
Resident Evil 6 650
Resident Evil Reveleations 650
Resonance of Fate 500
Rise of Guardians 800
Saints Row double pack 820
Shadow of Mordor 480
Skylanders Giants + portál 630
Skylanders Swap force 900
Sly Cooper Thieves in time česky 1250
Splinter Cell Trilogy 650
Sports Champions 2 500
Starhawk 430
Tekken Tag Tournament2 550
Test Drive Unlimited 2 650
Testament of Sherlock Holmes 1400
Top Spin 4 440
Ultimate Marvel Alliance 2 1100
Uncharted 3 Special Edition steelbook 1200
Valkyria Chronicles 800
Walking Dead: Survival Instinct 750
Wet 650
Wolfenstein The New Order 460
World Championship Off Road Racing 750
Yakuza 3 Collectors Edition 1350
Yakuza 4 880
Civilization: Revolution 700
Minecraft 1100
SSX 550
LittleBigPlanet 2 450
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 500
Sims 3 Pets 900
Jak and Daxter Trilogy 1500
Twisted Metal 650
MotorStorm Apocalypse 600
Escape Dead Island 550
Brno-pošta-zásilkovna. Mám ještě hry na PS2 a PSVita, PS4 v dalších inzerátech.
Angry Birds Star Wars 850
Army Corps of Hell 850
Assassin´s Creed III: Liberation 850
Borderlands 1200
Everybody´s Golf 750
God Eater 2: Rage Burst 1200
Killzone Mercenary 1200
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens 850
LEGO Harry Potter 850
Little Big Planet 850
Minecraft 850
MotoGP 13 1000
Muppets Movie Adventures 850
Unit 13 850
ModNation Racers Roadtrip 850
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time 1250 cesky