1 Lp Dj RED and DJ Work - Rythm and Drums 2001

Podobné inzeráty

Prank rec, 2008, 12"EP, 45 rpm.
WORLD BURNS TO DEATH - Graveyard Of Utopia LP (2008 Prank Records PRANK 099)
Track Listing:
Open Wound
They Want A War
Red Locusts
Come And See
Holocaust Rehearsals
Black Hundreds
The Same Old Lies
A Wormwood Star
Item Condition:
New. Factory sealed.
8 Track Raging Attack of Absolute Hardcore... with searing guitars, a thundering and rapid fire drum pound, and harsh vocals spitting forth a brutal vision. This third LP from Austin, Texas's WORLD BURNS TO DEATH further evolves and refines their trademark sound as dark, ramcharging ultra-punk comes full circle... Here is the speed and severity of their debut 45's AND the refinement, heaviness and precision of their two previous landmark albums on Hardcore Holocaust. While WB2D's lyrics have always been caged in Historical reference, the theme of this LP is rooted in the Failures, Disasters and Massacres of the Soviet State Apparatus.
"The Graveyard Of Utopia", was tracked initially in Tokyo, Japan after the WB2D 2007 Japanese tour at the legendary OUR HOUSE studios with final recording tweaks and mixing done at THE BUBBLE in Austin. It features guest appearances from Ishiya FORWARD, Iizawa BASTARD/JUDGEMENT/ TETSU AREI, Souichi FORWARD, Keiro AKUTARE and Chelsea DEATHSIDE/PAINTBOX, Ashley SIGNAL LOST.

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Lasica & Satinsky & Filip S vetrom opreteky / Bonton 1999
Gang Miroslava Saidla Brichta Cok Vojtek / 1996
Zlati slavici / 3CD 2015
Karel Krautgartner Pripad jeste nekonci / Frantisek Rychtarik 2006
Leto s Verou - Country hity Very Martinove / 2002 Emi czech republic
Na bigbeatovy tancovacce 1 / Carmen 1992
Karel Duba Dostavnik / 2007 Frantisek Rychtarik
Asmodeus Sabat v Carnegie hall / 2003
Asmodeus Retez kritickych udalosti / 2006 Folie
Asmodeus Oko Horovo / 2017 Folie
Asmodeus Prosincova noc blize neurceneho roku / Magic disk music 2019 Folie
Buty Votom / Soyn BMG 2006
Naceva Mimoid / Bonton 1998
Naceva Fontanela / Bonton 2001
Naceva Lavash Milostny slabiky / 2013
Naceva Pavlicek Mami / 2007
Naceva Wright The Sick Rose / 2010
Naceva Moznosti tu sou / digipack RESPEKTedice 2008
MC Erik & Barbara Ked pride laska / Universal 2004
MC Erik & Barbara Gold Zlate hity / Universal 2004 nove
MC Erik & Barbara Second and more / Polygram 1997
Barbara Barbara / Polygram 1997
Noty z filmu / Vondrackova, Gott, Zagorova.../ Frantisek Rychtarik 2002
Vltava Marx Engels Beatles / prvni vydani Bonton 1998
Kata a Skubanek zase spolu / Supraphon 2002 Folie
Jozo Urban a priatelia - Tak ze tak.../ 2000 Folie
Jirina Bohdalova - To nejlepsi z pohadky / 1998
Nejasná zpráva o konci světa / Soundtrack 1997
Obsluhoval jsem anglickeho krale / 2006
Beata Dubasova To najlepsie / Bonton 2001
SPS Singly 2012 - 2018 / SPS records 2018 Folie
SPS Jsme v hajzlu / Globus 1992
SPS Podivny deditstvi / ANK 1993
SPS Adios, kamaradi pankaci / SPS Records 2020
SPS Utek z reality / zabalene
SPS Stoleti chaosu / 2008
Ingott Charon / 2016 Folie
Ingott Na ceste do nebe stavil jsem se v pekle / 2019 Folie
Ingott Nezer snih / singl 2017 Folie
Ingott Zbytecny flam / 2018 Folie
Tom a Jerry Pisnicky / Multisonic 1991
Tom and Jerry Pisnicky o kouzelnem prstenu / Tommu records 2002
Tom and Jerry Super disco team / Tommu records 2001
Tom and Jerry Cary mary sou / Tommu records 2003
Tom and Jerry Fajn mejdan stoleti / Tommu records 2004
Muzikalove hity 38 slavnych muzikalovych melodii / 2CD Popron 2003
Simek Krampol Zajic v pytli To nejlepsi z Simka a Krampola I. / 1999
Nemocnice na kraji mesta po 20-ti letech / Bonton 2003 2x
Muzikal 3CD Les miserables Bidnici / Goja 2005
Cistychov Posledny doberman / 2008
Horky dech Jany Koubkové / Supraphon 1993
Superhity stoleti Slovenske / Universal 2000
Superhity stoleti Filmove / Universal 1999
Superhity stoleti Vanocni / Universal 2000
Superhity stoleti 1990 - 1999 vol. 2 / Universal 2000
Ventil RG Ventil RG / 2006 Folie
Ektor Detektor / 2015 Folie
Premier Brutal karneval / Popron music 1997
Holki Pro tebe / Monitor 2000
Slunce, seno, pomluvy / B&M Music 2001

