Merde Actually - Stephen Clarke
Cizojazyčná literatura
Kniha je v anglickém jazyce, paperback. Použitá, nepopsaná. Cena uvedena bez poštovného, nebo možnost osobního předání v Brně.

Podobné inzeráty

(ENG) Book in a good shape - humor, autobiography.
Handover in Prague (no shipping).
Contact me via email please.

Knihy jsou bohatě ilustrované a na konci mají úkoly (reading activities) a otázky k porozumění čteného textu (reading comprehension) - books in simplified English:
1) Longman Picture Classics Stage 1:
Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island (slovní zásoba 500 slov - zjednodušil a zkrátil D. K. Swan)
2) Longman Originals Stage 2:
Donn Byrne: My Dear Aunt and a Morning in London
Jan Carew: Lost Love and Other Stories
John Escott: Double Fear
Andy Hopkins & Jocelyn Potter: Diana. Life of a Princess
Elizabeth Laird: The Earthquake
Stephen Rabley: The Gold Lasso
Paul Victor: The Face on the Screen and Other Stories
3) Longman Originals Stage 3:
Donn Byrne: Seven One-Act Plays
Bernard Smith: The Ring
Stephen Rabley: Photo of the Tall Man
Cena za kus: 150 Kč
Cena za všech 11 sešitů dohromady: 1 000 Kč
Dále prodávám:
Edgar Allan Poe: Six Tales of Fear
- 1,000-word level / slovní zásoba do 1000 slov
- adapted by Elinor Chamberlain
- Úlehla Praha 1991
- cena: 100 Kč
Doprava není v ceně.
Osobní předání možné na Praze 9.

Stav: velmi dobrý.
Počet stran: 88.
ISBN: 978-15-9120-398-8.
Jazyk: AJ.
We are living longer than ever before. With this extended life span comes new concerns like memory issues and dementia, which can interfere with the ability to live a full, involved, and independent life. The good news is, age-related memory problems are not a natural product of aging. We can enjoy good cognitive function well into our senior years, and Dr. Earl Mindell shows us how.
In Dr. Earl Mindell's Memory Bible, he equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to stop cognitive debilitation in its tracks and to maintain a healthy memory well into your eighties and beyond. This book discusses how aging impacts cognitive function, how common medications intended to improve memory actually impact the brain, and what you can do to preserve and even improve your memory.

The Caves od Steel Ocelové jeskyně Isaac Asimov N
I, Robot Já, Robot I. Asimov N
The Naked Sun Nahé Slunce I. Asimov N
The Robots of Dawn Roboti úsvitu I. Asimov N
Robots and Empire Roboti a impérium I. Asimov N
A Scanner Darkly Temný obraz Philip K. Dick N
Ubik Ubik P.K. Dick N
Into the Wild Útěk do divočiny Jon Krakauer N
The Snowman Sněhulák Jo Nesbo N
Child 44 Dítě číslo 44 Tom Rob Smith N
The Return of Sherlock Holmes Návrat Sherlocka Holmese Arthur Conan Doyle N
The Day of the Jackal Den Šakala Frederick Forsyth N
The Name of the Rose Ve jménu Růže Umberto Eco N
Altered Carbon Půjčovna masa Richard Morgan N
Disclosure Skandální odhalení Michael Crichton N
Congo Kongo M. Crichton N
Airframe Let číslo TPA 545 M. Crichton N
The Great Train Robbery Velká vlaková loupež M. Crichton N
The Andromeda Strain Kmen Andromeda M. Crichton N
The Lost World Ztracený svět M. Crichton N
The Green Mile Zelená Míle Stephen King N
N - nové
P - použité

(ENG) Book in a good shape - horror, post-apocalyptic sci-fi.
Handover in Prague (no shipping).
Contact me via email.