Lee Child- 61 hours
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Perfektní čtení. Jack Reacher..
Osobní převzetí v Praze.
Osobní převzetí v Praze.

Podobné inzeráty

Homeschool Your Child for Free: More Than 1,400 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Educating Your Family at Home Paperback – August 4, 2009
při platbě předem poštovné doporučeně 65 Kč, osobní předání je možné v centru Ostravy; koukněte se i na další moje věci, díky!
by LauraMaery Gold (Author), Joan M. Zielinski (Author)
Introduced in 2000, Homeschool Your Child for Free gave countless parents the plan and peace of mind to get their kids’ education on the right track. Now, authors LauraMaery Gold and Joan M. Zielinski have revised and updated their popular guide, offering their expert homeschooling advice and information, plus new tools and resources to help you and your child succeed:
• Complete curriculum plans for a comprehensive education, from preschool through high school
• Legal guidelines and compliance requirements for home educators
• Teaching tips and motivators from successful homeschoolers
• And so much more! (AC5)

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N - nové
P - použité