Architecture now 3, architecture heute, Jodidio Philip
Hobby, odborné knihy
Architecture now! 3
L' architecture d'aujourd'hui
Autor: Jodidio, Philip
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L' architecture d'aujourd'hui
Autor: Jodidio, Philip
Velmi dobrý stav
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Prodám 2 díly pokladů pro animátory. Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes volume 1 + 2
V obou knihách jsou shrnuty lekce autorů, od kterých se učili ti nejlepší animátoři a kreslíři společnosti Disney.
Umělcům a nadšencům prodám obě knihy dohromady za 1 100,- včetně poštovného
v knize první je zvýrazňovací oranžovou fixou zvýrazněno několik řádků.
Knihy jsou jinak v perfektním stavu.
Informace od oficiálního prodejce:
kniha 1 - Discover the lessons that helped bring about a new golden age of Disney animation!
Published for the first time ever, Drawn to Life is a two volume collection of the legendary lectures from long-time Disney animator Walt Stanchfield. For over twenty years, Walt helped breathe life into the new golden age of animation with these teachings at the Walt Disney Animation Studios and influenced such talented artists as Tim Burton, Brad Bird, Glen Keane, and John Lasseter. These writings represent the quintessential refresher for fine artists and film professionals, and it is a vital tutorial for students who are now poised to be part of another new generation in the art form.
* Legendary lessons from a master Disney animator - meet the man who put the wiggle in Jessica Rabbit's walk!
* Packed full of illustrations from some of the top animators in the world including Brad Bird, Glen Keane and John Lasseter
* Two volumes and 800 pages of pure gold - get in-depth advice and instruction on bringing your characters to life
kniha 2
Discover the lessons that helped bring about a new golden age of Disney animation!
Published for the first time ever, Drawn to Life is a two volume collection of the legendary lectures from long-time Disney animator Walt Stanchfield. For over twenty years, Walt helped breathe life into the new golden age of animation with these teachings at the Walt Disney Animation Studios and influenced such talented artists as Tim Burton, Brad Bird, Glen Keane, and John Lasseter. These writings represent the quintessential refresher for fine artists and film professionals, and it is a vital tutorial for students who are now poised to be part of another new generation in the art form.
* Legendary lessons from the master Disney animator who put the wiggle in Jessica Rabbit's walk!
* Packed full of illustrations from some of the top animators in the world including Brad Bird, Glen Keane and John Lasseter
* Two volumes and 800 pages of pure gold - offers in-depth advice and instruction on bringing characters to life

Prodám 2 svazky knih Modern architecture A-Z. Knihy jsou jako nové.
Prodávám vícero knih s tématem "architektura", při odběru více kusů je možná sleva.
Osobní převzetí Brno.
Pište prosím jen e-mail.

Prodám použitou knihu The Startup Way - How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth od Eric Ries.
With his million-copy bestseller The Lean Startup, Eric Ries launched a global movement. Concepts like minimal viable product, A/B testing and 'pivoting' changed the language of business. Now he turns his attention to companies of all sizes - and shows how the startup ethos can breathe new life into even the largest and most bureaucratic organisation.In this groundbreaking new book, he draws on inside stories of transformations at multinationals like General Electric and Toyota, titans like Amazon and Facebook, and tech upstarts like Airbnb and Twilio. He lays out a new framework for entrepreneurial management: a comprehensive approach that kick starts innovation and delivers sustained growth, even in highly uncertain environments.The Startup Way is an essential read for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs at any level. It's a revolutionary approach to incubating great ideas, turning all teams into startups, and inspiring everyone to think like an entrepreneur.

Rok vydání: 2020
Stav: úplně nové
Případný poplatek za zaslání: 79 Kč
Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, 13e, describes the theory and practice of corporate finance. We hardly need to explain why financial managers have to master the practical aspects of their job, but we should spell out why down-to-earth managers need to bother with theory. Throughout this book, we show how managers use financial theory to solve practical problems. Much of this book is concerned with understanding what financial managers do and why. But we also say what financial managers should do to increase company value.
Some of the biggest changes in this edition were prompted by the tax changes enacted in the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December 2017. In the current edition, we have also continued to augment the international content as well as a number of chapters that have been thoroughly rewritten. For example, the material on agency issues in Chapter 12 has been substantially revised. Chapter 13 on market efficiency and behavioral finance is now fresher and more up to date. Chapter 23 on credit risk focuses more on the practical issues of forecasting default probabilities.

ISBN 80-247-1507-4
Chcete si procvičit a protáhnout mysl, odhalit své silné i slabé stránky? Pomocníkem vám může být tato kniha svou pestrou škálou úkolů a testů, známých pod názvem psychometrické testy. Ty v podstatě měří mysl. Často je používají zaměstnavatelé při náboru nebo během programů rozvoje personálu.
V několika kapitolách se seznámíte s hlavními typy testů, které jsou pro tyto účely využívány. Sami si vyzkoušíte, jak se vám daří v testech slovního porozumění, počítání, logického a laterálního uvažování, technických schopností i ve dvou obsáhlých testech inteligence.
Osobní předání Praha 6 - Břevnov nebo Hostivice, nebo pošlu Českou poštou (+55Kč), nebo Zásilkovnou (+69Kč) při platbě předem. Podívejte se i na mé další inzeráty a ušetřete na poštovném.