Predam japonske LP vo vybornych stavoch:
- stav platne a obalu poslem
Hubert Laws Say It With Silence 25AP 1001 1978 Japan release with OBI
Jack DeJohnette Special Edition PAP-9196 1980 Japan release - with OBI
Janis Joplin Pearl 25AP 1245 1978 Japan release - no OBI
Jeff Beck There and Back 25·3P-220 1980 Japan release - No OBI
Joe Sample Rainbow Seeker VIM-6199 1979 Japan release - with OBI
John Lennon Imagine EAS-80705 1977 Japan release - no OBI
John Wetton / Phil Manzanera Wetton Manzanera P-13486 1987 Japan release - with OBI
King Crimson Larks' Tongues In Aspic P-8330A 1973 Japan release - no OBI
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black 25MM 0267 1983 Japan release - no OBI
Lionel Hampton And His All-Star Alumni Big Band At Newport '78 25PJ-4 1980 Japan release - With OBI
Lionel Richie Can't Slow Down VIL-6070 1983 Japan release - no OBI
Lynyrd Skynyrd Nuthin' Fancy MCA-6073, MAP/S 7884 1975 Japan release - no OBI
Masayoshi Takanaka Finger Dancin 17GK7908 1980 Japan release - with OBI
Masayoshi Takanaka Alone 28MK0025, FR-308 1981 Japan release - With OBI
McDonald & Giles McDonald And Giles P-8034A 1974 Japan release - no OBI
Men At Work Business As Usual 25·3P-379 1982 Japan release - no OBI
Mezzoforte Surprise Surprise 28MM0275, none 1982 Japan release - with OBI
Michael Jackson Off The Wall 25·3P-149 1979 Japan release - no OBI
Michael Jackson Thriller 25·3P-399 1982 Japan release - with OBI
Miles Davis Bitches Brew 28AP 2151~2 1981 Japan release - no OBI
Moving Pictures Days Of Innocence 25AP 2479 1982 Japan release - with OBI - promo
Neil Young Harvest P-10121R 1976 Japan release - with OBI
Neil Young = Neil Young After The Gold Rush = P-8002R 0 Japan release - no OBI
Peter Frampton I'm In You AMP-6001 1979 Japan release - with OBI
Peter Gabriel Plays Live 18S-168~9 1983 Japan release - with OBI
Phil Collins No Jacket Required P-13077 1985 Japan release - with OBI
Phoebe Snow Against The Grain 25AP 1002 1978 Japan release with OBI
Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother EMS-80320 1974 Japan release - no OBI
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon = ç‹‚æ°— EMS-80324 1974 Japan release - no OBI,no insert
Prince Controversy P-11126W 1981 Japan release - no OBI
Prince And The Revolution Parade P-13290 1986 Japan release - with OBI
Queen Queen II P-6551E 1981 Japan release - no OBI
Queen Queen P-8427E 1973 Japan release - with OBI
Queen A Day At The Races P-10300E 1976 Japan release - With OBI
Renaissance Scheherazade And Other Stories RVP-6008 1976 Japan release - no OBI
Renaissance A Song For All Seasons P-10525W 1978 Japan release - no OBI
Renaissance Prologue EOP-80736, EMS-50114 0 Japan release - no OBI
Renaissance Ashes Are Burning ECS-50126 1983 Japan release - with OBI

Prodám cd
Broadcast – The Noise Made By People 2000-120 Kč
Broadcast – Haha Sound 2003-150 Kč
Broadcast – Tender Buttons 2005-120 Kč
Broadcast And The Focus Group – Investigate Witch Cults Of The Radio Age 2009-100 Kč
Broadcast – Work And Non Work 1997-100 Kč
Broadcast – The Future Crayon 2006-100 Kč
Cena za komplet 620Kč.
Bližší foto v případě zájmu přes email předání Kolín nebo po dohodě přes zásilkovnu či poštu.

