čistička vzduchu do auta -tonic+hepa filter
prodám nový čistič vzduchu do auta.Původní cena 600Kč

Podobné inzeráty

F280187 Sportovní vzduchový filtr JR FILTER - made in France 280 mm 187 mm
JR Air Filter F280187 : CADILLAC CTS-V - 2004 - 5.7L V8 Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : CADILLAC CTS-V - 2005 - 5.7L V8 Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : CADILLAC CTS-V - 2006 - 6.0L V8 Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : CADILLAC CTS-V - 2007 - 6.0L V8 Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1993 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1994 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1995 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1996 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1997 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1998 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Cordoba - 1999 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza - 1997 - 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza - 1998 - 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza - 1999 - 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
Ibiza II
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1993 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1994 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1995 - 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1996 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 2.0L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1997 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.7L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1998 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.7L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Ibiza II - 1999 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.7L 4 Cyl. Diesel | 1.8L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Inca - 1995 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Inca - 1996 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Inca - 1997 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel
JR Air Filter F280187 : SEAT Inca - 1998 - 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.9L 4 Cyl. Diesel
JR Air Filter F280187

Sportovní vzduchový filtr JR FILTER - made in France 378 mm 140 mm
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1994 - 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1995 - 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1996 - 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1997 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.6L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1998 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : FIAT Punto - 1999 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection | 1.4L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 1997 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 1998 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 1999 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 2000 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 2001 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 2002 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
JR Air Filter F378140 : LANCIA Y - 2003 - 1.2L 4 Cyl. Gas. injection
Cena 999kč :

Použité - Sportovní filtr K&N SERIE 57I PRO DIESEL 2.0L 57-0618-1 K&N
K&N 57i Series induction kits are specifically designed for each different vehicle and will free your car from the size restriction that comes with the factory air box. These economical kits can take a variety of different forms based on vehicle characteristics and available space under the hood. Each kit is designed to provide power throughout the RPM range. The extra surface area of these open-air air filters provides even more airflow at lower restriction than a K&N O/E replacement filter which is limited to the size of the factory air box. The larger air filter also captures and holds more dirt increasing its service life before a cleaning is required (up to 100,000 miles). The filter is either directly attached to the engine carburetor or throttle body or indirectly through a tube assembly running from the filter to the engine. All adapters are made from high quality materials such as steel, aluminum, silicon or reinforced nylon to ensure long life.
Guaranteed to increase horsepower
Designed to improve throttle response and engine sound
Replaces entire factory air intake system
Not legal for highway use in states adopting California emission regulations
Washable and reusable lifetime air filter
Lasts up to 100,000 miles before service is required (depending on driving conditions)
Easy to install, usually in 90 minutes or less
K&N Million Mile Limited Warranty®
Replacement Filter RU-70031
Air Filter Color Red
Air Filter Material Cotton Gauze
Air Filter Outlet Shape Round
Clamps Included 3
Clamp Material Steel
Clamp Style Regular
Couplers Included 1
Type Gen I
Product Style 57i Series International Kits
Intake Pipe Color / Finish Black
Intake Pipe Material High-Density Cross-Linked Polyethylene
Street Legal In All US States No
TUV Approved (Europe) No
Weight 3.5 lb (1.6 kg)
Product Box Height 9 in (229 mm)
Product Box Length 9 in (229 mm)
Product Box Width 9 in (229 mm)
California Restricted Not legal for sale or use in California
Mounting Hardware Included Yes
Warranty 1,000,000 Miles/10 Year
Použito 1 sezónu
Filtr není praný.
Možnost odeslat spediční službou TopTrans Po celé ČR 150,-Kč

Tento univerzální filtr CAN 18 v 1 pro Benz / BMW by měl být do vozidla přidán po seřízení tachometru u většiny modelů. U modelů W222/W205/W447 by však měly být filtr CAN přidán před seřízením počítadla ujetých kilometrů.
více info
Latest Benz/ BMW Universal CAN Filter
CAN Filter 18 in 1 Benz/ BMW vehicle list:
Mercedes Benz:
Benz 18 types chassis model: S(222), S(221), C(205), C(204), V(W447), E(W212), E(W207), A(W176), G(W463), ML(W166), SL(R231), GL(X166), B(W246), CLS(W218), SLK(R172), SLS(W197), CLA(W117), GLK(X204)
This CAN Filter 18 in 1 for Benz universal filter should be added to the car after odometer adjustment for most chassis models. But for W222/W205/W447 models, CAN filters should be added before odometer adjustment.
BMW Model:
BMW 1 series F2X, 3 series F3X, BMW X5 etc., FEM mileage adjustment( no need to remove FEM, connect directly to instrument panel);
BMW 5 series F10, 7 series F01/02 etc., CAS4 Fxx chassis.( F01, F02, F07, F18, F10, F20, F25, X3 etc., applicable for 9S12 XEP series 5M48H/1N35H).

* Prodám novou čističku vzduchu do auta Rohnson R-9100 CAR Air Purifier.
* Poskytne mnohem zdravější vzduch ve voze díky HEPA filtru, který pochytá 99 % bakterií, prachu, pylu a běžných alergenů.
* Čistý vzduch ve voze
* Vzduchový výkon 40 m3/hod
* HEPA filtr likviduje 99 % bakterií, virů, pylu a ostatních alergenů
* Funkce ionizace zkvalitňuje vzduch
* Regulace výkonu
* Zasílám přes zásilkovnu, v případě zaslání na dobírku budu požadovat zaslat poštovné předem na účet. Zaslat je možné do zásilkovny nebo na adresu.
* Skladem poslední kus.

Nové zboží!
Čistička a osvěžovač vzduchu pro napájení ze zapalovače cigaret ve vozidle 12V
Osvěžuje a čístí vzduch ve vašem autě
Odstraňuje cigaretový kouř, smog, výpary a pachy uvnitř automobilu
Zajištuje iontovou rovnováhu ve vašem voze
Negativní ionty zabíjejí bakterie a viry
Použitelné pro všechny automobily s 12V zapalovačem cigaret
V aute se budete díky čistému vzduchu cítit lépe a méně unaven
Snadná manipulace a instalace
Technické údaje
Vstupní napětí: DC 12V (zásuvka zapalovače cigaret)
Spotřeba energie: ? 0,8W
Koncentrace negativních iontu 3800000ks/cm3
Koncentrace ozónu 3mg/h (0,05ppm)
Objemu prostoru: ? 15m3
Materiál: Hliník & Plast
Provozní teplota 10°C až +40°C
Hmotnost / Rozměry: 30g / (D) 8 x (O) 2,2cm