Hra Xbox 360 Kinect - Star Wars
Zásilkovna, Balíkovna nebo osobně v Brně.

Podobné inzeráty

Figurky a hry Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars
Figurky su pouzivane, ale funkcne
INF-1000215 - Zeb Orrelios, Star Wars - 200 CZK
INF-1000209 - Chewbacca, Star Wars - 125 CZK
INF-1000207 - Han Solo, Star Wars - 175 CZK
INF-1000232 - Poe Dameron, Star Wars - 150 CZK
INF-1000208 - Princess Leia, Star Wars - 100 CZK
INF-1000201 - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars - 300 CZK
INF-1000206 - Luke Skywalker, Star Wars - 150 CZK
INF-1000230 - Flinn, Star Wars - 150 CZK
INF-1000231 - Kylo Ren, Star Wars - 100 CZK
INF-1000211 - Boba Fett, Star Wars - 175 CZK
INF-1000200 - Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars - 75 CZK
INF-1000203 - Ashoka Tano, Star Wars - 75 CZK
INF-1000204 - Darth Maul, Star Wars - 300 CZK
INF-1000210 - Darth Vader, Star Wars - 225 CZK
INF-1000202 - Yoda, Star Wars - 125 CZK
INF-1000233 - Rey, Star Wars - 125 CZK
INF-1000213 - Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars - PREDANE
INF-1000214 - Sabine Wren, Star Wars - 250 CZK
INF-2000203 - Character, Star Wars - 100 CZK
INF-2000202 - Twilight Republic, Star Wars - 50 CZK
INF-2000204 - Storm Trooper, Star Wars - 125 CZK
Playstation 3 - Starter Pack, 3.0 - 525 CZK
Playstation 4 - Starter Pack, 3.0 - 600 CZK
Xnox 360 - Starter Pack, 3.0 - 450 CZK
Xbox One - Starter Pack, 3.0 - 600 CZK
WiiU - Starter Pack, 3.0 - 575 CZK
Pri kupe 5ks figuriek je najlacnejsia zadarmo.
Zasielkovna 110 CZK pri platbe vopred, 130 CZK na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Hry pro Xbox 360
osobní převzetí v Orlové nebo zaslání skrze ZÁSILKOVNU
007: Quantum of Solace
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Army of Two: The 40th Day
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield: Bad Company
Bionic Commando
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Carnival Games: Monkey See, Monkey Do
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
Crackdown 2
Crysis 2
CrossBoars 7
Dance Central
Dance Central 2
Dance Central 3
Dante's Inferno
Darksiders II
PopCap Hits! Vol. 2
Dead Island: Riptide
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Disney Infinity 3.0
F1 2011
Fable III
Fable: The Journey
Fantastic Pets
Forza Motorsport 3
Gears of War
Grand Slam Tennis 2
Grand Theft Auto IV[note 24]
Guitar Hero 5
Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax
Halo 3
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Jillian Michaels' Fitness Adventure
Just Cause
Just Cause 2
Just Dance 2018
Just Dance Kids
Kinect Adventures
Kinect Disneyland Adventures
Kinect Joy Ride
Kinect Rush: A Disney-Pixar Adventure
Kinect Sports
Kinect Sports: Season Two
Kinect Sports: ULTIMATE
Kinect Star Wars
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Lego The Hobbit
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Let's Dance with Mel B
London 2012: The Official Video Game
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Mass Effect 3
Metro: Last Light
Michael Jackson: The Experience
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
MotoGP '06
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
NHL 12
NHL 14
NHL 15
NHL 16
Ninja Gaiden 3
Perfect Dark Zero
PowerUp Heroes
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Project Gotham Racing 4
Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking
Rayman Legends
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Resident Evil 5[note 25]
Risen 2: Dark Waters
Saints Row IV
Sega Superstars Tennis
Skate 3
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Summer Challenge: Athletics Tournament
Terraria - Xbox 360 Edition[note 36]
The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout
Bigs 2, The
Cursed Crusade, The