Red Wine -"Hijos del despertar" 42:24 2001 Arise Records ARISE 026 original 400,00 Kč
Red Wine -"El fin de los tiompos" 54:57 2002 Arise Records ARISE 031 original 350,00 Kč
Red Wine -"Sueňos y Locura" 47:02 2003 Arise Records ARISE 043 original 450,00 Kč
Red Wine -"Cenizas" 43:33 2004 Arise Records ARISE 060 original 450,00 Kč

Nabizim sbirku cdecek. Piste pouze na email. Telefon neuvadim z pracovnich duvodu.
Titanic Soumrak Titanu zive / Vinna muska 2020 Folie
Titanic 3 / Monitor 1993 nove
Titanic Rockove balady / Forte 1995
Titanic 3 / Racin music 2010
Titanic Abel / Racin music 2010
Titanic On / Vinna muska 2021 Folie
Titanic Abel 30th Anniversary / Vinna muska 2020
Heidi Janku Jen tak zit neumim / Ivox 2007 Folie
Heidi Janku Ja jsem porad ja / 2006 Folie
Heidi Janku Heidisky CD DVD / Folie
Heidi Janku Rarity / Folie 2x
Heidi Janku Cesta kolem tela / Supraphon 1990 2x
Heidi Janku Novinka / Supraphon 1989
Heidi Janku Zpoved / Aplaus 2000
Heidi Janku Heidi & Heidiband / 2020 Ivox Folie 2x
Extraband Zvony singl / Snake records 1996
Extraband Who we are / 2016 nove
Extraband The best of / 2001
Supercrooo - Dva nosaci tankujou super / 2CD 2007
Gabriela Guncikova Dvoji tvar / 2011
Skwar / Skwor May day / Popron music 2000
Skwor 5 / CD + DVD
Skwor Secteno podtvrzeno / 2014
Sum svistu Tancirna
Sum svistu Rytmy z raje
Sum svistu Murmur of Whizz / Supraphon 1991
Pujdem spolu do Betlema / Punc 1990
Pacifik 30let / 2001 2CD
Palo Drapak 3 / 2007 nove
Jiri Stivin Jazz na hrade / 2005 Multisonic zabalene
Folkove balady / nove
Kaiser Labus Tluchorovic rodinka 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26
Kaiser Labus Tluchorovic rodinka Intimni denicek / 1999
Kaiser Labus Tluchorovic rodinka Zkaza Titanicu / 1999
Kaiser Labus Tluchorovic rodinka Esmeralda / Tommu records 2000
Hutka Hladik Panbu na poli / 1993
Czech masters of bass guitar a drums / 1995
Rytmus Bengoro / 2006 Folie
Rytmus Kral / 2009 Folie
Muzikalove hity Jsi muj pan I. / 2002
Michal Tucny To byl Michal tucny / 4CD 2003
Michal Tucny Ja nic, ja muzikant / Universal music 2021 Folie
Retro stereo party 80. Leta / 2CD Universal 2016 Folie
Retro stereo party 70. Leta / 2CD Universal 2016 Folie
Retro stereo party / 2CD Universal 2015 Folie
Retro Ja budu chodit po spickach / nove 2014
Starci a klarinety / 1996
Sakali leta / Popron 1993
Darina Rolincova Co o mne vies / Supraphon 1988 2x
Postivej ceskej bigbit / Monitor 2000
Filgas Jarek Uzemi hrichu / Folie 1999 3x
Filgas Jarek Giogollo / Snake records 1996
Filgas Jarek / Argema Bud jen ma 1998 nove
Robo Grigorov & Midi - Live unpluged / folie 2007
Zlaty cesky slavik / 4CD Universal 2015 Folie
Pavel Novak Vcera dnes a zitra /2001 nove
Pavel Novak Sedmkrat jinak / 2001 nove
Pavel Bobek Ved me dal, cesto ma / 1998
Charvatova Jitka Feed my lion / 2010 Folie 2x
Coda Wild son / Sanwood 1994
Coda Fayr play / 2002 folie
Coda Vsechno je napul / In head music 2019
Coda Hard rock dinosaur / 2010 Folie
Coda Struck By Lighting / In head music 2022 Folie
60 Folkovych pisni nadeje a touhy / 1999
Damiens Svet zazraku nashledanou 2000 + 3x bonus
Kecup Dejmy / singl Popron 2000