About a boy, How to be good
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Audio CD format. Effective Negotiating: Strategies for Successful Negotiating, Karrass, Beverly Hills, CA. 6 audio CD's, offering information from the "World leader in negotiating programs." This is one of a number of successful strategies presented in seminars around the country by a recognized leader in the field.
Effective Negotiating: Strategies for Successful Negotiating
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(6 Audio CDs) Karrass is the world leader in negotiating programs. Customized negotiating seminars are designed to help you achieve better both-win agreements in your business and personal transactions.
It contains an arsenal of ideas that will work for you just as they have for astute business people throughout the centuries.
In these practical programs you will learn what works, why it works, and how to defend your self when someone uses negotiating tactics against you.
You will discover how to plan more effectively and how to come up with agreements that benefit not only yourself but the other party as well.
Just some of the topics covered are: How other cultures negotiate. Deadlines. Concessions. Partnerships. Team Negotiations. Planning. Power of time. Long Term Relationships. Target Setting. Reverse Auction. Buy now, negotiate later. Breaking a deadlock. Good guy - bad guy. And many more topics are discussed!
6 Audio CDs) Karrass is the world leader in negotiating programs. Customized negotiating seminars are designed to help you achieve better both-win agreements in your business and personal transactions.
It contains an arsenal of ideas that will work for you just as they have for astute business people throughout the centuries. In these practical programs you will learn what works
, why it works, and how to defend your self when someone uses negotiating tactics against you. You will discover how to plan more effectively and how to come up with agreements that benefit not only yourself but the other party as well.
Just some of the topics covered are: How other cultures negotiate. Deadlines. Concessions. Partnerships. Team Negotiations. Planning. Power of time. Long Term Relationships.
Target Setting. Reverse Auction. Buy now, negotiate later. Breaking a deadlock. Good guy - bad guy. And many more topics are discussed!
6 CD set.
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CD #3: Planning; Sources of Po

Prodám knihu Good to great od Jimma Collinse. K vyzvednutí v Holešovicích nebo možné poslat na dobírku.

Stav: velmi dobrý.
Počet stran: 88.
ISBN: 978-15-9120-398-8.
Jazyk: AJ.
We are living longer than ever before. With this extended life span comes new concerns like memory issues and dementia, which can interfere with the ability to live a full, involved, and independent life. The good news is, age-related memory problems are not a natural product of aging. We can enjoy good cognitive function well into our senior years, and Dr. Earl Mindell shows us how.
In Dr. Earl Mindell's Memory Bible, he equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to stop cognitive debilitation in its tracks and to maintain a healthy memory well into your eighties and beyond. This book discusses how aging impacts cognitive function, how common medications intended to improve memory actually impact the brain, and what you can do to preserve and even improve your memory.

The Triumph byl britský příběhový dokument pro chlapce (podobné Rodokapsu)
Vycházel týdně The Amalgamated Press se sídlem ve Fleetway House na Farringdon Street v Londýně.
Byl označen jako 'Every Yarn's A Thriller' a obsahoval široké spektrum napínavých dobrodružných příběhů.
začíná číslem 688/1937 prosinec - končí číslem 739 /1938 (tj. 52 čísel),
počet stran 1264
stav pěkný - svázané do pevných desek
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