prodano - Kinect Alvin and the Chipmunks
prodano - Kinect Rabbids Alive and Kicking
Kinect Sesame Street TV
prodano - Kinect Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster
Kinect Toy Story Mania
prodano - Kinect Kung Fu High Impact
Kinect Kawashima Body and Brain
Kinect CrossBoards 7
prodano - Kinect Sonic Freeriders
prodano - Kinect Adventure Camp
prodano - Kinect Penguins of Madagascar
Kinect PowerUp Heroes
Kinect Puss in Boots (Kocour v botach)
prodano - Kinect Rush
NBA Street Homecourt (Basketbal)
prodano - Sonic Sega All Stars Racing

Hry na Xbox 360 Edition, např. hra Minecraft na Xbox 360. Osobní odběr v Liberci, Chrastavě, Hrádku nad Nisou možný.
Dále nabízím tyto hry:
Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition - Kč
Xbox 360 Call of Duty Ghosts - 220 Kč
Xbox 360 LEGO Marvel super heroes - 350 Kč (rezervace).
Xbox 360 Blazing Angels 2 - Secret missions of WWII - 480 Kč.
Xbox 360 LEGO Jurassic World - 450 Kč
Xbox 360 LEGO Star Wars, Komlpette saga - 330 Kč
Xbox 360LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, nová hra originál zabalená - 490 Kč.

Prodám hry na xbox 360. Berte prosím ohled že některé hry jsou staré třeba 5 let proto mají některé prasklý obal ale cd je taktéž poškrábané ale z posledního hraní byli funkční.
Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection - 950 KČ
Mafia 2 - prodáno
Lego Dimension - 200 KČ pouze DVD bez základní platformy
Dead Space 2 - 100 KČ
Duke Nukem Forever - 300 KČ
Lost Planet 3 - 200 KČ
Lego Star Wars III - 200 KČ
Wolfenstein - 200 KČ
Kinect Disneyland Adventures - 300 KČ
Fear 2 Project Origin - 200 KČ
Gears of War - 300 KČ
Crash Time III - 200 KČ
Singularity -200 KČ
Rayman Legends - 200 KČ
Minecraft - prodáno
Disney Infinity 3.0 - 400 KČ ( se základní platformou a star wars herní figurkou)
Halo 3 - 300 KČ
Ctysis 2 - 200 KČ
Halo 4 - 300 KČ
Medal of Honor warfighter - 300 KČ
Defiance - 300 KČ
Tom Clancy's EndWar - 300 KČ
Tron Evolution - 400 KČ
Fear Files - 300 KČ
Call of duty Ghosts - 300 KČ
Grand Theft Auto 5 - 300 KČ
Kinect Adventures - 300 KČ
Dance Central 2 - 300 KČ
Call Of Duty balck ops - 300 KČ
Halo wars - 200 KČ
Call Of Duty 2 - 200 KČ
Battlefield 3 - 300 KČ
Kinect Xbox 360 - 700 KČ nebo můžete vzít Kinect i s nějakou hrou se slevou 200 KČ př. Kinect + Kinect Sports ultimate collection = 1450 KČ
V případě zájmu prosím volejte a nepište na e-maili nereaguji

PS3 / Playstation 3 :
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit -249
Starter Disc pro MOVE-99
PS4 / Playstation 4 & PS5/ Playstation 5:
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order -399
XBOX 360:
Kinect Sports Season Two-699
Kinect Sports Ultimate Edition-1199
Kinect Adventure -249
Kinect Star Wars -599
Zumba fitness Join the party -549
FIFA 15 -199
F1 2011 -199
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 -399
NHL Legacy Edition- 599
The GunsTringer + Kinect Fruit Ninja -299 (nepoužitý kód)
Lze hrát i na XBOX ONE / SERIES X/S:
Max Payne 3 -199
Watchdogs -199
DALŠÍ MÉ INZERÁTY NA PROFILU (Playstation, XBOX, Nintendo ,GoPro, DJI, Apple, Beats , Lenovo, SAMSUNG, Logitech, Creality - Ender 3, SMART HOME a další)